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Yanner combed her hair as she stared in the mirror trying to find flaws in the doll face that reflected back. Her wet hair stuck to her face as she blinked staring in the mirror. Her heart was aching, she felt like someone was slicing it slowly from inside carving out the memories of the past month. The faithful day she met Luce and arrogantly decided to call him Lucifer. A tear dropped from her eyes, followed by another smearing the freshly applied eyeliner as she hiccuped, banging her fist on the table.

"Why?" She whispered to her reflection, hopelessness beating her soul, hollowing it. The courage and mindset crumbling as she stared at the pink room around her. The pink drapes didn't ignite any positive thought instead made her imagine her fragile neck tied around it. She stared at the ceiling the golden unicorn on  mocked her as it smiled. Tears of frustration kept on dropping as she stood up her hair in disarray and walked towards the light switch, with a a quick exhale she closed the light and the door to enjoy the claustrophobia as the pink room did nothing to calm her. And unexpectedly when the lights closed Yanner felt calm unlike before. Yanner tried to smile as she thought about his perfect face, she couldn't picture herself without him as she sniffled in the dark and she knew she was perfect but without him nothing mattered to her. 

The realisation hit her as she cried out her voice hoarse as she shook her head. 

"How can you be okay when I am crying?  Looks like the promise you made to me was sus just like all your feelings", Yanner taunted in the empty dark room, the room was just like her, dark and empty. 

He brought her out of the darkness and when she thought she found a way out of this loneliness, he threw her back. Her phone started ringing and she dashed for it. Without reading the name on the dialer she picked it up.

"Luce I am sorry, I shouldn't have acted so clingy to you. I know I am a little crazy but I promise I will change for you...", Her voice cracked as she continued crying, "Please come back"

There was silence from the other side then Yanner heard a sharp intake of breath.

"Yanner it's me Xavier. Are you okay?" He asked her softly in a concerned voice, there was a hint of disappointment which she didn't notice. 

"Xavier why are you calling me right now?" She asked trying to hide the embarrassment in her voice as she cleared her throat and wiped away her tears.

"I wanted to ask how were you doing after that day", He explained calmly. 

"Xavier I have told you to stop acting like a freaking Edward Cullen, sneaking into someone's house is burglary. A crime so-", He cut her off.

"First of all Yanner I didn't steal anything from your house so it's not burglary and second of all you gave me the keys so it's not housebreaking. I hate to say this but writer you need to expand your vocabulary", He said in a teasing tone at last. Yanner sighed and tried to control her temper.

"I ...am sorry", She confessed realizing all her anger on him was uncalled for.

"It's okay Su Yan. And about that Luce, I am gonna dig up his entire life history", He said steely and cut the call. Yanner stared at the call history and clicked on Luce's number out of habit. The phone rang as she plopped down on the ground with a tired look in her eyes.

She knew it would ring for one last time and then go to voicemail, she was pretty used it now. But instead of going off she heard a ting and then Luce's voice.

"Luce?" She asked shocked and relieved after hearing his voice.

"Yes... I am Yanner. Where were you these past days? Is everything alright? Tell me", She asked one after the other worry clear in her voice.

"I was in Singapore and everything is great. Why did you call?" He asked in an emotionless voice as if she was a stranger. Yanner flinched when she heard his last sentence.

"Luce I was worried about you, you weren't picking up calls and didn't even inform me before you left...", She trailed off feeling slightly guilty for being clingy. His indifference was getting to her.

"Leave me alone", He said and the call disconnected. Yanner felt her heart breaking but she gathered her courage and left for his house not before washing her face and tying her hair.


It was the first time she stood outside his large complex. The streets were empty and the garden infront of his house was silent. Yanner knocked on the door as she thought about the argument they had.

The door flew open when Yanner was lost in her thoughts of apologizing to him, startling her. Luce stood there in his trousers and a T shirt that hugged his upper body illuminated by the sunlight in the darkness of his room.

Yanner jumped in his arms to hug him.

"I am so sorry for being so rude to you earlier. I missed you a lot", She said as her hands hugged him closer to her but Luce withdrew not encouraging the hug like her.

"Yanner we can't do this anymore", He confessed in a soothing voice, Yanner thought he was talking about the hug so she backed off giving him his space.

"Is it alright now?" She asked innocently, her eyes glazing up like a puppy.

"I meant we need to breakup" He dropped the sentence shocking her for minute but a childlike laughter replaced the expression.

"To marry?" She asked her eyes gleaming with excitement.

Luce exhaled in annoyance and glared at her for playing with his words.

"No, we are separating forever", He said staring at her as her world crashed down in front of his very eyes. He wanted to smile but he couldn't, he couldn't revel in her misery as somehow the look on her face pained him. He closed the door immediately as her lonely figure haunted his eyes.


So this was chapter 32.

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