Chapter 48

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"What the fuck James." Someone yelled from behind us causing Bucky to quickly pull away from me. I slowly got off of Bucky's lap and sat next to him and looked to where the voice came from. It was Steve and he did not look happy. Steve turned to me with a glare but his face quickly softened when he realized it was me.

"Molly baby I'm sorry love I didn't know you would be here." Steve quickly said as he walked over to me and Bucky. "Sorry Molly? I was the one that got yelled at like I was cheating." Bucky glared from beside me causing Steve to blush. "Sorry Buck." Steve said as he gave Bucky a sweet kiss. "I just felt the pleasure and saw someone on top of you and it didn't even come to mind that our girl could be here." Steve said as he pulled me into a hug.

"Speaking of that, how did you get here?" Steve asked as he looked around expecting someone to be here with me. "I took Peter to school, Peter told me where you guys would be running so I thought I would stop by and say hi." I explained again causing Steve to nod. "Do the others know your here, I'm surprised Loki and Wanda let you out of there room early." Steve said causing me to blush. Steve looked at me suspiciously causing me to shrink back.

"Molly." Steve said with a growl causing Bucky to sit up straight. "Please tell me they know you're out of the tower." Bucky said as he stood up and walked over to Steve's side. He was glaring at me now too. "Pietro knows." I said, causing Steve to growl. "Loki and Wanda?" Bucky asked, causing me to avoid eye contact. "Molly." Bucky barked, causing me to shiver. "I snuck out to make breakfast for everyone, no one but Pietro and Peter knew I left the tower. But I told Friday to let Wanda and Loki know when they got up." I said, causing Steve to rub his forehead. "Was I not supposed to leave." I asked, suddenly feeling bad for making them mad. "Your aloud to leave love but you need to tell people where you are going, and Pietro should have came with you." Steve said, causing me to pout.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to be there for you guys like you are for me." I said giving them my best puppy dog eyes. It must have worked because they relaxed. "It's alright love we are here with you know, just know that Loki will not be happy waking up and you not being there." Steve said as he and Bucky pulled me into a hug. "I think he will be very forgiving, I mean after last night he better." I smirked as a blush came to my cheeks when I thought about what we did last night. "What's that supposed to mean?" Steve growled, causing me to quickly look for a change of subject and thankfully Sam came running into view.

"Oh look there's Sammy. SAMMY." I yelled as I quickly tired to get away from Steve. I must have scared Sam because he ended up looking around while running and he ended up tripping. Bucky burst out laughing as I quickly made my way over to a panting Sam who was know laying on his back. "Are you alright Sammy." I asked as I kneeled beside him. Sam looked me in the eyes as a smirk made its way to his face. "I must have died because I'm defiantly in the presence of an angel." Sam flirted as Steve and Bucky looked over me to look at him. "Never mine they're to ugly to be angels." Sam groaned causing me to laugh.

"Are you ok love." I asked as I helped him sit up. "I'm ok love, how did you get here?" Sam asked, causing me to sigh. But Steve quickly answered for me. "She dropped off Peter at school, our girl was in the area so she came to say hi like the sweet girl she is. But she didn't tell anyone but Pietro that she was leaving the tower." Steve said clearly still mad I didn't tell anyone. "Well that's not a good girl then." Sam said as he helped me up. "So you all are clearly sweaty, did you boys have a good run?" I asked changing the subject. "It was good but since you are here we can leave early." Bucky smiled at me, causing Steve to roll his eyes.

"I guess we can come home early." Steve smiled, causing Sam to sigh in relief. Steve led us to the cars as the boys began to tell me stories about how many times Sam trips during their runs. When we reached the cars Steve turned to me worried. "Steve baby I drove here all by myself plus I don't think Tony would appreciate your sweat all over his seats." I joked, causing Steve to laugh. "I guess you're right, love just please be safe." Steve said as he gave me a kiss on the lips.

We all got into the cars and I rolled my window down as Bucky rolled his down, while Steve was getting everything situated. "How do you know that Loki won't be mad?" Bucky asked as Sam quickly rolled down his window to talk to us. "Oh you know I learned a way to calm him." I said with a smirk causing Bucky and Sam to look at each other. "And what's that?" Sam asked, causing me to blush. "Blowjob." I said biting my lip causing Sam to spit out his water all over Buckys seat.

Steve's head quickly shot up with a horrified look on his face and I took their shock as the perfect opportunity to speed out of the parking lot.

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