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"Why are you so lost?" Jen Han inquired as he observed Yanner's crestfallen face. She was munching on her favourite caramelised popcorn while dipping them in Nutella. The number of calories she was ingesting made him shudder. And the tense look on her face made him worry, Yanner was never expressive with her thoughts or at least in front of him she hid her real self.

Her eyes were red, he could see the veins on them as she threw in the popcorn in her mouth clumsily. Her eyes were not on the bowl, they were on the bookshelf. Han wanted her to lower her guards around him, but trust issues existed. Even though the two seemed like a sweet lively family, they were barely holding together the broken remnants of what people called family sentiments. And Jen Han was guilty in this case. He never behaved like a responsible father, it was always her who made the first move. He knew that Yanner looked up to him, she was proud of her father and often craved for his company.

"I *crunch* am *crunch* getting married to Luce", Yanner confessed casually amidst crunching the popcorn. There was silence from beside her, deadly silence. It stretched as her crunches got louder and louder in the silent room. She grabbed the hot and spicy Cheetos and dipped them in Nutella.

"Yanner eww. You have such a disgusting taste", He remarked while crinkling his nose in a disgusting expression making her frown. She thought back to Luce's spicy voice and sweet lukewarm eyes while dipping another Cheetos in Nutella. Her father couldn't bear it any longer and snatched the Nutella jar.

"Are you even listening to me?" He asked as Yanner grabbed the jam jar and opened the lid.

"Yes, I am *crunch* listening to you", She said sweetly while dipping the Cheetos in jam.

"Ahhh, what the hell Yanner! This is atrocious", Jen Han complained as he snatched all the snacks from her hand making her sulk. Her lips were outlined by Nutella stain as she pursed them.

"Nothing is wrong with my taste dad. Luce is...", She sighed and continued " the type of boy I always dreamed about, why are you calling him a disgusting taste?"

"Not that, silly girl. I am talking about the food you eat every day. How about we have a hotpot tomorrow with Wang's family?" He offered in a sweet voice. His black eyes were shimmering with happiness, as he ruffled her hair fondly. Then squinted his eyes when a popcorn fell.

"You mean, you are happy with me and Luce-", He cut her off.

"I and Wang were hoping for this to happen..." He trailed off with a guilty smile on his face. She didn't respond letting her father believe that they were indeed the ones who arranged their meet-cute. As she imagined Luce's father a question that kept popping in her mind flew out of her tongue.

"Dad, Is Mr Wang Luce's birth father? As Luce looks too American coming from a Chinese family"

"He is adopted", He erased Yanner's query quickly and gave her a meaningful look to not ask this question again. Adoption was a sensitive topic and questioning it further will make them uncomfortable. She brushed it off and smiled when her phone beeped.

It was Luce's text.

Are you in for a drink?

She replied with a yes.

I will pick you up in thirty minutes then.

Yanner whistled joyfully forgetting her father's presence. He glanced at Su Yan with a judgemental look then rolled his eyes.

She smiled awkwardly and rushed to her room.


Yanner waited outside her house clad in a woollen sweater under which a purple off shoulder T-shirt peeked through. Her bleached jeans were of course brought by her father with a chain hanging from the pocket.

My Psychotic Lover|(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now