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"Why is my name not starred?" Su Yan asked her eyebrows knitted in irritation as her heart did a flip flop. There was an unsettling feeling in her gut since the moment she woke up alone in Luce's office. She felt guilt as well as a bit of sadness when she realised Luce left her alone to attend to the patients. Many questions revolved in her mind as she wondered how pretty the patient was...

She knew she was overthinking and the guilt rose. These types of feelings made a person clingy and possessive. And an over-possessive lover looked good only in fiction, in reality, it was suffocating.  Her mood was upset as she exited his office and left for the publishing house.

And there Lillah dropped a bomb on her.

"The directors didn't like your writing style so they changed your position from screenwriter to co-writer", Lillah said with an extremely happy smile that almost broke Yanner's control. Yanner wanted to stab the smiling bitch of an editor with a fountain pen.

She clenched her fingers and reined in the anger. With anxious eyes and a flushed face, Su Yan asked Lillah to bring the official file of the screenplay.

There in bold letters under the section of screenwriter an alien name mocked her. A tear dropped and smeared the ink on the bottom of the page. She blinked and rubbed her eyes trying to read the name that replaced her.

Fin Jeeyu Ni

This was Kim Jeeyu Ni's younger brother. Her hands trembled as she turned the page and read the story. Her words mocked her and she felt anger bubble inside her heart. They lied and used her. This was her story, her editing and her writing style. Nothing was edited except the writer's name.

The main screenwriter of the play became one of the co-writers. There were ten such writers under her.

She crushed the entire paper and stamped on it repeatedly. Her anger has broken and now the side which she always suppressed broke out. With a ferocious smile, she wiped her tears harshly and picked up the stamped papers which were still intact.

Dusting off the dust on them she left the empty cabin and speed-walked towards the director's cabin like a bull. Her eyes were scorching with rage as she intruded inside without knocking. There she saw him, phone on his ears and their eyes met.

She gave him a threatening look as she slammed the file on the table, startling him enough to stand up.

"What the hell!" He exclaimed in anger and shock as he stared at the furious version of the gentle Yanner.

"That should be my exclamation, Director", She mocked as she slid down on the leather chair unceremoniously to spite him.

"Listen if this is about the change in the roles, then I can compensate you the way you desire", He spoke calmly like a businessman, his eyes shone as he stared at her contemplating face. He knew the writer would give in if he offered enough money. And anyway the copyright wasn't yet ready so she couldn't file a fraud case. He smirked as her face calmed down and a pleasant smile spread on her face.

"I don't think you can fulfil my desire", Yanner said in a honey dripping sweet voice that irked Jeeyo. He frowned and shook his head to repress his anger. And with a confident smile faced the lady who studied him like a beast.

"Try me", He said smiling with his teeth showing. The room was filled with vicious energy as the two hid their anger behind their scary smiles.

"I want...", She trailed off getting up from the seat and walking towards his seat. Jeeyo's sixth sense told him her intentions weren't right. But he ignored it as the smiling girl sat down on the table in front of him. He could see how delicate the girl was, so her threatful aura didn't scare him off.

" Your hand", She confessed casually, as she picked up the paper cutter from the pen stand and brought it near his palm.

"Excuse me?" Jeeyo asked as he sat there in a daze. He knew he should have retracted his hand but the curiousness of her next move made him still. She was eyeing his palm with obsession as her hand caressed it softly.

Her skilled fingers started to massage his palm which relaxed him more. With curious eyes, he stared at the woman who kept surprising him. Initially, he thought she was a gentle pushover writer who got this far purely based on her luck. So the idea hit him why not take advantage of this situation and mess around the names to tame his immature brother.  He did so shamelessly and would still dare to throw this woman off the building if she messed up his plans.

He felt something soft touching his hand and realised it was her bangs. His fingers rested on her cheek as she stroked his other hand. The woman had a hand fetish, he realised. She kept caressing it and then picked up the paper blade.

Jeeyo squinted his eyes but didn't move back his fingers as she made a neat cut on them. And with fast hands made another cut on the next finger making him hiss. The blood dropped from both of them, the woman acted like a crazy beast and brought his bleeding finger near her lips. He could have retracted his hand but he needed to know her next move. She stained her lips with his blood and spread it around like a balm.

It made him shudder. This girl was insane, his brain started working again as he shivered when Yanner went closer to him and placed her soft lips on his forehead. He could feel the wetness transferring from her lips to his forehead as she backed off with a smirk and threw the file on the table.

"It was a pleasure working for you", She said in a pampering tone and blew a kiss to him, that unconsciously made him shudder. Then the door slammed close as the woman disappeared. His heart was beating loudly as he felt wetness on his cheeks.

The woman succeeded in triggering her favourite actor for life.


So this was chapter 26. I hope you all loved it.

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