Chapter 13

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Wanda decided that we should cook something simple for dinner. And what's more simple than spaghetti. We made our way to the kitchen after greeting the boys who were watching some action movie.

Me and Wanda began to get out all the ingredients and split up the work. Wanda would make the sauce and the noodles while I made the meatballs, a salad and some fresh cheesy garlic bread.

Soon Peter and Pietro came into the kitchen and took a seat at the island. "Do you always look amazing or are you just having a good day?" Pietro flirted with a smirk as he tried to steal a meatball from the pan on the stove causing Wanda to quickly smack his hand with a spoon. "She always looks beautiful." Peter said as he rested his head in his hand staring at me with a smile on his face.

"You boys are way too kind." I said blushing at their comments. "But they're right hunny, you're lucky we left my room." Wanda said, sending me a wink as she added seasoning to the tomato sauce.

" When is dinner going to be ready ladies?" Tony asked as he made his way over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Soon love, the cheese on the bread just needs to melt and the meatballs need to be cook just a little longer." I said leaning back into Tony as he lightly kissed my neck causing me to shiver.

Just as Wanda was about to say something, an orange sparky circle-like portal started to open up between the kitchen and the living room, causing me to jump back into Tony.

"It's ok love, it's only Stephen." Tony said kissing my neck and just like he said a tall man wearing a long red cloak with black hair with a white strip came stepping out of the portal, making my right rib cage burn.

"Everything alright Stephen." Wanda asked as she handed me bowls to put the food in.

"Yes Wanda everything's fine, have you seen Tony he made a big deal about me coming to the tower right away." Stephen asked, rubbing his ribs while he walked towards the kitchen not even looking up.

Just as he reached the kitchen the red cloak on his shoulders flew off heading straight towards me and wrapped me in its soft fabric and pulled me around the island before flinging me at Stephen, who just looked up in time to catch me.

Stephen looked down at me with a shocked expression causing me to blush. " Hi," I said softly. Without a second's hesitation his lips were on mine in an electric filled kiss. Stephen grabbed the back of my neck pulling me closer to him and deepened the kiss.

Stephen softly pulled away and rested his forehead on mine. " Hello my dear." He said with a light chuckle. "Hi." I said, still trying to catch my breath. "Hold up, I make one comment and Clint's up my ass about them not even hugging her yet but Stephen gets to be the first one to kiss her. How is that fair." Tony pouted causing everyone to laugh.

I shyly looked over at Peter and Pietro who were both smirking.

"Actually Peter was the first to kiss her." Pietro said just as Bruce walked into the room. "Who kissed who?" Bruce asked, looking at everyone with a confused face while Stephen walked us over to stand beside Tony who straightened up to give me a kiss on the forehead.

"Peter and Stephen kissed our sweetheart." Wanda said, pulling me away from the boys to help her finish dinner.

Bruce nodded while taking a seat at the table. "Just don't kiss her in front of Loki, Thor or Steve before they get to, they might just explode." Bruce said, sending me a sweet smile.

"Sorry about the unexpected kiss love you just intoxicated me." Stephen laughed while walking over to Peter who sat at the island. Stephen and Tony gave him a glare, but Peter just smirked in response causing me to giggle.

"I'm not going to apologize for kissing our girl, well if we're being technical she kissed me." Peter said, smirking at me and sending me a wink.

"I only kissed you because your attempt got interrupted and you looked like a kicked little puppy." I said, causing Wanda to laugh.

"Trust me sweetheart there's nothing little about him." Pietro winked while throwing a meatball into his mouth, causing Wanda to smack him again and me and Peter to blush.

"I don't think there's going to be anything small when it comes to you guys." I said looking down shyly causing Wanda to spit out the water she was currently drinking.

"Sorry." I said, rubbing Wanda's back as she tried to catch her breath. "You're a little minx, you know that." Tony says tilting my chin causing me to look into his eyes. He was about to lean in and kiss me but Peter interrupted him causing Tony to groan.

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