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Yanner checked herself out in the elevator mirror as it began. Her purple blazer reflected above the pink feathery crop top and a matching skirt joined with a butterfly belt showing off her figure. This was an outfit Yanner always dreamt to have and a day ago when she sent the sample to Xavier for fun he took it seriously. And voila she was standing here in the elevator, her long black hair tied in a fishtail.

"Oppa would surely go crazy for me", She commented with a wide smile on her face. Oppa was her new crush Cha Eunwoo as Kim Jeeyo Ni could never compete with her cute idol in terms of anything. Well except for looks, Kim surely was granted by looks and wasn't bad in terms of acting but as a human being, he was rotten.

Tell me, baby, what are you up for today?
I know you are going to say nothing
Tell you, baby, just follow me
Fly high as if the white cloud is the bed

There was a bing and the door flew open. Yanner subtly stared at the person from the mirror and tried to grade him. A habit she formed whenever she wanted to uplift herself in her eyes, by grading people below her. It helped her cope and she wasn't guilty for it as she kept it in her brain.

The man was restless as he tapped his foot on the floor, she could see he was in a hurry as he ran his hand through his hair spoiling the hairstyle that gave him two points. Yanner rolled her eyes and hid her smile as she turned around and leaned against the glass starting at him without any shame.

"This stupid elevator"

She heard him curse under his breath and then she monitored the speed of the lift it was going higher, the 22nd floor being the last stop where she had to reach.

"Which floor..?" She asked realising how cliche that sentence was and thought about the possibility of the elevator getting stuck then she tasted nausea and shook her head. She almost forgot about her claustrophobia but thanks to this long trip it would be engraved in her brain. She blinked and closed her eyes hearing the sudden ding as the doors opened. She quickly exited and saw the large reception area with tea and coffee machines. It almost looked like a hospital lobby. Her thoughts were interrupted by her loud ringtone.

She quickly received it and talked as the computerised voice informed her of the next court hearing.

"Miss Su Yan this is to inform you that 7th January 2021 is the finalised date for your court session. Do you confirm? Press 1 if you do, 2 if you want to cancel the session and 3 if you want to talk to the department", Yanner pressed 1, stared around the lobby and sighed. She knew she had to go back now without giving the interview, with determined eyes Yanner planned on how to take the matters into her own hands.


In the dimly lit luxurious bathroom, several droplets of water clouded the closed shower door. From the steamy glass two blurred forms could be seen hugging each other. It was quite explicit but the woman on the other side glared at the figures with venomous eyes. She was unbothered by the deed taking place right behind the transparent glass. The lights flickered and the hot water in the bath was suddenly replaced by ice-cold water. It splashed directly on them and cleared away the fog on the glass. The couple inside were interrupted in their foreplay and the taps didn't stop splashing cold water which already destroyed their special moment. He groaned and exited the shower room only with a towel around his abdomen and the light flickered. The man disappeared this time for good.


He blinked his eyes to find himself trapped in a strange rectangular box. The floor of the metal house was cold and the man wasn't wearing any socks. To hell with socks, he didn't even have any clothes on. With a towel loosely draped around his abdomen Kim Jeeyo Ni settled on the wall of the cell. He was kidnapped, from his own house. Great.

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