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Yanner could feel his eyes on her. It was too dark wherever she was, she could see the outline of a hand. There was a knife in his hand. Her heart started beating with each click of his boot and she hugged the soft thing that was in her arms close to her chest.

She inhaled and closed her eyes. It felt as if the time stopped when his clicking boot stepped away from where she hid. Sweat trickled down the side of her head as she sighed in relief.

Wiping the sweat away she leaned back into the cramped space to fall asleep when suddenly the door was pulled open. She tried to stop those whimpers as her heart beat accelerated but she couldn't. Her eyes came in contact with his boots, timidly she raised her head to look at him. Suddenly it felt as if she was underwater sinking and the man's face was blurred as he held her head inside it.

Yanner tried to scream but the water suffocated her lungs and not a word came out. She continued shouting but her voice remained stifled as her eyes started burning and slowly closing. That's when she saw it underwater. A floating hand coming towards her. She tried to move her body away from the dead corpse's hand but to no avail. It stopped near her cheek and caressed it gently.

Only one word echoed in her mind at that moment.


She felt someone squeezing her shoulders, she screamed standing up. The place felt familiar as she tried to register what just happened with her.

She saw a blurry faced man sitting near her whom she didn't recognise. He wasn't her father for sure. Stifling her urge to scream she ran past into the other room to search for him. But he wasn't there just like that night. He left her again. She cried out, sliding down the wall onto the ground.

Her sobs echoed in the quiet room. Her heart was aching, it was too painful. Then she felt someone's presence. Peeking at him she tried to read his features. Soft blue eyes filled with concern and platinum blonde hair. He looked too familiar and as an instinct kicked inside her she jumped and hugged him.

"He will kill me", Yanner cried out remembering the man who tried to drown her.

"Who will kill you?" The man asked in a concerned voice. Yanner felt her throat clogging up and a scene from her earlier dream emerging.

"I heard his voice, there was blood. So much blood", Yanner blabbered as the scenes hit back and she felt the creepy touch on her cheek.  She tightened her hands around him and asked in timid voice.

"You won't leave me again, will you?"

Yanner could feel the vibration in his chest. Her body felt warm in his embrace, his voice was too soothing for her ears. She felt safe in his arms.

"I won't leave", The man promised in a steady voice. Yanner smiled widely with tears running down her face. She felt her ache dissolving as she stayed on the ground hugging him close to her. It felt too natural, sitting in his embrace and listening to his breathy voice as she felt his heart beating. Her heart slowly started mimicking his rate and she felt their heart beats match for a second.

It almost felt that one heart was beating for the two of them. The noise at the back of her ear reduced and she could just hear their matching beats.


Luce felt her hiccups turning into soft snores. This made him sigh in relief, gathering her in his arms he walked to the bed and placed her on it. Tucking her inside he wiped the sweat from her forehead with a tissue and tied her hair in a ponytail. Having long hair he knew how irritating hairs could he for a sleeping person. 

When he was sure she was asleep he retraced his hand from her forehead and turned to leave. As he was leaving someone pulled him back with a tug on his shirt.

Luce was slightly irritated as he tried to loosen Yanner's grip on his shirt. But the girl was holding him in a iron grip making him groan in frustration.

"Luce don't leave me", She whispered scaring the shit out of him. Her eyes were closed but her brows were furrowed. Exhaling Luce tried to calm down and linked their hands together.

"I won't leave", He lied in a serious voice.

Their fingers were linked as she held them to her chest and fell asleep. Luce didn't understand what to make out of this situation so he did what the girl asked him to. His fingers started sweating after a while, their grip loosening. Luce took this as a chance to break their entwined hands. And without waking her up he tiptoed out of the room picking up the coat on the way out. As he exited the room he ran to the hall and picked up his keys and phone. There were seven missed calls from the hospital. He grimaced at his bad luck and texted his colleague that he would be back in a few minutes.

As he exited the hall, th front door flew open and a drunk Jen Han staggered inside.

"Hey Luce! You leaving?" He slurred out. Looking at his face it appeared he was far too drunk too even reach his bedroom and Yanner was sleeping right there. Luce wanted to leave but the thought of the girl getting crushed by a drunk father made him help the old man to bed and he tucked him in.

"Thakii yewwww", Jen Han said with a giggle and fell asleep. The man was snoring loudly with his daughter snoring softly beside him. Luce didn't wait long and exited the house. As he sat in his car he couldn't help but think what a long day it was...


So this is chapter 18. I hope y'all love it❤️

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