Chapter 8

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"What was that?" I asked, rubbing my head and looked for Peter and Pietro. Pain was flowing through the mark on my spine and rib causing me to panic.

Pietro soon came into view as he helped me and Peter off the floor and checked us for injuries. "Friday what happened." Peter asked as we slowly walked to the open elevator and Pietro pushed the button for the floor below the one we were on.

"There was an explosion in Mr. Stark and Doctor Banner's lab." Friday said, filling me with panic. As soon as the elevator doors opened again I ran out with Pietro and Peter yelling after me.

I rushed into the room where the most damage was. The room was filled with smoke and broken glass. Tables were turned and the lights were flickering on and off.

On the floor laid two body's. The soul marks on my right rib cage and my spine were burning along with the feeling of pain and fury. I rushed over to the body that was closest to me and put my hand on his shoulder and gently turned him on his back.

" Are you okay?" I asked as I gently cupped the man's cheek causing tingles to flow down my spine. He had tanish skin which looked slightly green and lovely brown curly locks on top of his head.

I felt shocks run up my hand as the man's eyes snapped open. They were a beautiful brown color but what worried me the most was that the white part of his eyes started to turn green with red veins.

"Stay back." The man shouted as he lightly pushed me away from him. His voice was scary deep and he clinched his hands together in pain as he flipped over onto his stomach.

I was quickly pulled back by a different set of arms, my right rib cage burned strongly before sparks flew to my rib. " Why the hell would you bring her down here." The voice behind me screamed at Pietro and Peter.

"Once she heard you guys' names she was the first one out of the elevator." Peter said as he moved to the right side of me. "Like that makes it any better, Banner is going to hulk out and I can't get to my suits at the moment, we have to get her out of here." The man behind me screamed, I'm guessing he was Tony.

Tony pulled me further away from Bruce who tossed and turned on broken glass, clenching his fists in pain.

His skin began to grow a darker shade of green and his shirt started tearing as he began to grow in size.

"How do we help him?" I asked, trying to get out of Tony's arms and crawl my way back to Bruce.

By the time I got out of Tony's arms Bruce had become the hulk. His back was facing us and Tony and Peter quickly pulled me back to them, making me scratch my arms up against broken glass.

"The only thing that can stop this is a lullaby and Nat and Thor aren't here." Peter said as he grabbed onto my arm looking pale as he looked at the cuts that are now lightly bleeding.

"What's the lullaby?" I said looking at Peter. "There's no way I'm letting you get close to Banner. Rogers would kill me. It's your first day here and you're already hurt, he's already going to kill me for this let alone finding out you were here as well. Why the hell didn't you tell me you found her Parker." Tony said, pulling the three of us behind one of the flipped tables, as the hulk let out a roar and started banging on the floor.

Pietro came zooming in holding a first aid kit and stopped beside me. "How are we going to deal with this? I don't know if Hulk fills the mate bond or not." Pietro said as he pulled Peter closer to him. Pietro gave me a worried expression when he saw my arms.

Pietro gave me an idea causing me to unbuttoned my shirt.

"Baby you have a gorgeous chest but I don't think flashing him is going to calm him down. Just make him more excited." Tony joked with a smirk causing me to blush.

I quickly put my hand on the top of my spine to send calming feelings to Bruce.

It must have been working because the roaring sounds and the banging behind us began to quiet down as the Hulk began to shrink into Bruce.

The four of us looked over the lab table at Bruce. "Oh my god." I gasped out as I ducked back behind the table as a fully naked Bruce laid on the other side of the room.

"Pietro get Bruce's clothes over there in the closet.'' Tony said as he made his way over to Bruce.

''Oh god Tony I felt her, she calmed him down so quickly. What is she going to think of me when she sees me? I could have killed her." Bruce said as he clenched his head.

"Bruce buddy I think she saw a little more than she wanted to see right now, I mean your the first one she saw naked that's for sure." Bruce looked up at Tony in shock as he put on the clothes Pietro gave him.

"Bruce hunny are you dressed." I said not wanting to invade his privacy anymore then I already have. " Tony, you mean she's there you didn't get her out of here." Bruce said as he made his way around the table and knelt in front of me.

"Are you okay, did I hurt you, what were you three thinking.'' Bruce said as he searched me over for injuries and quickly found my arms.

"Bruce I'm fine it's just a couple scratches are you and Tony okay you're the ones who got blown up." I said, grabbing Bruce's face looking at the cut on his forehead and cheek then over my shoulder at Tony.

This was the first time I was able to see him clearly. He had short brown hair that was messy from the explosion. He had a nice build and a handsome face with dark nicely shaved facial hair. He looked dirty but not hurt.

"I never meant for you to meet the Hulk like that. I'm so sorry." Bruce said, looking at me with teary eyes. "Bruce hunny he's a part of you there's no need to be sorry I'm just glad you're ok." I said while stroking his check trying to calm him down.

"That's another thing, what the hell kid when the hell did you meet her and why the hell didn't you tell us." Tony said while Pietro brought the first aid kit over to me and Bruce.

"Molly was teaching my third period AP physics class and we wanted it to be a surprise." Peter said as he and Tony got into a heated discussion about whether or not he should have told the rest of the group.

"AP physics?" Bruce asked as I cleaned his cheek and forehead causing me to chuckle and look into his eyes. "Bio and Chem too, I had a lonely childhood." I said, making Bruce nod while looking at my face with a small smile.

"You're beautiful." Bruce said while blushing. "And you're handsome." I said, causing Bruce to blush, before Bruce could say anything my attention was brought back to my two soulmates still bickering.

"Boys, I'm here now can we focus on how this explosion happened?" I said bringing their attention back to me as I kneeled in front of Bruce who kept blushing as I touched his cheek and neck.

''We were trying to create this healing formula that could help after missions and possibly cause less pain to flow through the soul marks. We knew that whoever our mate was they would have to take the pain of at least 13 mates. We just want to protect you from the consequences of our job." Tony said as he moved to me and Bruce's side.

"We never expected the chemical compounds to react the way they did and we would never have tried if we knew anyone could have gotten hurt." Bruce said as he wrung his hands together nervously.

"I'm just glad you both are okay. The blast knocked me and the boys off our chairs, it's sweet that you were looking out for me but I don't want you doing it if it will cause you pain and frustration." I said making Tony threw his head in Peter and Pietro's direction and gave them a glare.

"Enough with that me and Peter wanted it to be a surprise. You can't blame them." I said, making Bruce chuckle while Tony pouted and pulled me into a hug, and kissed my cheek.

"Finally someone who can knock some sense into this man." Bruce said while he pulled me into a hug right after Tony. I smiled at all of the boys and suddenly felt all the testosterone in the room. I needed my girl soulmates.

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