Chapter 33

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The windows to the living room shattered causing glass to fly everywhere. Stephen was standing over me with his hands protectively in the air. I quickly looked at Wanda and Nat to make sure they were ok. Nat was laying on the couch with her arms over her head as Wanda stood over her. Wanda and Stephen both used their powers to create a beautiful red and orange shield to protect us.

When Stephen moved away from me I slowly stood up and walked over to Nat. Wanda and Stephen lowered their shields with anger in their eyes as they glared at something behind us. "What the hell is wrong with you, our mate is in here you could have hurt her, there are doors for a reason." Wanda said with a growl as her hands glowed red.

I slowly pecked around Wanda and saw a fuming Thor whose eyes were white and cold. Thor had lightning traveling all around his body causing me to let out a shocked gasp. Thor's eyes landed on me as he took a step forward causing Wanda, Nat and Stephen step in front of me protectively.

"You're not getting anywhere near her till you calm down, I don't need you hurting her too." Stephen said, making Thor step back and quickly calmed down. Thor's eyes soon turned to their beautiful blue color and the lightning around him soon disappeared. " Can I please hold her." Thor sobbed, making Stephen, Wanda, and Nat step away from me.

Thor quickly rushed over to me and picked me up and wrapped his arms around my body making me wrap my arms around his neck as he looked at me destroyed. "My queen, I'm so sorry." Thor said as he sat me down again and looked at my neck and cheek with tears in his eyes. "It's ok baby I'm safe now I'm with my mates, I'm with you." I said softly, causing Thor to nod as he softly bent down and lightly kissed my neck.

" Have you seen Loki or Pietro?" Wanda asked worriedly as Thor picked me up and sat me in between him and Stephen on the love seat. "I was in my room taking a shower getting ready to greet our love, I believe they are still in the gym." Thor said as he put his hand on my thigh giving it a soft squeeze, but I think it was more for himself than me. Thor looked exhausted as he tried to relax into the chair that was obviously too small for his large godly frame.

The lights soon turned on and we all sat up anxiously. It was a couple minutes later when we heard the elevator ding and lots of footsteps headed our way. Before I could even see my mates a blue blur picked up off the couch. My head quickly became dizzy as I was sat down in the middle of the living room. I was standing face to face with a panicked Pietro.

Pietro quickly looked me up and down before stopping at my neck and cheek letting out a heartbreaking sob. "He hurt my mate. He fucking threaten and hurt my mates." Pietro said as he turned to my mates with a murderous look in his eyes before turning back to me and pulling me into a hug as he sobbed. I softly wrapped my arms around him as I looked at my mates around the room.

They all looked angry, sad, sick, and guilty. " This is none of your faults, don't you dare feel guilty." I said when Pietro pulled away from me and I stood there in front of my mates. I looked at Bruce who was sobbing as he stood next to Tony who looked ready to blow up and then I turned to Loki who had an unreadable expression on his face, but I saw the tears in his eyes.

I turned back to Bruce and slowly opened my arms for him to hug me, but he shook his head and took a step back. "I don't want to hurt you." Bruce said sobbing harder as I walked over to him and pulled him into a hug causing him to collapse into my arms. "He's dead, when I get my hands on him he will have a slow and painful death." Loki said as everyone nodded at him.

Loki quickly walked over to me when Bruce let me go. Bruce walked over to Thor as he looked at him with a mad expression before scolding him. I laughed on the inside seeing a very submissive Bruce scolding a very dominant Thor and Thor looking like a little kid. Loki walked in front of me as he lightly grabbed my chin making me look into his eyes.

"You are never leaving our sight little one, I don't care if I have to chain you to my bed and paralyze you with pleasure to do it." Loki said as he rubbed his thumb softly across my neck. "While I won't go as far as chaining you to a bed, not that it won't happen sooner or later." Tony winked at me as he pushed Loki away from me. "You're not going back to that school. It doesn't matter that he won't be there once we are done with him. I want you here with us where you belong." Tony said, making everyone nod.

As much as I wanted to argue, everyone's too tense right now. "Did you show the vision to Peter?" Pietro asked Wanda with a worried look. "I was only supposed to show Clint, Steve, Bucky and Sam at the moment but it went to all the mate's in the tower and Stephen. I think Peter's too far away to have seen it." Wanda said, making Pietro sigh.

"He's going to be devastated when he finds out. He's going to blame himself knowing he wasn't there to protect you." Pietro said with a guilty face. "We are so sorry baby, we should have been there to help." Tony said as he pulled me into him, making me sigh. "I'm going to say it one more time. It was not your fault and if I hear you say otherwise I'm not sleeping with anyone for a month." I said looking at everyone as they all looked at me in fear and quickly nodded at me, well that's one way to get what I want.

"Good now, help me clean this living room." I said as I went to move the couch back where it was only to be picked up into strong arms and moved away from the couch and onto an extra large recliner that was away from all the broken glass and vases. Steve turned to me with a smile before kissing me softly on the lips.

" Relax baby girl, we got this." Steve said as the boys began to clean everything up, and put the furniture back where it belongs. Wanda and Nat excitedly came and squeezed in next to me as they wrapped themselves around me and tangled their legs with mine causing me to giggle.

Molly May - Avengers Soulmate StoryWhere stories live. Discover now