Chapter 55

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The lights flickered, as the cold fall air rushed into the smoky room.

Flower pots were shattered around the room. Bruce's desk that was once an organized mess was now in shattered pieces.

A large hole in the wall looked into a equally destroyed room.

Something laid heavily on my back causing a whine to leave my lips.

I couldn't keep my vision straight, and I couldn't tell if the alarms were still going off or if my ears were ringing.

Pain flowed through all my marks causing a sob to slip past my lips.

Tony wouldn't have done this, Right?

He wouldn't hurt me or my mates.

Oh god, Loki and Bucky.

"Bucky! Loki!!" I screamed trying to get up.

"Molly baby I'm here look at me." Buckys voice filled my ears but I still couldn't see him.

The weight was slowly lifted off my back.

"Buck." I said softly as the image of Bucky went in and out.

"Hey doll, hey its going to be ok. I need you to do something for me doll, I need you to tell me if anything hurts." Bucky said frantically causing my brain to pound as I thought about what he asked.

"Bucky.....were is Loki." I said shakily trying to get my vision to focus.

Bucky softly pulled me closer to him, as my body began to tremble.

A set of hands landed on my back and a forehead rested on my shoulder.

"I'm here my dove." Loki said causeing a sob to leave my lips.

"Baby please, what's hurting." Bucky softly said as he tried to get me to focus.

I wanted to answer him, but I couldn't. I couldn't tell what was my pain or my mates. I tired to calm my breathing to give Bucky an answer but I couldn't breath. My head was pounding and my lungs were on fire.

"Dove." Loki said softly causing me to turn and look in his direction. My vision finally back to normal as my eyes landed on my sweet king.

Loki must have jumped in front of me and Bucky because he looks worse then Bucky. His clothes were black and burnt and he had gashes on his forehead and cheek causing blood to travel down the side of his

Loki was out of breath, but he looked to be moving ok.

"I'm a god Dove it's going to take more then a small blast to kill me." Loki said softly as he gave me a small smile.

"My marks hurt, but I think I'm ok." I said softly before turning to Bucky. Bucky looked a mess, but I guess we all did.

Buckys hair was all over the place and he had a cut above his eyebrow and a bruise was forming on his jaw but he looked ok.

"Are you ok?" I asked softly looking at Bucky more causing tears to form in my eyes.

"I'm ok, a little banged up but I'm ok. Baby I don't know were anyone is, or how stable this building is. We need to get you out of here." Bucky said softly as he slowly stood up.

Bucky swayed a little before getting his footing. Loki quickly followed him before they both reached down and helped me off the floor.

As I finally got my footing, a couple of my marks began to calm down into a gentle ache. Causing me to feel my own pain. My ribs hurt like something was slammed into them and I most likely hit my head off something.

"Let's go baby girl, I need you to stay with me and Loki." Bucky said as he walked us to the door.

"Always." I said softly causing Bucky to smile. Before bucky opened the door he turned around and gave me a gentle kiss on the lips.

Bucky turned back to the door before changing his mind and going through the hole in the wall and into a different room.

"What are we doing in Nats room?" Loki asked as he pulled me into his side.

I couldn't tell if it was to help me walk or because he needed me closer. I think it's both.

Bucky didn't answer at first he only walked further into the room before pressing a button on the side of Nat and Clints bed causing it to flip up into the air and a huge arsenal to form in the middle of the room.

"What in the world?" I asked in shock as Loki walked me closer to the bed/arsenal.

" There Assassin's doll. Here put this on." Bucky said as he handed me a bullet proof vest.

Loki helped me place the vest on as Bucky began loading up on guns and ammo. Looking like a sexy warrior.

When all this is over I'm definitely pulling my three soldier mates aside so we can fix our mess. Then I'm taking all of them to bed.

As if reading my mind Loki softly taped me on the butt causing a giggle to leave my lips.

"Thinking such nasty thoughts, at such a bad time my Dove." Loki said softly in my ear before give me a gentle kiss on the cheek.

Bucky slowly made his way over to me before getting on his knees.

"Do you know how to shoot a gun Doll?" Bucky asked as he gently took my hands.

I softly nodded my head causing a smile to spread across Buckys Face.

"I'm from Texas Buck." I said with a laugh causing him to chuckle.

"That's my girl." Bucky said with a smirk, causing Loki to sigh.

Bucky made quick work at strapping holsters to my leg and hip.

"You will have two fire arms Doll. Both are loaded. I don't plan on having you use them. But I know it will make me and Loki feel better knowing that you can protect yourself." Bucky said as he placed both guns into their holsters.

"What's the plan Bucky, this is your area of expertise." Loki said causeing Bucky to stiffen.

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