Chapter 59

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Panic quickly flew through me as I slowly grabbed the gun attached to my hip. Nat may have said this compound was safe, but so was the tower.

The door from outside was quickly thrown open causing me to let go of Nats hand and aim the gun at the intruders that entered the room.

A sob left my lips as I spotted a panicked Steve looking at my shaking form. Steve, Tony and Bruce followed closely behind him clearly shocked at my blood soaked shirt and bloody hands.

"Molly." Steve asked softly as he held up his hands looking at the gun I was holding. I quickly flipped on the saftly and threw it on the couch causing Steve to race over and pull me into his arms.

"I got you baby girl I got you." Steve said as he held me tighter to him.

"Nats hurt, I stitched her up but she wont wake up." I said as I held on tighter to Steve.

Bruce made his way around the couch before kneeling next to her and began to look at the wound and check her over.

"Baby girl why didn't you call us?" Tony asked as he made his way over to me causing me to look at him from Steve's arms.

"I don't have my phone, and I couldn't remember any of your numbers." I said softly as Steve held me closer.

Tony nodded as he place a kiss on my forehead before kneeling next to Bruce.

"The emotions through the bond have been going crazy, we should have felt your emotions love I'm so sorry you had to do this alone." Steve said as he stroked my hair causing me to sigh.

"You did a great job at stitching her up love. Nats going to be in pain and very dehydrated but shes going to be alright." Brice said as he stood up and pulled me into a tight hug causing me to relax.

"Were is everyone else are they ok?" I asked as Bruce pulled away and placed a blanket over Nat. 

"Bucky, Sam, Wanda, Loki, and Thor are on there way in another jet. They stayed behind to get the rest of the stuff out of the rooms and wait for Peter to get back to the tower. Stephen had something important pop up and has no idea what happened. I can't get a hold of Clint or Pietro though so we will have to talk to them tonight." Tony said causing me to nod. 

"Is anyone else hurt?" I asked as I looked down at Nat I couldn't get the feeling of her going limp in my arms out of my head. Her blood was still on my hands causing me to rub them harshly. 

"I will watch her love, go get clean we brought you some clothes." Bruce said softly as if reading my thought. With a soft nod Steve led me out of the room as he picked up a bag in the kitchen. 

"Love." Steve asked as I stayed quiet. "I need it off Steve please." I begged causing tears to roll down my cheeks. 

"Nat's going to be ok baby." Steve said softly causing me to cry harder. " But I didn't know that, I didn't know if you guys were coming back soon I didn't know anything." I said as Steve walked me into what i'm guessing is his room. It looked exactly the same as it did at the tower. 

"Baby look at me." Steve said softly causing me to look up at him as tears made there way down my cheeks. "Nat is going to be okay, you helped her and took care of her. I am so proud of you baby." Steve said softly as he pulled me closer to him. All I could do was nod as Steve led me into the bathroom. 

Lifting me up onto the counter Steve began to gently lifted my bloody shirt off. Steve gently pulled off my pants before throwing them on the floor. 

"Did you hit your ribs love?" Steve asked as a frown made its way to his handsome face. I looked down at my ribs only to see them black and blue. "I don't remember anything during the blast. I think I hit my head on something, my vision was horrible when I woke up." I said softly causing Steve's jaw to clinch. 

"I will get you some ice after we clean you up." Steve said softly.

"Can you take off the rest Love, this is a horrible time for me to start get turned on." Steve said as a blush made it's way to his cheeks, causing a laugh to slip past my lips.

With a nod I began to take off  my underwear causing Steve to quickly turn away and start the shower. The room began to fill with steam and I started to feel a little better.

"Are you hurt." I asked Steve as he began to strip out of his burnt and torn clothes.

With a shake of his head he made way in between my thighs.

"No baby, I'm not hurt. Sam got most of the blast unfortunately and re busted his lip, and broke a couple of ribs but hes joking around about how he saved me. He was also very worried about you." Steve said softly was he ran his fingers along my cheek and down my neck.

"Just another mess we have to clean up." I sighed out before resting my forehead on Steve's chest.

"I wish things would just slow down." I said softly causing Steve to sigh.

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