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Chirping of birds woke her up. Squinting her eyes she sat up from the bed and wondered when she came to her father's room. Then her concious mind started working and Yanner's face turned red as she remembered how clingy she was to poor Luce last night.

She wanted to dig a hole and hide in there forever for making him go through all those embarrassing moments of hers. Her nightmare was still vivid but Yanner wasn't scared a bit. She remembered how Luce comforted her. Yanner could still feel the warmth of his hug and smell his cologne on her clothes. A smile spread on her face as she recalled his sweet voice.

"I won't leave"

Yanner knew that he must have said those words to comfort her but he wasn't obligated to. He could have left her when she dozed off.

But he didn't.

Yanner bit her lips and imagined his face again. The tensed eyes, concerned voice and warm hug. She shivered and rolled out of her bed to find her phone. It was on the sofa she rudely fell asleep on when the poor guy was talking. Her phone vibrated with a notification. It was an unknown number but Yanner guessed it was him.

Opening the message box, a smile spread on her face when she read the message out loud.

Hey Su Yan!!! Call me as soon as you see this message.

Su Yan dialled the number and waited for him to pick it up. While waiting she listened to his ringtone which both shocked and excited her.

'Sorry but do I have something on my face?
The way you’re looking at me is confusing me
Mamamoo Mamamoo hey there Mr. Ambiguous
Don’t just look at me and come a little closer'

Su Yan started singing along hoping that Luce answers after the song gets over. With her croaky voice she danced in the hall with her phone, her energy level high.

There is a boy hello Mr. Ambiguous (ambiguous)
I’m a fox in need of love stuck in your trap
Mamamoo Mamamoo hey Mr. Ambiguous
Don’t just poke but make things happen

Su Yan placed the phone on the table and danced around the room so lost in the music that she didn't realize when the song stopped and she was the only one singing.  Her eyes were closed as she continued the the verse.

Now ladies and gentlemen
Let’s get on with the show
Show Show Show Show Show

"Hello", A husky voice silenced her. She opened her eyes in shock and suddenly felt like digging another pit in the ground and hiding there.

It was so embarrassing...

"Hey Luce", She squeaked out painfully embarrassed. Her eyes were running around the room as she made the situation more awkward by not talking at all.

"So how are you?" Luce broke the silence asking her in a professional voice. Yanner felt a pang in her heart as she sat down on the dining table and answered.

"I am great. How are you?"

He laughed cutely and answered 'I am doing great'.

"Did I disturb you by calling?" Su Yan asked in an awkward voice.

"No Yanni. You didn't", He answered immediately in a sweet tone. Yanner was dazed by the nickname he gave her. Butterflies started bubbling in her stomach as she tried not to giggle.  Alas she couldn't control the smile from breaking out on her face.

"Umm I wanted to thank you for yesterday..", Luce cut her off.

"Yanni you don't need to thank me. I did what any friend should do in that situation", He stated in a charming tone making Yanner's heart go 'lub dub'. She could imagine his beautiful smile and twinkling eyes as he said those words.

"It means a lot to me. What you did yesterday, even friends don't do that", Yanner expressed her gratitude her voice a little emotional. It was true Yanner never fit in, her friends left her at one point when they became aware of her disorders. This was new for her, Luce actually became nicer to her instead of pitying or running away from her.

"That means they were never your friends to begin with", Luce whispered through the phone. She could hear some scribbling and tearing of pages from the other side. 

"Yeah I guess", Yanner muttered in a dejected tone. There was silence from the other side as she placed the phone on her ear. Then she heard a heavy sigh.

" You want to thank me, right?" Luce asked in an enthusiastic voice. Yanner nodded then realized they were on a phone call.

"Yes", She replied pinching her nose.

"Then treat me a coffee", He said in an excited voice. There was a clank from the other side which Yanner assumed to be from a stethoscope.

"Sure I can do that", Yanner replied calmly. But she was anything but calm. Her eyes were picturing how he would look in his doctor's white coat and stethoscope. Her imagination was running wild as she drooled on him in silence.

" Alright let's meet in an hour", He said and cut off the phone before she could answer. Yanner frowned angrily at his rude behaviour but then calmed down when she realized he was in the hospital probably with patients.

And his message confirmed it.

"Sorry the department head suddenly called"

Yanner messaged back that 'it was okay' and with a smile entered the shower to hasten her process of getting ready. There was a megawatt smile spread on her face as she sang in the shower and got ready for what apparently in her head was a date.


What do you think of the story so far?

I wasn't so sure about publishing this chapter but alas I did.

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