Chapter 29

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I let out a happy laugh when I saw Thor and Bruce walking out of their room. They both were covered in hickeys and Bruce was walking a little stiff today. I smiled thinking how cute they both were. "Well, it looks like someone had a good night." I said with a giggle making Bruce jump and Thor to smile brightly at me. " My love you're here, we were coming down to see you before you headed to educate the young minds of Midgard." Thor said as he came over to give me a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Good morning Darling." Bruce said coming over and gave me a kiss making Thor pout. "You marked him up great Thor." I said as I ran my hand up and down Bruce's neck causing him to shiver. "It was a part of his punishment like it will be a part of yours." Thor said, as he wrapped his arms around me from behind. Thor teasingly pulled my hair away from my neck and was about to place a kiss on it but quickly stopped making me and Bruce look at him.

"Looks like Stephen and Tony had fun." Bruce said with a murderous face causing Thor to growl. "We showered together and slept in the same bed, that's all." I said making Thor and Bruce relax. Thor soon pressed his lips to my neck giving it a sloppy kiss. That sloppy kiss quickly turned into a bite causing me to shiver and moan. Thor softly put my hair back and grabbed my hand before bowing in front of me.

" Would you give us the greatest pleasure in escorting you to breakfast malady?" Thor said with a goofy smile making me giggle. "Of course my kings." I said as I curtsied, making Thor and Bruce grin before they began to lead me down the hallway. " You look beautiful today, love." Bruce said as he grabbed my hand and gave it a kiss as we entered the elevator. " Thank you Stephen picked it out." I said looking down with a blush.

" I can't wait till we can pick out your clothes." Thor said with a happy sigh as the elevator came to a stop and the doors opened. We walked down the short hallway only to hear arguing coming from the kitchen making Bruce sigh and shake his head. We walked into the kitchen to see Loki pointing a knife at Tony and Stephen while Wanda tried to calm him down. Bucky, Sam, and Steve stood behind Peter who looked sick and Pietro who was glaring at Tony.

"What's going on?" I asked walking further into the kitchen. "They touched you. I walk in here to wish you a good morning only to hear him bragging about everything they did to you." Loki said, still holding the knife at Tony and Stephen who were not fazed in the slightest. "And you get to touch me tonight." I said finally making it to his and Wanda's side. Loki looked down at me before looking down at my neck and giving Tony and Stephen another glare. " We didn't have sex." I said looking at Loki, causing him to relax. "That's what I told him but he didn't believe me. I only saw her naked and god is she hot as fuck." Tony said not caring that he's making everyone else jealous and angry.

" Tony love, you're not helping." I said, giving him a soft glare which only made him smirk. I softly turned to Loki who was still holding the knife. " Loki." I said softly, making him look down at me. " Please put the knife down." I said softly, grabbing his wrist that was holding the knife causing everyone to go ridged. Loki slowly looked around at everyone's protective stances before looking down at me and looking into my eyes.

Loki suddenly dropped the knife onto the counter like it had burned him and pulled me into a tight hug as he buried his face into my neck. " I'm not a monster I swear." Loki said as his voice cracked, making my eyes water. "The word monster never even came to mind love. You're nothing close to a monster." I said, making Loki look at me with a smile before turning to Wanda and apologizing. I sighed and went to go sit next to Peter and Pietro who both kissed my cheek good morning.

Pietro soon looked at my neck and pouted. "I want to give you a hickey." Pietro said, pouting, making me and Peter laugh. "Soon love, maybe I can give you and Peter one." I said, giving him a kiss on the cheek, making both Peter and Pietro blush . I soon felt a metal and a regular arm wrap around me and lift me out of my chair making me squeal. Bucky quickly sat me down on his lap causing both of us to sigh.

"Good morning James." I said turning around and giving Bucky a kiss on the corner of his lips making him frown. "That's for the cold water this morning." I said before turning to Steve and Sam who were cooking something in front of us. While Wanda, Loki, Thor, Bruce, Tony, and Stephen went to sit at the kitchen table. "To be fair, love the water was my idea, It was meant to cool Tony down like a cold shower." Sam said, smirking at Tony. "So you don't get a kiss then." I said, smirking at Sam as his face fell. " No it was totally Bucky's fault." Sam said quickly, trying to blame it all on Bucky.

Steve shook his head at their immature behavior before sending me a heart warming smile. "How do you like your eggs love?" Steve said as he grabbed some eggs from the fridge. "However you're willing to cook them hunny I'm not picky." I said, causing Steve to nod with a small smile before he began cooking lots of different styles of eggs. " Do you need help with anything?" I asked as I looked over at Peter who was doing some homework. He looked up at me with a smile before stealing a kiss shaking his head. " No thanks love, I just have one more math problem and it will only take me a minute." Peter said, making me nod and lean back into Bucky before realizing something and I turned to face him. " You're not hiding your arm today." I said, smiling at him, making him chuckle. "I could hide it if you want me to." Bucky said in a teasing tone, making me glare at him. "Don't you dare, I just don't know why you tried to hide it in the first place. It makes you look so sexy." I said, biting my lip and looking at him through my lashes making him groan. "Alright you two cool down." Sam said, throwing a towel at Bucky, making him lift me up and put me down on the chair again before going and waking Sam with the towel.

Steve sat a plate of food in front of everyone earning lots of thank yous before coming to sit next to me at the table. "Thank you love." I said giving him a kiss, making him blush. We all sat around talking and eating until it was time to go. " You ready Peter, love we should be heading down now." Steve said as he took our plates to the sink. " Actually Friday reminded me that I have a field trip today, so I don't have to go to school until later." Peter said, looking down at his hands frowning.

" Why do you look so sad? Love isn't it supposed to be fun." I said, looking at him with a frown. "It will be fun but I won't get to see you till I get home, and you will be alone with your boss." Peter said, making everyone tense, I guess they all found out. " It will be ok darling don't worry I want you to go and have fun and I want to hear all about it when you get home ok." I said kissing his lips making him nod with a blush. " Great, now we can go." Sam said, dragging Bucky to the elevator to wait for me. I said goodbye to all of my mates that were in the kitchen when Wanda pulled me slightly away from everyone.

"What's wrong love." I said, grabbing her hand and looking at her worried expression. " I have a bad feeling about today." Wanda said, looking at me worried. "Everything will be ok, and I have everyone's numbers if something does happen, but I doubt it will, ok hunny, I promise. You can text me and I can call you if I have a break." I said, making Wanda nod before she lightly grabbed my cheek and smashed our lips together. I quickly melted into the kiss. It was so different then the way the boys kiss, It was soft and sweet.

" Have a good day love." Wanda said with a blush before she walked over to Loki who was looking jealous, making Wanda blush more. I rushed over to the elevator and joined Steve, Sam, and Bucky. We all headed down to the garage and they led me to a big black truck making me smile. " You like it." Bucky said, smiling at me as he helped me into the back before taking a seat next to me. Steve quickly got into the driver's seat as Sam went to the passenger's seat. " I always thought men who drive trucks were extremely sexy, guess I was right." I said, making them all smirk.

The drive to work was fun. Sam and Bucky argued a lot which caused Steve to almost pull over because of their behavior. But they did get me and Steve to laugh. The closer to work we got the more nervous I became. A small voice in my head told me I should have listened to Wanda when she said she had a bad feeling about today, and if i'm being honest I did too. I didn't want my mates to worry about me. They have enough people to save. I didn't want to be one of them.

Soon Steve pulled up to the front of the school and turned to me. " Have a good day love, If you need anything we are all a call away." Steve said before leaning in to give me a kiss. Sam gave me a kiss on the cheek as Bucky came and opened my door before giving me a worried look and pulling me into a hug. " What am I going to do while you're gone?" Bucky said, pouting, making me laugh. " I don't know, maybe take one of your old man naps." I said poking his stomach, making him laugh. "Very funny love, I'll miss you." Bucky said as I gave him a peck on the cheek, before walking to the front of the school. Being the true gentlemen they were, they didn't leave till I was inside the door. As I walked to my classroom I couldn't help but feel like someone was watching me. It was cold and weird. I made it to my classroom and began doing my routine to get ready for all of my classes. 

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