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Su Yan sat there like an innocent child, staring at her feets in fear of getting dragged into their conversation. Her posture almost depicted a cute penguin with a frown on her face.

As the waiter with a lemonade passed Su Yan couldn't control her urge and stood up to taste the citrus drink. As she was taking a sip from it a voice interrupted.

"Yanner aren't you allergic to lemon?" Her father asked making her frown in confusion. Then she realised her father was refering to the sinus infections she got every month.

"No, I don't have any allergies dad", She replied with a smile and boldly took a sip. Her father was gawking at her to see if she would show any reactions after the second sip, but Yanner gulped it down in the third sip. Nerved by the eyes on her, she wanted to emit laser beams from the corner of her eyes and burn those who were trying to interrupt her while enjoying the treat.

"Fin bring some black tea for baby", Her father at last had to say something to embarass her. She wanted to ground her teeth or stomp her feet to show him her frustration but all she did was smile grimly while fisting her dress.

"I just realised your daughter looks a lot like Lisa. It's been twenty five years now since her suicide...", Luce's father trailed off. Her father's expression did a complete three sixty and he closed his eye as if to swallow the pain.

Yanner's mother committed suicide when she was a mere baby so she didn't remember much. But her dad often cried at their anniversaries. As a kid Yanner was curious about her mother but Jen Han maintained silence as if talking about her will bring him grief. And it did most of the times.

Yanner scooted closer to him and rubbed his shoulders. Her father sighed and opened his eyes. Taking her hand in his, he placed a kiss on it and smiled at her.

"My daughter is the gift I received for everything at the end", He said with a warm smile on his face. Yanner smiled back at him and then the silence streched until Luce's father broke it.

"Kids are truly god's gift. Like my Luce right here is looking after his work as well as my business without complaining", Chris Wang said with a smile gazing at Luce with a look of pride. When did this night turn so emotional?

"I know I have worked with him for three years and I couldn't help but feel proud whenever I thought about him", Yanner's father added. She glanced at Luce who was smiling broadly without any awkwardness. She realised that unlike her, Luce loved compliments. He was currently basking in them.

The night passed with the two friends laughing. Yanner was passed out on her seat after a few minutes so she had no idea what they talked about and Luce was busy on his phone that she deducted as her eyes opened every few minutes and she would see him typing.

"Yanner", Her father shook her shoulders, her eyes flew open startled. As she blinked she found the hall was almost empty and people have started leaving. Standing up she collected her hat and sunglasses.

"I hope to meet you again Su Yan ", Chris Wang said with a sweet smile on his face. She nodded and shook his hand. Then her eyes went to Luce with whom her dad was bidding farewell to. Yanner was confused, should she ignore him or be herself and greet him one last time?

Grasping her steps she tried to push back those thoughts and went towards them, her father and Luce. Forwarding her hand for a handshake, she smiled at him.

He smiled back and shook her hand, mouthing 'bye'. They exchanged greetings and left with their parents. She felt blissful inside as they drove back home.

As they reached near their apartment a bunch of vehicles caught her eyes. There were ambulances, police and security all standing alert at the entry. She felt a twist in her gut as they walked out.

The police blocked their way as they tried to enter. Her father asked 'if everything was okay' to which the officer shook his head.

"Which floor do you live on?" He enquired in a strict voice.

"Sixth", Yanner replied in a nervous voice. The officer sighed and cleared the way for them.

"Did something happened when we were out?" Yanner's father asked in a worried tone.

"Yes, on seventh floor a girl got raped", He replied making Yanner gulp. She felt her hands shaking as she took the news in. The scream that she heard wasn't from some wanton sex but rape. Her eyes blinked as she tried to hold the guilt that started pressing down on her. Yanner could have saved her, a part inside her knew that something was off. But she shrugged it off and unheard the shouts of the poor woman.

"I... heard a shout when I was taking a stroll", She confessed to the officer. He quickly retrieved a recorder from his pocket and pressed it near her mouth. Signaling her to speak with his eyes.

"I don't remember the time but I was taking a stroll in the garden and I heard a painful scream. At that time it didn't register in my brain that it could be of..." She trailed off shutting her mouth before her voice cracked. The officer pressed the off button.

As her father filled in the details Yanner was in a daze. All the scenarios of the girl getting raped flew in her brain and she felt herself getting dizzy. She gulped down the burning sensation in her throat and they walked upstairs in silence. Her father opened the apartment door and quickly brought a glass of water for her.

"Yanner, are you okay?" He asked. She nodded gulping down the bile that was rising up and smiled at her father.

"I am sleepy", She said trying smoothen the hoarseness in her voice. Her father didn't question her further and they both left the silent hall to sleep in their bedrooms.

Yanner didn't had the will to change so she dragged the comforter over her body and drifted to sleep.


So this is chapter 12. I know it kinda sucked😅

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