🚪|Chapter 24|🚪

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(Outfit is at end of chapter)
"Alright baby, come here," Jeongguk held his hands out and bent down, picking up the little human.

"Your mamas gonna be home today," Jeongguk planted a soft kiss to her forehead and connected her to his hip and walked around, finding the outfit he bought her.

He carried her over to the little couch she had in her room and laid her down, quickly changing her then putting the outfit on her.

He sat her up and looked at her- "you look so cute," he smiled when the baby giggled and he picked her up, holding her to his chest as he walked around and then made his way out of the room into the kitchen and made her a bottle and then grabbed the backpack with diapers, wipes, little snacks, etc.

After all this they left to go pick Jimin up at the airport.

"Alrighty little one, come on," Jeongguk picked her up, then closed the door and locked the car and continued on.

From what Jimin said, they'll see him in about 5 minutes.

Jeongguk got them sat down and she started playing with his fingers and being giggly. He just smiled and let her do this.

He looked up and picked the baby up, pointing forwards- "look baby, it's your mama!"

Kai paid no attention, trying to grab at his hand but Jeongguk picked her up and swung her around, and walked forward quickly, finally reaching Jimin.

The older gasped and hugged Jeongguk and then took his daughter, holding her close to him and softly kissing her cheek and telling her how much he missed her.

"Oh you look so cute!"

The baby coed and Jimin giggled, kissing her cheek again and then looking up at Jeongguk, "she looks so cute!"

Jeongguk chuckled, "I agree, I bought her that yesterday because I couldn't resist."

Jimin smiled and looked at him,

"That's really adorable."


This is the baby outfit;

Please enjoy the rest of your day 🖤

𝕀 𝔻𝕠𝕟'𝕥 𝕃𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝔹𝕠𝕪𝕗𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕Where stories live. Discover now