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A scream broke in the silent room as the pink comforter landed near the foot of her bed. Yanner scratched her hands on the bed, wailing as if in pain. Her cries were heart-wrenching as she tried to break out of the hold. She felt the wait above her, but it didn't move no matter how much she tried to throw it away. Her body shook as tears escaped mixing with perspiration.

Her mouth was muffled as she tried to scream out but couldn't utter a word. Her lungs were burning and her body shook, drool falling from the corner of her lips.

The door suddenly burst open as someone engulfed her in a warm hug.

"Dad help me", She cried out tears dropping from her eyes. The person wiped her tears and tried to wake her up but to no avail.

She was stuck in the nasty dream that came back every few months. They were the bondage that held Su Yan back. These dreams made her different.

"Yanner daddy is here, wake up", Jen Han softly whispered in her ear. Tying her hair back he rubbed his hands together and placed it on her face. Her eyes flew open and she saw him.

"Dad.. he was there. I saw him", She cried out.

"His hands...", She trailed off and raised her own hands to touch them as if they were some foreign objects. Looking at this image of her daughter always broke Jen Han's heart.

"It's okay, baby", Jen whispered a tear dropping from his eyes as he hugged her tight. As if it could mend the broken pieces inside her. He kept whispering as Su Yan wailed in his hug.

"I saw him his hands.. blood so much blood", Su Yan repeated the words trying to explain it to her father. She was serious but her father was trying to calm her down.

"Baby it was a dream", He consoled her, Su Yan stared at his with desperate eyes.

"But I saw him... There was so much blood ... and his hands had ...", Su Yan trailed off trying to make sense of the situation. Then she breathed in as if realising that it was a dream.

"It wasn't real?" She asked Jen Han her tears paining him greatly.

"Yes, Yanni it was a dream. Daddy is here with you", He said wiping the tears away. Her face turned red as she nodded and fell in his embrace.

"Dad don't go", She said closing her eyes and gripping his hand. Han kissed her knuckled as she fell asleep on his lap. Han's once sad face hardened. He picked the cell phone from his pocket and dialled a number.


It was dawn when Yanner finally woke up. Her head felt heavy as she took out the cushion and tried to remember the dream. But it was too vague now and she didn't remember much. These dreams didn't happen on their own. They were often triggered by her thoughts. She stared at ceiling and her fingers shook.

The woman's rape was her trigger this time around. She felt the guilt crawling up inside her and then getting supressed by anger. Pushing away the comforter, Yanner got ready with a new determination. She took out her sketch pad and placed it inside her handbag.

She tiptoed out of apartment so as to not alert her father. As she reached the main gate she saw the same officers standing guard. Taking a deep breath Yanner walked towards them.

"I wanted to know about the woman who got...", She trailed off not knowing how to say the word. The officer squinted his eyes in a questioning manner.

"Are you a news reporter?" He asked in an irritated voice. Su Yan shook her head.

"I gave statement for her last night. Can you please tell me if she is okay? I feel terribl-" , The officer cut her off by walking away rudely. Yanner sighed disappointedly and entered the reception area. She turned around when she heard heavy footsteps behind her. It was one of the old security guards.

"Are you Gerry Madam's friend?" He asked trying to read her features. Su Yan subconsciously nodded.

He sighed in relief and stepped closer to her.

"Gerry Madam is suffering. These people aren't here for helping her seek justice, they are here to destroy the crime scene", The old man said his face wrinkling into a tired expression.

"Where is Gerry?" Su Yan asked him. The man passed her a chit and quickly ran towards the elevator area.

Yanner frowned at his action but then she saw one of the officers entering the apartment. She hid the chits in her fist and exited the apartment.

She sighed in relief when she reached her car. Entering it, she quickly opened the chit the old man gave her.

Rawn General Hospital, Ward number 1201.

This was weird. The hospital was basically in another city. Why would the ambulance take her to another city?

This was messed up, Su Yan realised. Not thinking further she hit the breaks and drove to the hospital.


"Yanner did you visit the doctor?" Jen Han asked Yanner. Yanner shook her head with a smile on her face that unnerved Han. Her smile was weird these days, it felt too cold and vicious.

"I am fine dad. Now that it's over", She said with a smile. Jen Han sighed when he realised the meaning behind her words.

"You mean the death of Gerry's rapists?" He asked to which she nodded. Two weeks has passed since that day but it felt as if it was just yesterday.

"Frankly I am satisfied as well, although the death was too brutal it was fair", Jen Han said reminiscing the news he heard just yesterday about the deputy commander son's murder who was found to be guilty in Gerry's rape case. The murderer burned his entire body and chopped away both of his hands. The two hands were still missing. The murderer left no evidence so the case was dismissed as a radical attack.

As Jen Han was lost in his thoughts he missed Yanner's smirk as she caressed her fingers lovingly.


So this is chapter 13. I hope you all love it:)

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