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You are there somewhere near me,
Close to my heart,
The more I feel for you,
The more I lose myself,
Let's go somewhere,
Without telling anyone,
Just you and me,
In the darkness of the night,
Let's forget all our fears,
And travel somewhere,
Where you're somewhere near me,
How will you snatch away the world from me?
When you are my world,
I fear losing you,

I am losing myself to you,
But winning you...

- Hello_Cupid (I know this poem sucks)


"Where is my daughter?" The man shouted to the other side as Luce chuckled.

"She is with me", He said laughing as the man got anxious and worried about his daughter's safety.

"Why isn't she picking up her call?" He questioned suspecting everything amiss in the situation as Luce behaved like a darn villain.

"Because I forbid her to", Luce answered enjoying the man's suffering as he got anxious.

"You don't love her. Do you?" The man asked from the other side.

"No, I don't sir" Luce replied in a heartbeat.


Yanner sat at the edge of the bed as her juvenile years flashed through her eyes. It was a stressful time for her but only one person kept her going, Xavier. He somehow got shifted to the same centre as her. Eyes brimming with joy she leapt on him for a hug and he awkwardly patted her back in return.

The days continued as Xavier sometimes entered her cell to comfort her from those terrible nightmares. And he even brought food with him whenever the cellmates snatched away her share of food. The art of creating stories was something she discovered with Xavier. In the darkness of night, he would hold her hand and narrate her tales of cinderella and snow white same as the ones Su Ji told her.

It would distract her as she escaped to the lands of the fairytale every time. Sometimes he would even mix up the climaxes to spook her. Like Cinderella falling for a Beast and Prince Charming at the same time.

He was her solace and still is. Whenever she felt lost he appeared to guide her. He was someone who seemed to want nothing in return. Always selfless and present to her.

As she cried her eyes out Yanner saw the window breaking from outside and his handsome face peeking. The tears stopped and a smile spread on her face. As soon as Xavier entered her room Yanner engulfed him in a hug.

"Luce is an...", Before she could utter the word out loud he said it for her.

"Imbecile?" He asked laughing at her innocence with pity.

"Yes. Luce married me for his selfish means", Yanner shared her thoughts as Xavier shook his head.

"He wants to treat you Yanner", Xavier confessed in a soft voice. Su Yan blinked as she processed his words.

"Why can't he be like you? I am not a psychopath, then why is he treating me like his bloody patient", Yanner cursed getting emotional as her fingers started shivering.

"Yanner... you shouldn't run away from your reality", He sighed loudly and pulled her in an embrace to calm her trembling body. She silently laid on his shoulder as time passed.

"Xavier?" She called him. Making him hum in acknowledgement.

"How do you always know I am in trouble?" Yanner asked curiously. As this wasn't the first time this happened. Whenever she felt her resolve starting to crumble Xavier would magically appear in front of her. Her first meeting with him was also when she was at her lowest. In the juvenile as well, she never figured out how we would break into the female cell when there was such heavy security.

A long silence stretched and Yanner slowly drifted off to sleep when she heard his words.

"Because... I like you", The words did reach her ears but she couldn't process it in her daze.


Luce entered her room and saw her tiny form curled up at the side. He felt guilt creeping up inside as he walked toward her. Crouching to her level he stroked her hair to wake her up.

As she raised her head he saw her red eyes and she muttered an unknown name.


He ignored the name and brought out her pills and a bottle of water. As she gulped down her medicine the daze disappeared and she pushed Luce away.

"Why are you here?" She hissed out angrily as Luce raised his hands in defence.

"I... am sorry", He tried to apologise but Yanner shook her head and spat out sarcastically.

"This isn't how it works Luce. Tell me why did you lock me up like a damned lunatic?" She shrieked as her emotions started crumbling. She could feel something was off as Luce remained silent.

"Did you marry me for some kind of revenge?" Yanner repeated the princess's words which alarmed Luce.

"No...definitely not", He staggered trying to cover up his expressions but he failed as the mask came crumbling down.

" Lies. You are a liar", Yanner muttered softly to which Luce nodded accepting her accusation.

"I did marry you for revenge", He accepted loudly making the tears that Yanner was holding in slowly roll down her cheeks.

She felt her heart breaking as his words sank in. And it ached more as time passed. She gulped down the hysteria that was starting to break. She didn't want to show him how his words broke her.

"So it's true. You used me, didn't you?" She said as her mind drifted to those tragic books in which the side character would complain to the main character for breaking their heart. The part which Yanner often skipped to avoid the tears. But maybe the saying is true. The things that you avoid come back biting you. This was reality and here Yanner didn't want to listen to his reasons. She just wanted him to leave so she could have her meltdown. But her throat clogged up so she couldn't even shout at him the two words.

With red tear strained eyes, she glared daggers at him.

"I am gonna tell you something but I know you won't believe a word I-", Yanner cut him off.

"Yes, because you are a liar! A manipulative piece of shit. You played with my mind. I don't know what kind of psychological tricks you used on me that made me fall for you. To turn me into your psychotic lover. Crazy I was since the beginning. Alone cracked, struggling at my job but you thought that wasn't enough. Let's give her another reason to lose her sanity. You already know I murdered my uncle suffered in a juvenile, orphanage and was on the road for years. I didn't have a good upbringing like you, but still, I promised myself that when...", Her voice cracked as she tried to continue.

"When... My father finally found me and I started my new life, I promised myself to forget the past and move on. Those crazy people are long gone from my life, but they seem to pass on their insanity to me slowly. And you... I thought you viewed me as me. The way I saw myself was how you would view me. But I guess you think I am crazy too, don't you?" She rhetorically asked him not to let him talk, and she continued.

"Dr Luce, you want to cure me, don't you? Then do me a favour and go away!" She shrieked pushing him away and then her meltdown began. She cried till her eyes got heavy and the door to her room slammed shut.


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