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"So you don't even consider me as a person?" A voice interrupted his interrogation. He turned towards the person who said it and Su yan took it as a chance to escape.


Su yan entered the zone, her fingers tracing his face. God truly blessed the seven heavens by creating such a man. The anime gods would be truly proud to have him in their court. Su yan sighed as she lightly shaded a straight angular nose. Large blue eyes that had intense emotions in them. And dark eyebrows that were raised in an interrogating way. His forehead was a little larger but his hairline covered it.

His tiny pink lips were the only adorable feature. And finally, soft silky white hair that caressed his face like feathers. Su yan squealed admiring her creation, her slippery glasses sliding down her nose. She truly looked out of place sitting there in a pink suit and glasses. A sketchbook in her hand and a sweet smile as she reminisced the face of the devil.

A smile played on her face as she thought about the chapters of her trending novel 'The love of a devil'. His face was just how she imaged her character, Gabriel. It sometimes left her in awe. The talent she had, building up worlds for people to get lost in and fall in love with was truly praiseworthy.

These worlds directly or indirectly affected the worlds of the readers. Many of them have commented that her book has helped them gain their trust and have given them hope that maybe there is a person out there made for them. That maybe one day their soulmate will arrive and shade them from all their pain and turn their black and white world into a colourful world, provide more definition to their life.

The readers thought she was a bubbly 23 old living with her boyfriend who loved her endlessly. They would never know that the writer of their favourite romcoms never experienced love. She too was tirelessly waiting for her happily ever after with a decent man. Her dreams have transformed into these beautiful novels. Where the couple shares a kiss under the oak tree, the sun shining on them. The leaves shading all the glares and darkness from the lovers as they swayed into oblivion.

Su yan sighed sadly looking around the bar. Her curious eyes were helpless as she glanced at people having fun with each other. Their gleeful smile, bubbly laugh and playful nudges to their boyfriends always made her burn with jealousy. She glanced at their clothes and then hers. Her pink blouse was wrinkled slightly at the edges. Her posture turned awkward as she compared herself to the beautiful women of the bar. Their joyful life and fun was something she craved.

But even if she tried to, she couldn't turn into them. The shadows of her past still lurked around her waiting for her to keep her guards down and when she would, they would snatch away the fading life she was clutching onto.

Closing her eyes she rose and walked to the emergency elevator area. Giving a sad lingering look to the dance floor she walked away. Her eyes were cast down as the elevator started. Her image stared back at her as she compared her hands to the ones she could see in the mirror. Her eyes blinked with her as she breathed in the air in the confined elevator.

A gasp left her lips as a sudden heaviness washed over her. She threw away the coat from around her body to the floor and tried to focus on the board in the lift. Her head turned heavy as she slid down on the ground. Nausea hitting her as she clutched her chest.

Images blurred around her eyes as a girl wearing a yellow frock appeared in front of her. She was the only one with a colourful background everything around her was like a mist. Her croaky voice whispered the words that made her shiver.

"Dad keep holding onto my hands. They feel cold. Didn't you promise me that when night falls you will hold onto me by shining with the moon? Then why did you fade away with the shooting star? Why? I was scared and lonely. I couldn't find you anywhere. I tried looking for you but you ran away. Handing me to the beasts of the night"

The girl blinked her eyes from behind the large soft toy in her hand. She extended her small hands to Su yan. Tears escaped as Yanner raised her trembling fingers to the little girl's. As it was touching the elevator screeched and blood appeared on her little fingers. Su yan tried to shout for help but no voice left her mouth as she saw the girl walking backwards with the large teddy and exiting the elevator. Then the doors opened and light entered her eyes making her flinch.

She looked around herself and saw her coat lying near the door, picking it up she hurried out the dreadful elevator. The wind blew around her, hair flew with the cold wind of night. The lonely night didn't help the tears that escaped her eyes as she tried to reach the car that was parked a little away from the bar.

Her hands were numb, her fingers could still feel the touch of the little girl. She took out the pills from her bag and popped one in her mouth. She sighed in relief when her car came into view. Speed walking towards it she realised the trembling sensation was fading away. She entered the car and rested her head on the seat closing her eyes as she massaged her forehead.

"Daddy loves you"

She muttered the sentence again and again to herself. Reassuring her heart as she performed the exercise her psychiatrist advised her to do in situations like this.

"Yes... Daddy loves you"


Well, this is chapter 4. I hope you all like it.

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And I love you guys❤️

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