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"That's great", Su Yan said noticing the waiter serving mango popsicles. She was craving them, she could almost taste them melting in her mouth. But it was best to stifle her wants.

She stared at the gorgeous man who was standing with her, gazing at the football stadium where the old classmates were enjoying their reunion.

Again, it's best to stifle your wants.

"You knew me before we even met", Su Yan stated not glancing at the handsome man beside her. But God, her eyes betrayed her every other second and she gazed at his side profile like a fangirl. His ears stood out, red due to the heat and he was sweating badly just like her. He could have sat under the shade, then why was he standing with her in the sun?

"Well I worked in your father's company. Your father often mentioned how proud he is to have such a talented daughter. He has a picture of you in his cabin in Thailand", He said turning sideways leaning on the pole near him. He was casually staring at her, his eyes squinted because of the sunlight.

"Honestly you scared me when you mentioned my dad", Su Yan confessed.

It was a farce though.

She never dwelled on the fact that he somehow knew her father. On the other hand, it excited her. Was he her stalker? Yeah, indeed, Su Yan's brain worked in a funny way.

But she never thought her father knew him.


"I apologise for that", Luce said with a guilty expression making her heart skip a beat. She gulped and nodded accepting his apology silently.

He was bad news, she realized. His actions, features and personality were dangerously tempting. He was every girl's ideal type. She shuddered and shook her head, dismissing stupid thoughts.

She was overthinking.

The football game ended thankfully relieving Su Yan. She ran towards her father after bidding farewell to Luce. 

"Dad you are sweating", She said looking at his wrinkled face that was shining with sweat.

"Oh I didn't realise", He said wiping his face off with a napkin. The smile remained as he waved at his friends to come over. Su Yan turned to escape but he caught her hand.

Screaming inside she maintained a forced smile on her face as they stopped near then.

"This is Su Yan, my daughter", He introduced her, his eyes shining with pride. Su Yan fought her anxiety and stood there.

They greeted her and then went back to discussing their old times. Father's  grip slackened and she escaped.

She found an old tree far away from the gathering and decided to rest there till the party ends.


Yanner's back ache woke her up. She yawned and streched. Retrieving her cell phone from her pocket she cursed. Two hours has passed and there were 20 missed calls from her father. She shivered and ran back to where the gathering was held.

She saw white lounge chairs arranged and guests resting on them. She couldn't locate her father in the mass just when she was going to give him a call, someone called her from behind.


She turned around and realised it was Luce. He was a little flustered.

"Come, your dad is waiting for you inside", He said and turned around. She followed him to a small cottage.

Yanner could hear their laughter as they entered the cottage. This made her sigh in relief. She didn't spoil their party atleast.

"Baby where were you?" Her father rushed to her side as he saw her.

"I went for a walk and fell asleep", She confessed scratching her neck in embarrassment.

"Baby you scared me to death. Don't do this again, okay?" He said  softly. Su Yan felt a little humiliated on her father's use of the term baby infront of his friends. She tried to school her expression and nodded at him.

He sighed and made her sit beside him.  One of her father's classmate sat opposite to them, as their eyes met he smiled sweetly.

"Su Yan this is Chris Wang, my childhood friend", He introduced us. Yanner greeted him with a smile.

"Han, you are a lucky man to have such a talented daughter", He said sweetly. Gosh this man would give her diabetes. Su Yan thanked him quietly.

"Look how well mannered she is", He praised her again causing her to blush. Yanner was sure that this old guy was a flirt in his youth. She could tell by his hot timbered voice and looks.


Did she just check him out?

Something was wrong with her brain. Trying to shake all the thoughts away she looked around. And her eyes met gorgeous blue ones. He was leaning against the pillar gazing at her with an intensity that almost made her choke.

"Did you marry Julia?" Jen Han asked his friend with a teasing glint in his eyes.

"What do you think?" He asked laughing along with her father on a hidden joke. Su Yan was uncomfortable sitting with two besties like a third wheel.

"I have five kids with her", He said making my father clap and scream 'five, god damn five'.  They were laughing, their faces flushed red. Yanner suddenly felt jealous of her own father. He had such a great friend to poke fun and support him. Her father was always better than her when it came to mingling with the crowds.

"Infact one of them is here. Let me call him", He said retrieving his cellphone but when he started dialling a voice interrupted.


We turned towards him and Yanner's eyes widened when she realised it was Luce. Why was he appearing everywhere today?

It almost felt like he was taking revenge on Yanner.

"Luce Cyder is your son?" Han asked in a suprised voice. He would have never vouched the laid back and soft psychiatrist to be his childhood friend's son.

"Yes he is", Chris Wang confirmed laughing a little.

"I always felt proud whenever I saw the young lad working. He reminded me of my earlier days", Yanner's father said shaking hand with Luce.

Yanner sat there in shock. She has committed a sin. What were the chances of a random man at a random club to be her father's close friend's son.  An employee was not too bad but a family friend was yikes.

She was extremely frightened as she glanced at Luce sideways. Hoping that this devil doesn't spill the beans infront of her father. Otherwise Yanner's innocent image in Han's mind  will be destroyed.

And he would realise what a pervert she is...


Well this is chapter 11. I hope you all love it❤️

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