Chapter 28

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The next morning, I wasn't woken up to the sound of my alarm, or the feeling of my mates cuddling closer to me. I was woken from a deep sleep as I felt sloppy kisses being placed up and down my neck. I pretended to sleep as I enjoyed the loving kisses on my neck but they quickly turned heated. Stephen or Tony, I'm not quite sure who began to bite and suck on my neck causing a loud moan to leave my lips. I quickly opened my eyes and looked at the two culprits seeing Stephen and Tony smiling at me, causing me to giggle.

"Good morning darling, how did you sleep?" Stephen asked before trying to kiss me, but I quickly put my hand over his mouth causing him to glare at me. "Morning breath." I said but soon yelped when Stephen nipped my hand and slammed his lips onto mine as he trapped me underneath him. I moaned as I ran my hands into his hair as I pulled him closer to me. Stephen quickly pulled away as he trailed heated kisses down my neck and to my exposed cleavage.

" We don't care about morning breath love." Tony said, as he gave me a soft kiss while Stephen continued his attack on my neck no doubt trying to leave more marks. They soon pulled away leaving me breathing hard underneath them. "Well that's one way to wake someone up." I said blushing, making Stephen and Tony laugh. Stephen gave me one more kiss before getting out of bed walking to the closet. Tony watched him as he left and once Stephen was out of view he roughly pulled me under him and slammed his lips to mine making me moan. Tony kissed me with so much hunger it made me grip onto his muscular back making him shiver.

Tony's hand began to run up and down my thighs before giving one a slap making me break the kiss and through my head back with a moan. Tony began to kiss down my neck and to the top of my breasts. Tony was about to pull my nightie off when all of a sudden we were drenched in ice cold water.

Tony quickly got off me and glared at someone behind him. I sat up and looked around him only to see a glaring Sam, Bucky and Steve. "Ever heard of fucking privacy maybe even knocking?" Tony said getting off the bed as Stephen came back into the bedroom fully dressed. Stephen looked around the room in confusion before his eyes landed on my soaked and shivering form. Stephen quickly rushed over to me and tossed a fuzzy blanket around me and rubbed my arms trying to warm me up.

"Your shaking love what the hell happened." Stephen asked, glaring at everyone before his eyes lauded on a soaked Tony. " Ask your mate, the next time you smack our mark you're going to get more than a bucket of cold water." Bucky growled at Tony, making him smirk. "I left for five minutes Tony." Stephen said, giving Tony a glare causing his smirk to grow. "Not my fault our mate looks sexy as hell in the morning." Tony said, causing everyone to glare at him before they turned to me. "Sorry about the water love we didn't mean to get you to." Sam said as Steve came over to me but quickly stopped when his eyes landed on my neck. Steve took a threatening step towards Tony causing me and Stephen to sit up on edge. I was confused till I remembered the hickeys. "Steve." I said, grabbing his attention, making him turn to me.

"We didn't sleep together, I mean we slept together but we didn't do it." I said blushing as Stephen laughed, making Steve roll his eyes. Steve shook his head and walked over to me and placed a soft kiss on my lips causing me to smile up at him.

"Good. They know better because I made it clear, I would be the first one to have you." Steve said, making me blush. "Yes yes we know Steve now we need to get Molly dry and ready for work. We will see you all in the kitchen." Tony said, glaring at my three other mates as they all complained and reluctantly walked out of the room.

Tony slammed the door with a huf making me giggle. "Remind me next time to lock that damn door." Tony said, making me and Stephen laugh as he went into the bathroom to get dry. "Sounds like you two got heated when I left." Stephen said as he helped me out of bed and into the bathroom making me giggle. "It was intense." I said, causing him to smirk. "Your clothes for the day are on the vanity love. If Steve, Bucky and Sam felt things threw their mark I'm sure the others did too. We should head down and do some damage control." Stephen said as he softly pulled the pretty nightie off me before helping me into some beautiful white lingerie. "Be good and head down when you're ready ok." Stephen said as Tony came moping out of the closet before giving me a sad kiss. "I will see you in 10 minutes, love, don't look so sad." I said giving Tony and Stephen a kiss on the check as they walked out of the bathroom and out of the door with one last sad look my way.

I laughed at them as I did my business and brushed my teeth before going to look at the clothes Stephen picked out for me. It was a light blue sundress that reached below my knees with white wedge heels. I put my hair in a half up half down hairstyle with the top part in a braided bun. I moved my hair around my neck so it would kind of hide my hickeys. I looked at my new vanity and saw a gold necklace with an S and an T charm on it and I quickly put it on loving how it fell perfectly around my neck.

I walked into the living room and grabbed my bag that was sitting by the couch and grabbed my phone off the charger. I looked at the time and it was 6:20. I smiled and walked out the door and closed it behind me but stopped when I looked into the hallway. 

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