Chapter 19

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It had been a long day, a good day but long. I had seen Peter throughout the day. He had introduced me to his friends who were all very sweet, and they had eaten lunch in my classroom and I had successfully avoided my boss.

The bell had just rang letting out my last class of the day making me excited. I get to go home and meet my other mates. I packed my bag before heading out of my classroom and down the hall towards the front doors.

Peter had texted me earlier that lesson saying Tony had pulled him out of his free period early so he would meet me at the car. I reached the front doors when my spine, rib, and collarbone tingled, meaning Bruce, Peter and Tony were close.

I quickly walked out the front doors saying goodbye to students that waved at me before I looked around the parking lot trying to find the black car Tony dropped me and Peter off in. It took me a good minute to find the car but when I did a frown made its way onto my face. Outside the car stood Bruce and Tony talking to Peter and they all looked very serious. I slowly walked over to them, gaining their attention.

"Is everything ok?" I asked looking at them with concern. As soon as they saw me Bruce pulled me into his side while Tony looked like he could murder someone. "Peter was telling us about your encounter with your boss this morning." Tony said, rolling up his sleeves before folding his arms across his chest, which was extremely hot. 

" Like I told Peter I'm yours, no ones going to change that." I said in a soft voice hoping it would help calm them down.

They nodded but Tony still looked upset. " Come on little one we have a lot to do at the tower, we will talk about this later." Tony said, opening the back door for me while Bruce went into the passenger seat and Peter in the back. Tony got into the car before looking at me and Peter in the rear view mirror. "Bad news kid Fury's called a meeting, he needs us all there as soon as we get to the tower." Tony said, causing Peter to throw his head back in annoyance.

"But who will be with Molly? Can I stay with her?" Peter asked as he pulled me into his side making me relax with a happy sigh. "Everyone has to be at this meeting, Fury's orders." Bruce said with a growl. "How long do you think the meeting will last?" I asked looking at Tony who gave me a sad look. "Knowing Fury forever. Fury would never have called a meeting if something serious hadn't happened, and Steve never would have agreed, especially with not meeting you yet. I say about 3 to 4 hours." Tony said causing Bruce and Peter to sink in their seats.

"I could make dinner for everyone so you all have something good to eat after such a long meeting." I said looking up at Peter who gave me a soft smile. " You can go through everything we got you last night too, you can watch a movie or whatever you want to do, I'm sorry we have to leave you alone love. You will be involved soon love, Fury just has to run your background check and get you some clearances." Tony said, finally pulling into the underground garage.

Then it finally hit me, I wasn't going to meet my other 5 mates yet I would have to wait at least 3 more hours. "Do you think they're upset they won't get to see me?" I asked as we entered the elevator. "I won't be surprised if some of them try to sneak out of the meeting." Tony said, kissing my forehead before telling Friday what floor we are going to go to.

Just like the time when me and Peter were in the elevator I felt my soul marks tingling but this time it was everywhere filling me with anticipation and comfort. Once we exited the elevator Tony led us to the living room. "I'm sorry we have to leave you love." Bruce said as he pulled me into a soft kiss but we were soon interrupted by Friday. "Captain Rogers requests everyone report to meeting room A." Friday said before shutting off. "It must be really important." I said looking at the boys around me. "Something must have gone really wrong, or they found something bad." Peter said, making all the boys nod.

"Alright you boys go I will be ok when you get back there will be food waiting for you." I said, giving the boys hugs before they reluctantly walked away. I was about to sit down on the couch when Tony popped up out of nowhere. " Your stuff from your apartments in the kitchen, the packers didn't know what you wanted so they brought everything and by the way that building was absolutely not acceptable for my princess. Feel free to make a list of what you want me to replace, and all the stuff everyone bought you for their rooms are already put away, if we forgot anything please make a list hunny don't be afraid to ask for anything." Tony said, making me smile and thank him before blowing him a kiss as he walked away.

I walked to the kitchen to find all my things by the kitchen table. When Tony said they brought everything that really means they brought everything. For the next hour I went through everything I had at my apartment throwing away a lot of stuff. I just realized just how much I needed the new clothes the boys had got me, I didn't fit into a lot of the clothes I had and a lot of them were stained and ripped, I only had a small selection of nice clothes that I will just put in Bruce's room since I hadn't been in anyone else's yet except for Wanda's.

Another half an hour later I picked up the box of clothes and walked to the elevator. "Where can I take you miss." Friday asked, causing me to jump. "To the floor where everyone's rooms are, please." I said as the elevator door closed and the elevator began to rise. The doors soon opened and I walked slowly to Bruce's room and to the closet. When I turned on the lights of the closet I found a bunch of cute clothes and shoes on my side of the closet. The clothes were so cute and every piece of clothing that I saw was something I would wear all the time. I took a minute to find everything when I stumbled across a note from Bruce.

' Tony woke me up after you left by throwing his computer at me telling me to pick you out some clothes. I thought you would love these clothes and I knew me and Thor would love them on you. P.S. I had to pick out some lingerie and it was the scariest and one of the hottest things I have ever done. I hope you love everything -Love Bruce'

I smiled down at the note before putting it in a little jewelry box that was sitting on one of the shelves. The jewelry box was also filled with gold and silver jewelry. These boys are spoiling me too much. After I put the clothes away that were from my apartment I quickly changed into nice jean shorts, and one of Bruce's white button down long sleeve shirts. I tucked it into the shorts and made sure I had a couple buttons undone to show a little cleavage before heading back to the kitchen.

I did the dishes from this morning, cleaning them and putting them away and started cleaning the counters before figuring out what I was going to make everyone for dinner. "Hey Friday, how much longer do you think the meetings going to last?" I said looking up some recipes. "Mr. Stark said about two hours." Friday said, causing me to nod before looking in the fridge. "Friday do you know how everyone likes their subs." I said hoping I could make them all something they would like. "Of course Miss, I sent you a list on the fridge screen on how everyone likes their subs." I smiled, opening up the document Friday was talking about. "Thank you." With that I got to work making homemade chips and sides to go with the subs. As soon as I had the chips in the oven I got to work making the subs, making sure I made everyone's perfect. 

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