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"We all have a disastrous teen life, for me it was studying for more than sixteen hours to get into my favourite university. And when I got into it, my aim was to get the highest GPA...", Luce  trailed off when he realised the girl actually fell asleep. Her dog was in her arms like a cushion as she snored cutely. A laugh escaped his mouth but he stifled it.

Well this was awkward. Should he leave or wait till she wakes up?

He did have a lot of time to spare. And there were two novels on her shelf that formerly piqued his interest. Although he hated fiction, it didn't mean he didn't enjoy reading them. He just hated how addicting manhwa, manga, anime and novels were.

Non fiction helped to keep him organised and preserve his calm attitude.

He saw a pack of tomato chips on the shelf. Without thinking twice he picked the book he was interested in and the chips.

The cover picture was intriguing, it looked almost like him. Luce frowned and looked at the sleeping woman with squinted brows.

Did she draw him?

He was both intrigued and cringing as he read the title of the book.

The love of a devil

The cover was pink coloured, he was wearing a white outfit with glowing blue eyes, glaring at the person who drew him. Her name was written at the bottom.

Su Yan

Turning to acknowledgements to reconfirm if he was the inspiration behind the main character, Luce read the whole page with squinted eyes. And there he saw the credits.

Cover Credits to the Author

A smile lit on his face as he tried to pose like the guy on cover. The guy had tattoos on his arm and his shirt exposed his hard veins. This left him in awe. How can someone draw this perfectly without a willing model?

His eyes shined as he looked at the sleeping girl and he went on to read the book with a twitch on his lips.

The book was about two best friends Joake and Chloe. Like every cliche book the two had a sweet chemistry since middle school. As they grew up the girl started her own chain of restaurants and Joake  became an aeronautical engineer.

There were many PG 18 scenes, making out in the shower and kisses under the oak tree. The plot was built on sexual frustration as the two tried to understand the real meaning of friendship and fight the undeniable sparks that kept them on each other's toes. 

As Luce reached the middle of the book he saw some more pictures. There he was standing on a terrace with Hannah who looked beyond gorgeous. Luce chuckled and stared at the sleeping girl again. It was raining in the drawing and his eyes were slightly red. His crystal blue eyes were staring at the girl with strong intensity.

Knowing that he was the main character, it made the book more interesting for him. He munched on the tomato chips as he turned the pages. Each page giving different insights to Su Yan. He figured out some of her likes and dislikes by now.

Su Yan hated noise, social interactions and crowd. He looked at his watch with a thoughtful expression then shrugged and draped his coat over the sofa. Leaning back comfortably he curiously read the ending. The epilogue of a book can give many facts away about the qualities of a writer.

The writers who went for a happy ending most of times were single and waiting for their special one. The ones who ended the book with a realistic ending can be classified as more mature and experienced. And the last who ended the book with an uncertain endings had unique set of skills and are generally very sensitive.

As the pages turned he saw a final drawing of him kissing a girl at the altar. But the girl was different then the one in the previous drawings. Joake at last married a woman he dated after Chloe and him went to distance cities. When Chloe came back she got the invitation and was disheartened as she swallowed her tears and went to her best friend's wedding. The book ended with a quote.

Love is all about sacrifice

Luce sighed and sat back in his seat lost in his thoughts. He decided to leave as it was getting dark outside and Su Yan was asleep. Staying with her in the same room would be deemed as inappropriate so he placed back into the shelf and wore the coat. As he was leaving he heard her whimpering in her sleep.

Frowning he turned and saw tears running down her face. She was  sobbing softly, her shoulders shaking. His eyes widened as he went out to call her father. But the entire apartment was empty.

"No..." He heard her painful cry and ran back. She was shivering and shaking her head aggressively. Her dog Jui was licking her hands trying to comfort her.

His instinct kicked in and he went to comfort her. Draping his coat around her shoulders, he half hugged her and tried to comfort her in his doctor's voice.

Her shivering stopped but her soft sobs went on. Then suddenly she broke out of his hug and stood up shouting.

Her eyes black eyes were filled with tears as she looked around her room in confusion.

"Dad", She cried out loud and started walking around the apartment to find him. Luce followed her trying to comfort her but her mind was in a haze so it would be impossible for he recognise him.

Barging in his empty room she slid down the wall and kept on crying for him. Luce kneeled down and extended his hand to wipe her tears away. She suddenly looked up making his hand stop midair.

Her eyes were too pitiful and her hair in disarray. Luce extended his hand and suddenly Yanner crushed him with a hug.

"He will kill me...", She said her voice breaking out with her hiccups.

"Who will kill you?", Luce asked in a worried tone. His heart was beating too fast as he cradled her to his chest, he felt anxious.

" I heard his voice, there was blood. So much blood", She said in a hoarse voice. Her sobbing has stopped which made Luce sigh in relief.

The girl tightened her arms around him and whispered.

"You won't leave me again, will you?"

Luce gulped and in steady voice replied.

"I won't leave", His heart felt the pain in her voice and for a moment he felt guilty for the poor girl. She was broken, depressed and suffering with issues that could lower anyone's self confidence.

She was lost like any victim who suffered huge trauma. But according to Jen Han, Yanner never encountered any such traumatic incidents.

Then what was triggering these nightmares?


So this is chapter 17. I hope y'all love it❤️

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