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Yanner felt the irritation in her heart increasing every second as Luce started the car. She ignored the awkward glances he threw at her at every signal. Like a grumpy kid whose lollipop was stolen, Yanner ignored him. She was angry at him for lacking gentleness, with just one action of his he broke ten thousand dreams of hers.

She imagined him previously laying her down on the seat and casually tucking the hair tendril. Then with a smile placing his head against hers as they gazed at each other while soft music played in the background. Then licked his lips as he leaned his body on her and whispered sweet words in her ears that made her heart flutter.

But the man didn't even think twice before throwing her in the passenger seat as if she was a fat sack of potatoes he wanted to get rid of. Her eyes turned red as she grumbled complaints against him in her heart. Luce destroyed her favourite trope without thinking twice and it hurt her as a writer and a girl with wild dreams.

Although Yanner was wild, she expected her partner to be delicately sweet with her. Touch her as if she was porcelain and think twice before breaking her heart. Sadly Luce wasn't the man of her dreams, he was the devil. She knew it was rude to call him a devil. But his actions and sometimes looks gave her the jitters.

She sighed as Luce turned back yet again to make eye contact but like a spiteful bitch she turned her head away. Luce sighed loudly and the car ride went smoothly with no interaction between the two.

It was dark when they reached her house and silent as the grave. Yanner felt her heartbeat increasing as she contemplated what was more important. Ego or a sane mind?

It was of course the former for her. She breathed in to prepare herself for the scary night ahead and collected the hat from beside her. As she was lost in her thoughts the door beside flew open startling her. Her eyes widened as spring day started playing on the speakers and Luce with a determined look settled beside her.

I miss you
Saying this makes me miss you all even more
I miss you
Even though I'm looking at your photo
Time's so cruel, I hate us
Seeing each other is now more difficult
It's all winter here, even in August
My heart is running on time, alone on the Snowpiercer
I want to go to the other side of Earth, holding your hand, put an end to winter
How much should my longings fall like snow
Before the days of spring return, friend?

She stared at him as he nervously fidgeted. He closed his eyes and with a sigh turned towards her.

"Do you remember our deal?" He asked a smirk adorning his face as he stared at Yanner with twinkling eyes. His blue eyes were enticing up close. They were pulling her in, blue as the ocean waiting for her to take a dip. The grey outline around the pupil reminded her of the disasters that came along. But like a thirsty nomad, Yanner was enticed, hypnotised by their intensity.

"You...", She uttered a word as if she lost her speech. Her mind and lips weren't coordinating, they were distracted by his eyes.

"You didn't even think twice before making a deal with the devil", He teased and then leaned forward as his hand caressed the seat belt. Yanner could hear her heart going lub dub as theirproximity increased and she felt his hot breath fanning her face.

" What are you..", Luce cut her off.

"Aren't I the devil, Lucifer?" He questioned in a husky voice, Yanner could recognize the sexy smile adorning his face from her peripheral vision. He was in her personal space and for the first time, she didn't feel her anxiety kicking in. She felt safe and comfortable for the first time with a person so close to her. His presence acted like an aphrodisiac on her, she was intoxicated and was craving for his proximity. She wanted him to hold her by the waist and lean in just like the dream. And as the music played her heart would sing a tune following his lips.

"Ahhh", A gasp left her throat as Luce exactly did that and with a chuckle found the buckle of her seat, disappointing her dream. A pout formed on her lips as she ridiculed herself.

"You know Yanner...", He whispered in her left ear, leaning closer so that her body was enveloped by his. His hand went to the buckle as he lightly fiddled with it.

" I am not going for the belt", Her insides shivered as Yanner slowly closed her eyes. And after a while, she felt his soft lips land on hers. Her hands awkwardly rested on the car door as she opened her eyes to stare at Luce in utter shock. She couldn't believe Luce's lips rested on hers. Her stomach warmed up as he started to nibble on her lips and his gentle tongue tasted her lips. A rollercoaster of hormones attacked her as he gently bit her lower lip, seeking entry into her mouth. His hand unbuckled the belt that restricted contact and pulled her in his arms. Yanner's lips flew open in surprise and Luce took that as a chance to dive his tongue into her mouth. Yanner caressed his tongue and Luce mimicked her. Drool started from the corner of her lips when Luce pulled away, his eyes dazed and his lips swelled red. Yanner could feel her heartbeat skyrocketing as she stared at those lovely swollen lips.

The song echoed in the background as they stared at each other.

Like the tiny dust, tiny dust floating in the air
I could've reached you faster
If I was snow flying in the air

They were breathing loudly as Luce gently caressed her lips.

"So about the deal...", He cleared his throat and continued.

"I like you, Yanni. Do you want to be my life partner?"

Awkward silence enveloped the two of them as Yanner stared at him with shocked eyes. It was weird, definitely the first time someone proposed to her. And Yanner didn't know how to reply. His eyes were twinkling as he gazed at her with intimidating intensity. His eyes were shining with hope as he backed away and sighed.

"You don't have to decide right now. Take a day", His voice was nervous at the end as he stared at Yanner with pure adoration. A dimple formed on either side of her lips, as she eagerly nodded. Her heartfelt alive for the first time as she closed her eyes laying in his arms. She felt free.

Snowflakes fall down
And fall apart little by little
I miss you (I miss you)
I miss you (I miss you)
How long do I have to wait
How many nights do I have to pass
To see you? (To see you)
To meet you? (To meet you)


So this is chapter 24. I know it's a shocker.

But did you like it?

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