Chapter 3

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My first couple classes had gone extremely well and the students were welcoming and into the lessons, I think they liked not having someone who's emotions weren't all over the place.

Some were trying to be a little too welcoming but I had quickly stopped their comments.

I was getting ready for my third period AP Physics class. I had been trying to keep my cool throughout the day but the tingling in my collarbone would not go away, not that I wanted it to.

I wanted to meet my mate, I had waited so long for a mate, and knowing my mate was so close yet so far away was physically hurting me.

When I thought about my tingling soul mark, the worst scenarios popped up in my brain and I couldn't get rid of them.

What if he or she was dating someone that wasn't their mate? Or maybe they were trying to stay as far away from me as possible, but I knew that couldn't be it since they would have left the building by now. What if they didn't find there mate and I would be there first one, what if they get mad about me having so many mates?

I couldn't stop my heart from believing it could happen. I guess my mates could feel my negative feelings because I soon felt comfort run though my soul marks including the one on my collarbone.

That's why I loved my mate's so much, they were so supportive and loving even though they didn't know me yet, and I always made sure I gave them the same energy back, they really needed the comfort. All my mates seemed to get hurt a lot, I don't know if they were just clumsy or if I needed to worry about them being in some sort of gang.

I was so busy enjoying the comfort from my mates and trying to get rid of the horrible thoughts that I almost didn't notice the burning coming from the mark on my collarbone.

The comfort almost over powered the burning, but I felt it, it was there my mate was in my classroom.

The bell had snapped me out of my happiness and I finally looked at the group of students sitting and talking among themselves. That's when I noticed the handsome brunette looking back at me.

He was a senior and he looked about 18 maybe 19, he looked star struck. It was like he couldn't take his eyes off of me. I slowly turned around to make sure there wasn't anyone behind me he could have been looking at but there wasn't.

A deep blush made its way across my cheeks causing him to smile softly. As I smiled at him I felt a wave of affection move through our mark.

He sadly broke eye contact when his friend shoved his shoulder grabbing his attention. After a moment of staring like a creep, I finally addressed the class.

"Hello everyone, welcome to AP Physics my name is Miss. May and I will be your substitute for the rest of the year. How about we start off by introducing yourselves and then we can get into the lesson." I said as I tried not to stare at my mate for to long.

Everyone nodded as I walked in front of my desk holding a clipboard that would help me with attendance.

"Okay let's start off with the first row." The students one by one said their names and I wrote them down till it got to my mate.

I blushed when I realized he was already looking at me with a small smile on his face. "My names Peter Parker." Peter said and I inwardly fainted. His voice deceived his looks, his voice was semi deep and very smooth and it made me shiver.

I think Peter noticed the effect his voice had on me because he sat a little prouder in his seat displaying a massive smile on his face.

"It's nice to meet you Mr. Parker." I said with a shaky voice still very affected by his shocking voice. I sent one final smile his way before turning to the rest of the students who said there names.

"Flash Thompson Miss. May, and can I please say how amazing you look today, really if you were any younger I would tap that mate or not." This flash kid said causing Peter to slam his book down on his desk and turn threatening to Flash who sat right next to him. "You watch your mouth Flash." Peter said angrily causing me to shiver. I shouldn't get turned on by his sudden protectiveness but I was.

I slowly turned back to this flash kid and looked down at the attendance sheet on my clipboard. His name was Eugene Thompson.

"Even if I were younger and not your superior I wouldn't even let you touch my purse let alone me. So please Eugene before you make a sick comment about someone who has control over your grade in this class. I would watch what comes out of your mouth." I said with authority, causing Peter to look at me with pride and the room to burst into laughter causing Flash to shrink in his chair with a sour look on his face.

I sent Peter a small wink before continuing with my lesson for the day hoping time would fly by so I can properly meet my mate.

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