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The weather was gloomy when they reached the high tower. It was formerly a business tower that failed to preserve its name and turned into a beautiful banquet hall for marriages and functions. This was another friend's gathering. It always pricked Yanner, the fact that her father was better in social gatherings than her. For an outsider, Yanner was a wallflower, the silent girl no one remembered. If only she had her father's beautiful sense of humour and not her mother's depressing mind, her life would have been perfect.

She scrunched her nose in distaste, shaking off the depressing thought from her mind. Yanner wasn't arrogant, she just lacked social skills and the art of attracting people by humour. She had tried her best, lying to her friends, making up facts and learning jokes from the comic books. But no matter how hard she tried, all her friends drifted away from her.

As Yanner grew up, she understood the reason behind this. She never belonged, their nature, habits and life were too different for them to stick together. This made her question the love theory people firmly believed,  'Opposites Attract'. That was never the case, people with different thoughts and beliefs repel each other. If there is no compatibility, how can they peacefully talk without arguing?

Yanner gazed at the large chandelier as they arrived at the beautiful lobby, decorated with red and white roses. Her eyes shone with excitement as they fell on the fish aquarium filled with clownfishes. She sprinted towards it and placed her hands on the cold glass admiring the beautiful orange and white fish.

The aquarium had little orange and blue lights that were shining brightly, making her droopy set of eyes filled with luminous thoughts as she observed the sparkling creature peeking at her from the other side of the aquarium. The small beady eyes of the fish blinked, startling her. The fish was as lively as her, beautiful and swirled around its charming energy in the extravagant aquarium.  

A shadow formed on the translucent surface scaring the fish away. The blue lights dimmed and a yellow reflection displayed as Yanner felt the heat of the body. The blue eyes were visible from the aquarium glass observing her curiously. 

"Do you want to buy a clownfish?" Luce's warm voice whispered in her ears. His warm breath made goosebumps rise on her skin as she turned around. Their eyes met and she noticed his hand that was just beside her, his body leaning towards her. This isn't ambiguous at all, the man in front of her was too tempting. He was an expert in the art of seduction, a beautiful creature. 

'Lucifer' The name echoed in her ears again. But she shook her head. He wasn't imaginary, his eyes were not born for sinners. They were far too pure just like his platinum hair. 

"Yanni", His hot breath in her ears broke her thought process and she nodded at his question. 

She didn't say much, just silently answered his question, making him frown. Her face was red due to their proximity and her hands were shivering. She counted her toes not looking up as the man keenly observed her for a while making butterflies rise in her stomach. 

"Do I scare you?" He asked teasingly, noticing her flushed cheeks through the transparent veil. Yanner cutely shook her head making Luce chuckle.

"That's good", He commented while patting her hat and backing away. Yanner sighed in relief. Calming her beating heart she skipped towards the large elevator area, Luce followed after her. 

The elevator opened with a binge. Yanner calmed down her beating heart and quickly skidded inside the small area towards the glass wall that showed the outside view. She was relieved that the glass was as transparent as the aquarium glass. It could help her claustrophobic self as the gathering was held on the fifteenth floor.  Yanner would have opted for the stairs if Luce wasn't beside her. 

Clutching the iron rod, she leaned on the wall and closed her eyes. The wall behind her vibrated and Yanner felt the lights going off as the elevator went up. Opening her eyes in panic, Yanner realised the transparent glass was useless as the pillar concealed the view outside making it opaque. 

Stifling a gasp Yanner massaged her aching chest that felt suffocated. Tears dropped from the corner of her eyes as she slid down the wall. 

"Yanner", His concerned voice echoed in the empty elevator. Yanner breathed out loudly, opening her eyes she gazed at his blurry figure that quickly bent down to her.

"I can't breathe", Yanner wheezed out clutching her chest. Luce quickly pressed the emergency button but the lift didn't stop. In a panicked stricken state, he caught her hand and pulled her cold body towards him. He professionally massaged her back with his palm, breaking the tight knots and whispered relaxing words in her ears. Yanner's body slowly relaxed as she slumped back into his embrace and opened her eyes to stare at those lovely doe shaped eyes.

"I read your book", Luce whispered in her ears. Yanner was alarmed as she croaked out 'which?'. 

"The one with the devil, I forgot its name ahhh. Was it the 'Love of the devil'?" He asked her in an innocent voice. Yanner blushed and backed away from his embrace. 

"When..?" She asked guiltily.

"Do I look like a devil?" Luce asked, ignoring her previous question as he playfully bumped his shoulder with hers.

"Noooo... That devil is a seductive being with eyes that could hypnotise humans and a face that could make girls swoon...", Yanner rambled then immediately slapped her mouth with her palm, horrified. She was sitting wide-eyed on the ground when Luce stood up and pulled her. The lights flew open in the elevator as the doors revealed the beautiful banquet hall. 

As they exited the elevator with her arm draped around Luce's, he startled her again by his words.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone about your secret crush"


So this was chapter 22. It took me three days to write this one chapter. 

And I know somewhere it sucked, so I sincerely apologize...

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