Chapter 10

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"Bruce what happened to your face man?" Clint asked as he was pushed out of the view of the camera making me jump back into Tony and Bruce.

Three very attractive men came into view, one was blond and already gave off the most dominating feeling. Then there was a dark skinned man with striking good looks who was pushing a man with long brown hair and the most beautiful blue eyes. That had to be Steve, Sam and Bucky.

"Damn she's hot." Sam said while leaning into Bucky who smacked him on the back of the head before shoving him off of him. "Don't pay any attention to him doll. That's Sam and I'm James, but you can call me Bucky or whatever you like darling." Bucky said, causing me to blush and smile at him. I turned to Steve and made eye contact with him causing him to look me up and down with an unreadable expression.

"Why the hell is she hurt Stark." Steve said with the most murderous voice I have ever heard making me shiver. "Well Rogers... it's a funny story you're all going to laugh...Bruce a little help here." Tony said kind of freaking out, all eyes were on us as Peter and Pietro tried to hide behind each other. "Tony just tell them." Pietro said shakily as Peter grabbed his hand nervously. We were all clearly nervous.

"There was an explosion in the lab. Molly, Peter, and Pietro were in the kitchen and had gotten knocked to the floor. They had come into the lab to make sure we were okay and I'm telling you this, I yelled at them especially when Bruce hulked out and she had ended up getting hurt. I didn't know she was even in the building let alone that Peter had found her. It all happened so fast, I swear if I had known none of it would have happened." Tony rambled out only stopping when everyone on the screen turned red with anger.

I looked at their faces and I could already tell we were in so much trouble. Nat looked furious while Steve was running his hands roughly through his hair before glaring at Tony. Bucky and Sam were glaring at Peter and Pietro, and Clint was rubbing his temple looking ready to explode. They weren't saying anything and it was scaring me.

"Please say something." I pleaded, causing their heads to snap to me causing me to step back due to their stern stares. I could already tell my mate's on the screen were all so much more dominant then the boys standing around me, well except for Tony.

"Tony and Bruce didn't mean for the explosion to happen, and once Friday said their name, Peter and Pietro wouldn't have been able to stop me from going to them. I would have done the same for any of you. As for Bruce hulking out, it was an accident and I was able to help calm him." I said, trying to plead our case. "Please don't be mad." I said, trying to sound as soft as I can.

All their eyes on me immediately made me go into submissive mode and I couldn't take the thought of all of them being mad at me at the same time. "Steve." Bucky said giving Steve the power to control what was going to happen. "When we get home we will figure out what to do with you five, as for now i'm just glad you guys are all okay." Steve said, looking at all of us still slightly angry.

"Wait Bruce you said Peter met our girl at school." Nat said while pushing the boys behind her. "Yes I'm substituting for the AP Physics, Bio and Chem class at Peter's school. Peter was in my class." I said and making Nat nodded and give me a proud smile. "So you're a teacher, I would have loved to have been in your class all day. Even more so with you dressed like that." Sam flirted, taking a seat next to Steve on the bed who only gave him a stern look in return.

"I was lucky a spot opened up at the school. I just moved to New York about a week and a half ago. I got really lucky. I didn't really have a plan when I decided to move here, though my boss said the teacher I'm substituting for doesn't know if she's coming back so I might get lucky and get a permanent teaching job." I said, causing them all to nod and look proud.

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