Chapter 56

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"Our plan is to make it to the quinjet. I don't know what everyone's plans will be or were anyone is, but ours is to get Molly out of here. There are four quinjets so the others will have escape routes as well, we will head to the compound, unless you can somehow get us there?" Bucky asked as the thought of Lokis magic crossed his mind.

Loki looked down with a frown before looking back at Bucky. "I used most of my magic to save us from the blast." Loki said causeing Bucky to nod and squeeze Lokis shoulder.

"Thank you." Bucky said before he lead us to the door.

"The bedrooms are 5 floors below were the quinjets are. If we have intruders the others will most likely be dealing with them. It seems like the towers power is down so we will have to use the stairs. So be careful and watch each others back. I will lead, Loki you cover the back. You got your daggers?" Bucky asked as he turned to Loki his face full of authority.

Loki smirk as he held up two beautiful blue daggers. "Always." Loki said causing Bucky to nod and look at me. " Molly you may see things that aren't pretty, I... just know we would do anything to protect you." Bucky said softly causing me to nod.

With one final nod, Bucky opened the door gun at the ready and slowly walked us out of the room.

The boys kept me close between them as Buckly lead us up one flight of steps and then another.

By the 3rd flight of steps my legs were burning and a sharp pain filled my lungs.

I was so out of shape. My boys weren't breaking a sweat yet I was panting like a over heated dog.

"You alright my Dove." Loki asked as he pulled me into his chest as Bucky went to go sweep the next flight of steps.

"I'm out of shape, do you think Wanda is ok." I sighed out as Loki took most of my weight.

All I could feel was pain in my marks and it was taking a toll on me.

Lokis hands slowly made there way around my stomach but before he could say anything pounding footsteps were heading up the stairs we had just came from.

I quickly pulled the pistol out of the holster on my thigh, and pointed it in the direction the footsteps were coming from.

A warm chest prest against my back as an even bigger gun aimed in the same direction.

Bucky had my back and Loki had my front, I was lucky girl.

The footsteps came closer and closer until two figures made it into view.

"Molly, Loki!" Wanda screamed as she ran the rest of the way up the stairs and pulled me into a hug. Nat quickly following behind her.

"I'm ok, are you ok are you hurt." I asked Wanda who shook her head and pulled me to her.

"I'm ok, I'm ok." Wanda said softly as she pulled away and pulled Loki into a tight hug.

I turned to Nat and we all but collapsed into each others arms.

Nats hair was a mess and dried blood was stained in her hair. Her clothes were torn and burnt.

"Are you ok." Nat asked as she placed her hands on my cheeks. "I'm ok, nothing serious." I said causing Nat to look me all over. Nat stopped when her eyes land on the guns attached to my hip and leg.

"Are those my guns." Nat asked as her hands settled on my hips pulling me closer to her.

"Yes, sorry Nat I will replace whatever we took." Bucky said breaking the spell I had place Nat under.

Nat looked at Bucky quickly snapping back into reality.

"Its fine Barnes, your all safe thats all that matters. Now have you ran into anyone else?" Nat asked as she took point with Bucky who handed her one of the guns he had sling over his shoulder.

"No we were taking Molly to the quinjet and taking her to the compound like we should have done days ago." Bucky said as we made our way up the steps causing me to whine and Loki to laugh.

"I'm so glad you both are ok, I was so worried." Wanda said softly causing me and Loki to pull her between us.

"We were worried to, what happend love are you alright?" Loki asked softly causing Wanda to nod.

"I'm ok just shaky, I used my shields to block the blasts from the recruits, we got them out of the building before coming to look for Molly. We didn't know she was with anyone." Wanda said with a sigh of relief.

"She was with Thor and me. We heard the sirens go off and Thor left before the blast went off." Loki explained causing Wanda to nod.

We slowly made our way up another flight of steps, Wanda and Loki stayed a fue feet behind as they had me stay in the middle. Nat slowed down letting Bucky lead as she fell in step beside me.

"What's going on in that pretty head of yours." Nat asked as she pulled me into her side.

I couldn't answer her for a second. The only thing running through my mind was how my sweet mates name was on the side of that bomb.

"Molly?" Nat asked worriedly causing my mates to look in my direction waiting for my answer.

"The bomb that crashed threw the window of Thors room. It had something written on the side of it before it went off." I said softly, not sure how to bring this up.

"STARK. We know love, we saw it to." Bucky said with a frown causing me to become nervous. I turned to Nat as she looked down at the ground.

" Nat?" I asked softly causing her to look at me. "We saw it to. Stark can be stupid and reckless, but he would never do anything to put his mates and us in danger, even Bucky and Sam yelling at you doesn't mean they don't care about you. Somethings off, but I don't think this is Tony's fault." Nat said causing me to relax.

I'm glad my mates think so, I was absolutely terrified when I saw his name on the bomb.

As we made our way to the last flight of steps, an alarm went off before the towers electricity fully came back on.

"Looks like they got the tower back." Nat said causing us all to nod.

"Let's still take the quinjet to the compound. Its obvious the tower isn't safe, or secure." Bucky said causing everyone to nod.

"I can take her. If you guys want to go help the others. Bucky you should probably find your mates and let them know you and Molly are ok." Nat said causing the others to nod and Bucky to look at me.

"I will be ok Buck, go make sure our boys are ok." I said as I pulled him into a sweet kiss but he still didn't look convinced.

"Protect our girl." Wanda said as she pulled Nat into a hug and gave me a sweet kiss.

Loki gave me a kiss before leading Wanda into the room and to the elevator.

"Molly...." Bucky said softly causing me to pull him into a hug.

" The four of us will talk when we all get safe I promise." I said softly causing Bucky to sigh and nod.

"We hopefully won't be to fare behind your guys be safe." Bucky said causing Nat to nod as he sighed and walked to Loki and Wanda.

"You ready love." Nat asked as she lead me to a door that lead to the top of the building.

Nat quickly led us to a quinjet opening the hatch and leading us in.

"Take a seat up front love. It's a short flight I promise." Nat said as she helped me strap in before going to close the hatch.

"Alright love let's get you to a safe space." Nat said as she started up the jet and took off.

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