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Her eyes gleamed as mischievousness shined in them. Looking at him her eyes ran down his body shamelessly as if undressing him virtually. Then a new wave of inspiration hit her, as she started drawing his side profile.

His blonde hair was shining brightly as if pearl, ash and silver merged to form a beautiful metallic colour. Su Yan realized the colour looked slightly different from that night. It wasn't white. It looked more like Platinum.

She sighed with her eyes closed imagining how this will now affect her cover, her hand was paused in the air as she tried to trace his side profile with her closed eyes. Then opened them with a determination, removing silver, white and grey colour from her art bag.

She drew his sharp jawline and a five o clock that appeared due to his light stubble. His stubble was the same colour as his hair. Leaning at the edge of her chair, Su Yan tried to imagine how his body would look without clothes. She drew thick biceps but a lean body, his waist was quite thinner than his upper body and his legs had the perfect amount of fat. Broad shoulders, long neck and fingers completed the naughty sketch of his.

Su Yan smiled proudly at the sexy sketch of the man who sat three seats away from her. Was it a crime to sketch a naughty sketch of a man without his consent?

Su Yan was lewd when it came to such gorgeous men.

She shrugged and assured herself that he will never know. And anyway it was her imagination in the sketch. Although the guy was gorgeous, in her sketch he was a God or a devil.

The girl sat there lost in her thoughts drawing a second sketch of the man, unaware of his side gaze on him. And if she was, she didn't care. This could be the case as the next sketch was of him glaring at her, his face and same as the first one.  Su Yan was one bold artist.

Just when Yanner stretched her seat to look at his front view the guy swirled his seat towards her, shocking her enough to almost fall from the tall bar seat. His eyes had a calculating look in them, they were narrowed as his long fingers massage his stubble as if trying to think hard. Then a look of horror lit on his face as if his worst fear came true.

Lucifer realized that there was nobody bolder than those crazy reporters who could go to any length to achieve their target. He tried to think hard and then smiled brightly shocking the girl.

The number of emotions that flashed on his handsome face made Su Yan dizzy. She tried to keep up with those mood swings that appeared on his face. At this moment she wished she had brought her phone to click his photos.

He jumped from that tall chair. Yup jumped, the chair was long enough for even a six-foot guy. Su Yan should have been scared or embarrassed. But she was none.

How shameless was she?

He stood in front of her maintaining an arms-length distance like a gentleman a smile adorned his lips but she couldn't miss those cold eyes that almost made her shiver. He was more gorgeous up close. She wished she could kiss him like in those rom-coms or faint in his arms shouting 'kyaaaaaa'.

She would have done that but her eyes were too busy drinking every inch of his face, trying to memorize the face.

It was for her novel.


She blinked her eyes and asked confidently.

"How can I help you?" Su Yan asked shamelessly her eyes shined with mischief as she sat back in her chair trying to straighten her shoulders to intimidate him. He frowned and breathed loudly making his bang fall on his nose which he adjusted and tightening his face he enquired.

"Why are you following me, miss?" He asked softly but his tone carried a threat in them.

"Me? Nonsense. Why would I follow a guy like you?" She responded which made him click his tongue as he walked closer. His shadow covering the naughty sketch of his as he stared into Yanner's eyes.

"What's your name?" He asked suddenly.

"Su Yan", She answered smiling at him. At this moment she realized she was the most shameless person to exist on the phase of this universe.

"I am Luce", He said and flashed something near her eyes stunning her almost blinding her. She narrowed her eyes then realized he just clicked a picture.

"How does this make you feel?" He asked showing me the pictures with a smirk on his face.

"You think I am gorgeous, don't ya?" She asked while fluttering her long lashes at him. For a moment he looked at Yanner's face and checked her out twice. Then backed off.

"Ma'am you are a narcissist", He spat out as if disgusted. But she could see that his eyes weren't cold like before. They were shining curiously.

"Not as much as you", She muttered under her breath.

"What?" He asked raising his right eyebrow. How??? She wanted to ask him but restrained herself.

"Nothing I just said you didn't even take a decent picture of mine. That's unfair, as I have really gorgeous pictures of yours",  She said in a sad voice pouting. And it was true, she knew she wasn't ugly but the picture he took was scary.

"Ugh", He muttered frustrated by the girl who was surprisingly pretty but hella annoying.

"Alright let's make a deal. Tell me why did you click those pictures and I won't bother you", He said trying to lure me into his trap. She shrugged and answered.

"I am a writer, I draw anything I  find interesting to convert it into a cover or art in my book"

"Wait are you the daughter of Jen Han?" He asked. I nodded then a horrified look took over his face.

"Is there a problem?" I asked tapping his shoulder. He flinched back then smiled at me. This guy was in a mood.

"No, you can keep the picture but can I hang out with you, I mean we can go out for a coffee?" He asked nervousness clear in his blue eyes.

"Ah, I... Sure", I stumbled upon words. He smirked a little and asked me my number before walking away.

I stood glued to the ground as I watched his sexy back disappear in the crowd. My mouth opened and closed as I tried to make sense of reality.

Was this a part of my imagination?


So this is chapter 8. I hope you all love it.

This chapter is dedicated to my bestie thecrazyhotvibes for motivating me with her awesome comments. I love you, girl❤

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