Chapter 54

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An hour later, and Loki was fast asleep with his head now fully rested on my chest. My back was against Thors side and his arm was holding me closer to him.

"Loki has always been one to never sleep, you and Wanda have made that change and I am very greatful. Loki gets very stabby when tired." Thor said with a laugh causing me to giggle.

A disney movie played in the background as Thor placed his large hand on my stomach above Lokis arm.

"I am sorry for the words that were spoken to you today my mate." Thor said softly as his fingers began to rub soothing circles causing me to relax further into his arms.

"Its ok Thor, nothing they said wasn't true." I said as I turned my head to look at him. Anger quickly came to Thors eyes and his grip tightened slightly.

"Everything they said and how they said it was wrong, you are there mate. You don't deserve there harshness, and they will need to be forgiven." Thor said leaving no room for arguing.

With a soft nod, I placed my lips against his in a sweet kiss.

"Bruce is nervous to go further with you my sweet mate." Thor said changing the subject as he placed a kiss on my forehead and relaxed into the bed.

"He shouldn't." I said with a sigh.

"He should be nervous, my love. Bruce had actually began to Hulk during our first time." Thor said causing me to quickly look at him in shock.

"Really? How did it happen?" I asked in a whisper, I always believed Bruce worried to much, but if he hulked out with Thor, would he do the same with me? It would never stop me for having sex with him but it definitely makes me feel guilty for the way I acted the first night.

"It was his first time and he never had to deal with that type of adrenaline rush and lost control. Bruce had actually ran from me for awhile, he tried to break our bond." Thor said with a frown on his face, horrible memories running threw his brain.

"That's awful." I said as I placed my hand over Thors. I couldn't imagine any one of my mates trying to break our bond. "It took him a couple of years to get back to me. But I never loved him any less. None of us meet our first mates in a good moment. Except for Steve. But even there story is tragic." Thor said causing me to wonder how much I didn't know about my mates.

"Everyones ok now though, we have you." Thor said with a smile causing a giggle to leave my lips.

" I hope I'm making things better and not harder for you guys." I said with a sigh. Ever since I met my mates it has been one thing after another. I knew having alot of mates was going to be hard, I just didn't know it would be this hard.

Thor slowly rubbed his fingers along my jaw as he tilted my chin upward.

"You mean everything to us my Queen, and I know I can speak for every mate of yours that they agree with me." Thor said softly as if reading my previous thoughts.

I opened my mouth to say something but before I could get the words out an ear parsing alarm began to blare throughout the tower, causing Loki to quickly wake up.

"What's going on." I tried to scream out over the noise but Thor and Loki magically changed into their battle armor and began to quickly leave the bed.

"We do not know, hurry to the closet and put on some shoes my love. Loki will be here to watch over you." Thor said as he quickly pulled me into a kiss before grabbing his hammer and leaving the room.

"Now baby girl." Loki said his voice going hard causing me to quickly nod my head and make my way into the closet.

I found the first pair of shoes I could and quickly slipped them on.

"Friday what's going on?" I asked hoping Tony's AI would hear me over the loud noise but I got nothing in return.

Either Friday couldn't hear me or something was seriously wrong. I quickly made my way back into Thors bedroom only to find an angry Loki and and equally furious Bucky.

Bucky was the first to break their silent battle and turn his gaze on me.

I didn't expect to see Bucky so soon and to be honest I had no idea what to do. The alarm was still going causing my head to start pounding.

"What's going on?" I asked in a whisper, and was surprised when Bucky actually heard me and took a step closer.

"Someone has breached Tony's security. The Tower is under lockdown." Bucky said softly as he tried to make his way closer to me.

"Back the fuck up Barnes, you think I'm going to let you anywhere near her." Loki said with a scuff as he made his way closer to my side, causing Bucky to tense.

"We need to get Molly to a secure place, Loki. I promise to make it up to mygirl once this is all finished." Bucky said as he made his way to my side.

Just as Bucky placed a hand on my side, the window to Thors bedroom shattered causing Bucky and Loki to quickly cover me.

"What the hell is that." Loki shouted as he took a step towards the metal object on the floor.




The last thing I saw before things turned black, was the words STARK written on the side of the bomb.

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