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"I wish I could kill this love...", Yanner said staring at the house infront of her as she sighed longingly. Her restlessness lead her here, she felt empty as she laid on the bed. Her chest hurt, she wished someone could hug her so the empty feeling in her heart could disappear.

The lights flicked on and of the room as it started pouring outside. After a few minutes his door flew open and he came out wearing black joggers. His white shoes stained with dirt as he started jogging closer to her. She resisted the urge to drive away and stayed right there staring at him until he stopped. His eyes met hers through the glass and the light rain started falling on both of them like pebbles. As if the time stopped he stood there his platinumhair getting wet and her window getting foggy. None of them cared as the storm began, they continued staring at each other through the glass.

An unpleasant honk interrupted the two, as the blue lost its connection with black. Both scattered away with the rain as it poured away the cloud of weeks. There was heavy longing as Yanner stepped out of the car following closely behind Luce. She could have chased him but decided not to as the rain was weighing her down. Luce indeed chose the worst time to for a walk she thought in amusement. Her black hair sticked to her face as she entered the house dripping from head to toe leaving behind a trail of river.

Luce stood in the hallway neither turning around nor walking away as if the preparing for the real storm, that was inside the room.

A sneeze snapped him out of his zone and he turned around to look at her. Yanner stood there shivering intensely, her teeth literally chattering as she blinked her eyes at him. Water dripped down her body as she cowered away from the cold that was seeping in her body.

An hour later they both sat beside each other near the fire place drinking hot chocolate with melted marshmallows.

Yanner stared at him as she sipped the yummy treat, the way his disheveled hair rested on his forehead as he blinked those familiar blue eyes. Luce felt her intense stare and finally decided to acknowledge it.

"I don't deserve your love", He confessed his voice laced with guilt as Yanner furrowed her eyebrows.

"Is this the reason you avoided me?" She questioned to which he nodded making her sigh in disappointment. Well the truth was bitter and this was far better than the truth which Luce hid from her.

Yanner felt drowsy as she stared at him and suddenly a weak voice in her head spoke up.

Tell him the truth...

Yanner blinked a saw the face of a woman she could never forget.

"Jin'er?" She asked out loud to which the woman nodded.

Tell him your story Yan

The woman repeated softly her voice reminding Yanner of the late night cuddles and hot chocolates. She sipped the deja vu of emotions as her lips uttered the name out loud.

"Su ji", She spoke the word to which Luce blinked slightly but Yanner's eyes were focused somewhere else.

"I am a murderer Luce", Yanner confessed staring at her hands in horror. She could feel the tinge of blood and it's coppery smell.

"Are you okay Yanner?" Luce asked trying to shake her off from her distant state. Her eyes were focused on her palm.

"I killed them, Luce. I killed them all", Yanner said now in hysterics as she turned towards him her eyes filled with tears. They dropped one by one as she continued.

"Yanner snap out of it!" Luce exclaimed as he brought her closer to him, nestling her head on his chest. Like a baby she sniffled then gave out a laugh that brought chills down his spine.

"Before killing them I cut their hands as a savour for the future...", She whispered crazily chuckling. It scared Luce a little her bipolar energy as she cried and laughed at the same time.

"Why kill people?" Yanner asked the question which Luce was hesitant to ask and he nodded.

"Well, it brings me relief to know that the blood of these bastards didn't sneak anywhere else. My dagger deserves the taste of their blood", She continued as a dumbfounded Luce processed her words slowly.

"My hands get restless if I don't cut their hands. I feel my heart pump faster when they slowly die, it treats my anxiety", She confessed revealing her thoughts to him.

"I am a murderer, a psychopath. I feel relieved when those men die. I feel... alive", She breathed out numbly resting her head on his chest.

Luce didn't spoke a word as the woman in his arms disclosed her secrets. These were the confessions that could transform his life. He could finally quit his job and enjoy his life the way he planned. But something was weird. He didn't felt overjoyed rather he was overwhelmed. There was this sinking feeling in the pit of his heart.

Luce was never an empathetic man. But why did her every sentence drained his heart. Why did her every word made him numb?

Her black eyes stared at him with intense emotions. Emotions that flustered him, that he couldn't handle. Those emotions jumbled up hid feelings. And he started losing his control over his emotions.

"Do you want to hear a story Luce?" The woman offered to which he nodded without thinking twice. Something was weird with him. He could feel it, how didn't he ran miles away when he heard her confessions. How did his heart empathized with her instead of shying in disgust?

The biggest question was why did he feel the remorse sink in as Yanner confessed her every desire.

"Am I falling for a psychopath?" He asked himself the question that he already knew the answer to.


Bad grammar :+(

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