Chapter 23

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"Who is it?" Steve asked, lifting me off him with an angry growl and going to open the door. Steve swung the door open causing me to quickly button up my shorts with a huge blush on my face. When the door opened a very pale Wanda was on the other side. I quickly got off the bed as Steve stepped back in shock. "Wanda hunny is everything ok." I asked, putting my hand on her arm causing her to quickly pull me to her. " Loki and Thor found out you're here, they're going to be here soon." Wanda said, causing Steve to retreat back into his room and grab a shirt and shoes before joining us in the hall.

"I don't get it isn't that a good thing." I asked, getting worried at their frantic expressions. "Yes and no darling. Yes because they're going to be happy to see you but no because they have waited a thousand years to see you, and we didn't tell them that you were here." Steve said, wrapping his arm around me and leading me and Wanda into the elevator. "They're not happy with us." Wanda said, giving me a look. I couldn't read it but I thought I saw excitement in her eyes.

When we reached the kitchen everyone was moving around it and talking to each other frantically. Sam and Bucky greeted us first while Wanda went to go talk to Tony and Bruce. "So you ok love." Sam asked, looking at Steve. "Great up until we got interrupted." Steve said, as he tightened his grip on my waist. 

" I'm sure we can make out sometime soon love. Very soon." I said winking at Steve before escaping his grasp and running to Bruce as Sam and Bucky start hounding Steve with a whole bunch of questions.

I walked up to Tony, Wanda , and Bruce who looked as pale as ever. "Bruce hunny everything is going to be fine, I promise." I said, rubbing his back while pulling Wanda to my side. Wanda and Bruce will have the most backlash from this since they're their mates. "I just don't get how they found out." Stephen said, looking stressed. "I don't need Thor getting pissed off and short circuiting the tower again." Tony said, making Bruce even more pale.

"You're worried about Thor, I'm worried about Loki." Nat said, as she gathered us all to sit down at the table. I looked at the table to see everyone's food untouched, causing me to become incredibly guilty. "You guys didn't eat." I asked as Steve pulled me down to sit next to him. "We were waiting for you guys." Bucky said as he grabbed mine and Steve's food from the fridge. "Thank you guys you didn't have to." I said smiling at everyone.

Everyone nodded and smiled at me before digging into their food. Groans sounded around the table as everyone ate their food. " That's it, you're becoming our chef." Sam said, making everyone laugh. "It's very good love." Bruce said, sending me a smile before looking at the empty space to his left. "It's ok." I said softly, as I looked at Bruce and Wanda who sat beside me, making them smile.

Everyone calmed down a little more as we ate. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves and their food, until a clash of thunder and lightning sounded outside the tower and the once clear sky became dark and stormy putting everyone on edge. Wanda grabbed my hand that was resting on the table while Steve squeezed my thigh causing me to shiver. He had been rubbing his mark all throughout dinner. I think it calmed him down knowing he had me so close to him and that he was able to touch his mark whenever he wanted under the table.

Everyone around me became a nervous wreck and Wanda and Bruce began to fidget. "Maybe we should hide her while we still can." Tony said, trying to break the tension. But it only caused the thunder and lightning outside to worsen. A second later the biggest cluster of lighting I have ever seen hit the tares making me jump and Wanda to squeeze my hand tighter. When I looked back where the lightning had hit there stood two extremely tall men. One had long blond hair and he was dressed in silver armor and a red cape and he carried a hammer. That had to be Thor. The other man had long black hair and he was dressed in green and gold that had to be loki.

My left shoulder blade and my spine burned as I looked at them causing a shiver to travel all over my body. Once the lightning disappeared from around them, they began to walk angrily to the door, making my mates get up from their chairs and creating a barricade in front of me, Bruce, and Wanda. Bruce and Wanda looked excited and sick at the same time.

As soon as Thor and Loki made it into the living room Thor's booming voice filled the room. "WHERE IS SHE." Thor yelled as he walked towards us. I pecked from behind Steve and quickly made eye contact with Thor causing him to instantly relax. My mates slowly back off and relax a little. "You're breathtaking." Thor said, stepping forward, making me smile and leap into his arms. Thor quickly dropped his hammer onto the couch before wrapping his big arms around me and lifting me off the ground while bearing his head into my neck causing me to giggle as he tickled me with the scruff on his chin.

"We finally met my dear." Thor said as he gently put me down and kissed my forehead before turning me in Loki's direction. "Isn't she beautiful brother." Thor said, causing Loki to look me up and down with an unreadable expression. I shifted on my feet nervously causing Loki to smirk and look me in the eyes causing me to shiver. "She's ravishing." Loki said as he bit his lip and looked me up and down again. "Do I get a hug too?" Loki asked teasingly. I quickly walked over to Loki and wrapped my arms around his waist and shoved my face into his neck. Loki quickly relaxed into me as he pulled me closer.

Loki quickly turned to the others around us as he pulled me closer to him. "Whose bright idea was it to not tell us." Thor said with a growl, causing an excited shiver to travel through my body. Loki's and Thor's eyes softened when Wanda and Bruce raised their hands. I quickly pulled myself out of Loki's arms causing him to growl as I made my way over to Wanda and Bruce. " We decided. Wanda said that you guys were busy in Asgard and they are your people too. You guys waited forever for me, we thought two more days wouldn't hurt." I said as I smiled weakly at Loki and Thor making Wanda and Bruce nod.

Thor and Loki looked at each other before pulling Wanda and Bruce into a hug causing them to relax. Loki and Thor softly whispered something in their ears causing Wanda and Bruce to blush. 

" You boy's hungry? I made you guys subs for tomorrow since you weren't supposed to be here tonight, but since you are, do you want to join us." I said sending them a smile making them both nod and sigh. Thor walked over to me and gave me a bear hug causing me to let out a squeal before going to sit next to an eager Bruce who began to tell him all about last night and this morning. Wanda quickly walked to the fridge after giving me a small peck on the cheek and a grateful smile. Loki strutted up to me and grabbed my chin in his cold hand causing me to look into his beautiful green eyes.

"Don't think I don't know about you kissing the other's my dove. You will get your punishment soon." Loki whispered in my ear as he placed a chilling kiss on my neck causing a soft whin to leave my lips. With a smirk of satisfaction Loki pulled me into his side and walked us over to the table that was now relaxed. Loki walked me over to my seat and pulled out my chair before pushing it in for me. Loki quickly did the same for Wanda but not before giving her a sweet kiss.

I smiled as everyone seemed to relax, and I couldn't help but think that they overreacted a little bit. I heard two groans from the table and looked up to see Loki and Thor with their eyes closed and their subs in their hands. "You made these." Thor asked with a mouth full of food looking ready to burst with joy. "They're really good." Loki said, finishing Thor's sentence. I smiled at them and finally dug into my sub. 

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