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It's been a long time...


Imagine reading a book with an ending you already know but still the nerves get you high when you read it. Our mind hates new things, familiarity is what makes our mind calm and happy. It was the same for Yanner. She wanted solace, peace and freedom for the constant ups and downs of her abnormal life. Nothing ever was normal in her life and when it was she would lose her mind thinking about what would come next.

She kept on deluding herself that what she did was the right thing for her. As the other options were something she was unfamiliar with her who life. Her life always left her at a cliffhanger so how would she react when it suddenly settled down quietly near a river withe everything she would ever ask for.

Yanner relished spontaneity in life just like all her decisions which were spontaneous. Right now she would have never imagined signing a piece of paper in the court with an incredibly happy smile on her face. Her hand being clutched by none other than the person she desired with all her mind and soul, Luce. He was lovingly caressing her hand and slowly slipping the beautiful diamond ring in her index finger. She felt tears gushing out of her eyes as she stared at the proof of their union. This was the solace she longed for all her life, with the most spontaneous man in the whole universe. Who would have imagined a man would marry her just after she confessed all her crimes?

He wasn't sympathising with her, just flowing with her as if they were reaching the end of the climax. As if they were the two main leads created by a cliche writer like herself. A writer who was tired of the twists and turns in her own life and created her. The writer must be twisted for sure, Yanner thought with a chuckle.


They entered the large villa where Luce lived, their fingers entwined. Yanner knew what came next and she was excited for it. Call her shameless, being a virgin for 25 years made her that. She stared at Luce who was quiet all along. As soon as the door to the estate closed Luce pulled her in his embrace.

His pink lips touched hers, making her gasp. Luce took the chance and stuck his tongue in her mouth. Her eyes teared up as she tried kissing him back, but it was hard. She wanted to dominate him but her body played dead as he gave her a french kiss, as if she didn't knew how to kiss.

He pulled away and gave her the sexiest smile she could ever drool upon. His blue eyes twinkled as his platinum hair caressed his forehead. Red cheeks, swollen lips and gravitating eyes pulled her to the master bedroom.

Luce didn't made any move as she sat on the bed just played with her waist length hair.

"We don't need to rush", His statement somehow relieved Yanner. And that's when she realised all these things had started taking a toll on her. She was basically forcing her mind to go along with everything Luce said. Her mind was unconsciously grateful to him, for staying even after he learnt her reality. She thought he would runaway or call the police. But he did the unimaginable, marrying her.

It felt like a dream to Yanner. Sitting on his bed as he showered in her wedding dress. Did she finally got her happy ending?

It was hard to believe. She sat quietly like a doll not knowing what to do next. What did married couple do? She had no idea as her mother died when she was quite young.

"Wife?" A husky voice brought her out of her thoughts and she jumped to see a scantly dressed Luce smirking at her. Beads of water rolled down his body as he stood in front of her like a statue.

"Do you think I am handsome?" He whispered to which Yanner nodded immediately making him chuckle. A strange light shone in his eyes as he opened the side drawer and passed a drawing board to Yanner.

She felt bold all of a sudden taking hold of her brush she dipped it in blue water colour and smeared it on her fingers. With no regrets she spread the blue colour on his torso. Her fingers were too slow and Luce gulped down his saliva as Yanner treated him like an art piece. Standing in a towel around his waist with his bride smearing paint on him wasn't what he planned for a memorable wedding night. But it worked somehow. Yanner blinked once as she reached his neck smearing black colour on his chest. Her fingers were like brushes not caring what they touched but his body wasn't a canvas. And he felt each of her touch igniting something in his body. She grabbed the brushes and knelt down in her wedding dress to paint his abdomen. He regretted his decision soon as her elbow accidently touched his thighs. The temperature got higher as Luce endured and Yanner painted on his sculpted body.

"Do you want a hug?" Yanner asked sweetly to which Luce nodded. She slowly stood up from her kneeling position and when her face was right infront of his she asked him to turn around and look at the mirror.

Luce did so and what he saw left him speechless. Two entwined hands were drawn there, one he recognised as hers and the other seemed like his which had a tattoo of her name on the fingers.

Her arms circled around his abdomen and she finally smiled at him with those black eyes of hers. This time he felt like a possession of hers. Another hand that might lay in her treasure box if he wronged her in some way. A chill ran down his spine as she kissed him on his back.


It's been a long time since I wrote. I admit I was distracted by studies. It's easy to study but because of the two years we spent in lockdown I kinda lost the touch. I feel dumb as nothing stays in my head for a long time. All my friends score great marks studying one day before exam and I don't even get passing marks while studying for a month. I know it will take some time and I think I need to stop punishing myself by burdening myself with so much stress. Studying isn't stressful but thinking about studying makes me anxious and drained. I guess I need to finally women up and be the old me.


Ignore my stupid rant.

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