Chapter 24

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After everyone was done eating I quickly got up to pick up everyone's dishes but they quickly glared at me causing me to shiver. "What." I asked, looking at them in shock, Sam quickly got up and grabbed the plates from my hands before looking at Peter with a glare. Peter reluctantly got out of Pietro's arms to help him.

"Like I said earlier, the person who cooks never cleans up." Bucky said, making me plop down into my seat with a sigh. "I'm living here rent free. I have to do something to earn my keep." I said, making everyone shake their heads. 

" Everyone lives here rent free." Nat said as she came over to give me a kiss on the cheek before going to the fridge and pulling out lots of ice cream containers. "What flavor do you like love?" Nat asked, bringing at least 30 different flavors to the table with the help of Clint who grabbed spoons. "Chunky monkey." I said with a blush making Tony chuckle and Nat to hand me a container with a smile. "That's Steve's favorite too." Nat said, causing me to hand the container over to Steve who shook his head.

"There's another one doll, that one's all yours." Steve said before handing Bucky and Sam an Ice cream and everyone dug in. " So now that we are all here and we are a lot more calm, I think we should talk about sleeping arrangements." Tony said looking at everyone before shoving a big spoonful of ice cream into his mouth causing Stephen to roll his eyes and hand him water. " How are we going to decide? Who did you sleep with last night." Clint asked while Nat leaned into his side making him throw an arm around her. Sam and Peter soon joined us at the table and picked up their ice cream.

"I slept with Bruce last night." I said, sending Bruce a smirk making him blush. "She's a little minx." Bruce said blushing causing everyone to look at him in shock. "I second that." Steve said, pulling me into his side before putting his hand back on my thigh. Everyone snapped their heads in his direction, making him smirk. 

" What exactly happened when you went to go get him?" Tony asked, looking ready to burst. " I think you know that answer Stark." Steve said, smirking making Tony's face red causing everyone to laugh.

"Right, so how are we going to decide?" Peter said looking excited. " I say we fight to the death." Thor said, slamming his fist on the table as he let out a loud laugh, making everyone jump. " Yea no we are not doing that. I say we all put our names into a bowl and our lovely Molly picks one for each day." Nat said, giving Thor a your crazy look, making him laugh and shrug.

"That seems fair, speedy go get a bowl and I will get the paper." Tony said, making Pietro quickly get up from his chair only to come back a second later with a red bowl. Pietro handed it to Tony who handed every couple a piece of paper. Everyone quickly wrote their names on it before putting it into the bowl, and handing it to me.

Everyone all turned to me causing me to shiver and try to hide. Steve quickly sensed my discomfort and began to rub his mark helping me calm down. " No pressure dove, we all want to be with you, we are just excited." Loki said, sending me a smile and pulling an excited Wanda into his side.

I nodded my head and mixed up the papers before pulling one out with a shaky hand. "Alright you spend Monday nights with." Tony said, trying to look at the paper across the table. I unfolded the paper and it said Steve, Bucky, and Sam. I turned to Steve who slumped in his chair. " Steve, Bucky, and Sam." I said, making some cheer and my three boys to pout. "We have to wait a whole week to sleep with you." Sam said, pouting , making everyone laugh at him. "It's ok boys time will fly by, how about tonight love." Nat said smiling while Clint looked ecstatic.

It seemed no one wanted Monday since that was yesterday. I reached into the hat and pulled out another name before unfolding it and it read, Tony and Stephen. When Steve read who's name was on the paper he groaned and put his head in his hands. " It's us isn't it." Tony said, smirking, giving Stephen a high five. Everyone turned to give Stephen and Tony a glare causing them to smile. " Oh calm your tits, I'm only going to see her naked." Tony said with a smirk, making everyone glare at him and me to blush. " I will keep him in check." Stephen sight before giving me a smirk.

"Maybe." Stephen said, winking at me, causing everyone to glare and pout. "This is so unfair." Bucky said, causing me to giggle at him, making him smile. "She can always join you for your old man naps." Nat said, smirking at Bucky and Steve whose faces lightened up. Obviously taking her seriously and making us all laugh. "Alright, who will you sleep with on Wednesday." Wanda said, smiling at me. I reached into the hat and pulled out a piece of paper seeing beautiful handwriting on it Wanda/Loki.

I turned to Wanda and Loki smiling, making them beam and Wanda to leap into my arms, giving me a hug and Loki to smirk at Thor. "Don't be jealous, brother." Loki said, making fun of Thor's grumpy face. "So that's Wednesday, how about Thursday." Bruce said rubbing Thor's back, making him relax and send me a smile. I put my hand into the bowl only feeling three more papers. I pulled one more out and opened it. Pietro and Peter were literally jumping in their seats trying to look over the table to see the piece of paper. Pietro must have seen what's on the paper because he Immediately began glaring at Clint, making Nat smile and Clint to jump out of his chair and rub it in Pietro's face. " Ha in your face, Pietro I bet you didn't see that coming." Clint said, making everyone laugh before Nat pulled him back into his seat.

" Alright baby please pick us next Bruce already got to sleep with you, come on baby give us Friday." Peter said, giving me a pout making Bruce roll his eyes but give me a proud smile. I shook my head and pulled out another piece of paper, seeing Peitro and Peter crossing their fingers. "Looks like you get your wish." I said, turning to Peter and Pietro who jumped up from their seats and hugged each other making Bruce and Thor pout, causing Steve to glare at them.

"Saturdays are better than Mondays." Steve said, causing Bruce to blush and Thor to smile triumphantly. "Actually Saturdays and Mondays are not bad. You get me two days in a row." I said turning to Steve, Bucky, and Sam who now smirked at my frowning mates around the table. "Now that that is figured out let's get you to bed." Tony said getting up from his chair excitedly causing everyone to groan but obeyed. I got hugs from everyone as they each made their way to their rooms until it was just me, Tony and Stephen in the kitchen.

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