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A week has passed since Su Yan met Luce. He seemed more real to her after they had a conversation, the first time she thought of him as a heartbreaker, a deadly gorgeous asshole. But the way he talked to her was extremely sweet and he slowly started snailing his way into her thoughts. The last week was extremely tedious as she had to work her ass off to write a whole plotline and ten chapters in total. It was exhausting but kinda thrilling her mind felt surprisingly rejuvenated even after writing down 3000 chapters a day.

Su Yan currently sat in her office underlining the words that didn't go well with the sentence. A dictionary in her other hand as she noted down the correct words and their definitions. Yanner was thankful that she was well graced in grammar and spelling as it saved her time in editing.

These days Yanner felt strangely addicted to coffee. It helped her with the nerves and suppressed the unwanted memories that sprung every day. She was hiding behind the poorly built facade but she didn't want that facade to collapse as it was her only light.

She drank the mocha coffee the bitterness shaking away the dazed look from her face as she finished underlining the last page.

The story was great according to her and if the directors approved it could break records.  As minutes passed the empty conference started filling in, Yanner smiled at Mona who complimented her on the outfit she wore today. It was a casual sweater with a coat above and a pencil skirt. But she knew she rocked it.

The director entered followed by Lillah who smiled at Su Yan. Su Yan smiled back and the discussion started.

"Miss Yan, have you outlined a story according to the plot?" Kim Jeeyo Ni questioned.

"Yes sir, I have written 20k words and outlined the plot as well as the story. It will take me two more weeks to complete the story", Su Yan said confidently. Her idol smiled and nodded his head.

"So what's the name of our main character and what have you written so far?" Lillah asked her. Su Yan smiled and stood up. Taking the pen drive out of her pocket she inserted it into the laptop. The projector lit up with a picture of a girl. There was a name written on the side.


"She is going to be the main character of our book. Her name is Anna, a weak-willed orphan who lives in a Christian hostel", Su Yan introduced Anna. She looked around the conference room and continued.

"As a teenager, Anna was chubby and had pimples adorning her beautiful dimples. Her beautiful hazel brown eyes remained swollen and her legs easily swelled if she tried to work out. At least that's what she thought, but she was working out in the wrong way and without any trainers. Why? Because she was desperate. Desperate to make friends, grab her crush's attention and prove to them that she was normal", Su Yan continued her voice low as if she was Anna and her pain could be felt in her voice.

" Then one afternoon she met a boy, the most gorgeous guy of her school Harry and he wanted to talk to her. Anna was surprised and happy for the first time. They quickly became close friends and often met at the balcony when everyone was asleep. Harry didn't want anyone to know that he was her friend. And Anna was fine with it as long as the poor girl had a friend", Su Yan changed the slide and a piece of music started playing. It was calming just the background music of raindrops falling.

"After a year it was Valentine's day, her school was hosting a masquerade. At this point, Anna has fallen for Harry. For the first time, Anna dressed up in a gown that her late mother has gifted her. Applied her roomie's old lipstick and let down her long hair. Wearing the mask she entered the hall and saw Harry standing there alone. Smiling she approached him and tapped on his shoulder", Su Yan was breathless at this point. Unscrewing the cap from the bottle she drained it and moved on to the next slide. There was a sketch of a 16-year-old wearing a peach gown with pink lipstick that looked horrible and her silky hair let down. A shy blush was visible on her face as she clutched the mask to her chest.

" He turned around and that's when Anna confessed to him. Harry was shocked and looked around the room, unfortunately, his friends had heard it and they snickered. Harry went along with them and pushed the girl to the floor. And mercilessly broke her heart by calling her a fat whale. The girl cried and ran away from the masquerade hall in tears. At this point she knew nobody loved her, she was truly alone. She was unwanted and ugly, that's why her parents abandoned her. That's why she had no friends, she was ugly", Su Yan said and taking a deep breath removed the USB from the laptop. The lights were switched on and her idol was looking at her with respect. Su Yan's eyes shined with a feeling that she and her idol would one day be at the same level.

A smile rose on her face as he wished her luck for the other half of the story. The meeting ended and Su Yan returned home with a lovely smile.


Everything was in order the room smelt just like her father liked it, of roses and almonds. Jen Han was obsessed with nuts and roses, so much that he carried them in his pocket everywhere he went.

The door bell rang and entered her father with his butler.


Yanner jumped on him engulfing him in a hug. He laughed and patted her back endearingly. Jen Han looked like a normal Asian guy with his specs and a cute smile that always melted Yanner's heart.

Her father was her world. The only man she could trust enough to let her guards down. Su Yan felt overwhelmed in his warm hug and tear escaped from her eyes.


So this is chapter 9. I hope you all love it.

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