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"Dad, are you ready?", Su Yan called from the door.

"Yes, I am. Give me five minutes", He answered peaking from his room.

"Wait are you gonna wear a suit to the party?" He questioned grimacing at her outfit. Su Yan frowned and checked out herself in the mirror. She looked professional, that's the vibe she wanted to go for. Anyway, she wasn't going to interact with her father's friends and her outfit could scare away the ones who wanted to talk to her. It wasn't that Yanner didn't like talking to people, her anxiety and mental health could easily deteriorate if she stayed in a negative environment for a long time.

Her father who was watching her passed her a box. Su Yan narrowed her eyes and asked him with a straight face.

"How much did this cost you?" Her father made a hurt expression.

"It was very cheap, I almost got it for free", He said looking around the room not maintaining eye contact with her.

"Yeah, but how much Dad?" Su Yan asked him. Her father despite her refusal brought extremely expensive gifts which made her feel like a brat. She ground her teeth and glared at him waiting for his answer. Looking at the quality of the cloth she could speculate it was not a synthetic material.

"500 dollars, but I got 200 dollars off. I am a businessman baby, so believe me", He said his tone carried a little guilt, Su Yan sighed loudly and nodded. She didn't want to destroy his mood so she went along with him.

"And stop calling me a baby", She warned him going to her room to change into the zebra print dress.

"Whatever you say baby", My father yelled before slamming his door closed. Yanner had the urge to shout but kept it in. Looking at the beautiful dress she felt weird. If she wore it she knew she would look pretty.

And if she appeared pretty then people would talk to her...


Then an idea hit her. She could still look like a weirdo despite wearing that beautiful dress. All she has to do is wear a track under it. As she happily wore the track pant under the dress, she remembered her father's face.

'I can't make him look bad in front of his friends', Su Yan thought as she imagined the mocking looks on all his classmate's faces. Hardening her will she wore that dress and realised her black hair went well with the contrast. She needed a veil or something that makes her look antisocial or disinterested in the party.

That's when a hat fell on her and she nodded vigorously thanking God. Wearing the black hat she matched it with her favourite black boots.


Smiling she left the room to depart with her dad who was hopefully ready. But that wasn't the case.

Yanner sighed then smiled thinking about her cute dad switching different outfits. It was hilarious but made her feel protective over him. Her dad was precious. And the older he got the more younger he behaved like.

Su Yan decided to take a stroll in the garden instead of waiting for her father. She smiled as she thought about her life. It suddenly felt complete and happy. What changed?

As she was admiring her life while staring at the only flower in the garden, she heard a scream. The scream was weird, it gave her chills.

The woman who screamed had a very painful voice then she realised and her face turned red. Before she could die because of a stroke she ran away.

Thankfully Mr Han was ready when she reached there and together they departed.


The ground was large with many plastic tables and chairs decorated fairly under the shade of a tree. Her father ditched her as soon as they arrived at the party. Su Yan watched as the old friends hugged each other and went inside the stadium to play football.

Su Yan was bored and felt hot. The sun was shining directly above her but she didn't have any intention of taking shade under a tree that was filled with strangers. She was much happier to die by a sunstroke rather than embarrassing herself or interacting with new people.

Su Yan's face was turning pale and she felt her head spinning as if something was crushing it. She held it and tried to massage the pain away.

Suddenly a tray entered her vision, looking at the cold drink Su Yan didn't hesitate in gulping it down. Her head cooled down and she felt energy rush back into her system.

Su Yan raised her head to thank the person but his face left her awestruck.

"You?" She asked rather stupidly. Her head was still not working properly so she blinked her eyes.

"Remember me?" He asked smiling with his teeth.

"NO", Yanner denied adjusting her hat to hide her face inside it.

He chuckled and started surfing through his phone. Then as he located the picture, he showed it to her.

Damn, I look gorgeous with my big eyes staring dumbly into the camera.

"So still gonna act like a stranger?" He asked in a playful tone. His eyes were shining reflecting her face in them. His platinum hair was tied back into a ponytail highlighting his already amazing features.

"We are strangers!" She exclaimed harshly. His smile disappeared then he asked mischievously.

"Alright. My name is Dr Luce Cyder, I am 26 years old and work at the general hospital on weekdays", He said giving her his hand for a handshake. She stared at it for a minute then sighed and shook his hand.

"My name is Su Yan, people call me Yanner as well. I am a writer and am currently working with elite production-" Then she stopped mid-sentence as if she realized something.

"You said you are a doctor", She said stupidly to which he nodded.

"Wow, I would have never imagined you as a doctor", Su Yan muttered softly which made him laugh.

"Why though?" He asked curiously.

"I don't know...", She trailed off then asked a question that just occurred in her brain.

"So which department do you work in?" Su Yan asked rather interested.

"I work in the Psychiatry department"


So this was chapter 10. I hope you all loved it.

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