🚪|Chapter 5|🚪

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Jeongguk groaned as he towered over the pages of homework he has to get done by Friday and it's Thursday evening. Why does he leave everything until last minute?

The others pranced over, their chests held high and their eyes showing mischief but all Jeongguk's eyes showed was determination.

"Are you coming down to the park with us? I plan to spray paint the park-" Jeongguk shook his head, confusing the others. Namjoon groaned, "come on dude, you've been hanging out with that Jimin so much it's starting to ruin you."

The youngest blinked and looked up- "guys... I'm doing homework?" He made that into a confused question sense Jimin was nowhere near to be hanging around with.

"He's probably the reason you have so much work." Yoongi declared, voice hissy. The younger rolled his eyes, "Jimin isn't the reason. I just don't care for school at all. I've always been like this. Even before Jimin arrived in my life."

SeokJin shrugged, "I think Yoongi has a point-" "of course you do." Jeongguk snickered out and saw the face SeokJin gave him but just couldn't care and continued on writing.

"Man, he's really changed you-" Jeongguk slammed his hands down, "damn, lay off for once, alright? Jimin's done nothing to any of you. Why can't you all just be like Hoseok and accept it? or be like Taehyung and keep your mouths shut? god it's so irritating-" SeokJin huffed.

"What is!? we are sick and tired of Jimin. We hate him, Jeongguk. Maybe not Hoseok or Taehyung, but the rest of us do. He's an annoying little control freak with a kid. You are too young to have a kid, Jeongguk. Jimin isn't that young and he'll be fine. Why is that so irritating?"

Jeongguk let off a sarcastic laugh- "oh really? well, what's irritating is the fact that I found someone who gets me and loved me and he listens more then any of you have. Jimin is my life saver. You all may not care but Jimin saved my life. I can't leave him behind. It's so freaking annoying whenever I'm around all you do I scold me for loving someone."

Jeongguk took a deep breath, "and sometimes I hate you guys. Not Hoseok or Tae, but the rest of you. All you guys do is point out every little flaw Jimin has. You tear him down and say horrible things to him. Face-to-face. Like- oh my god. It isn't Jimin's fault the man he had a child with up and left him randomly because he wasn't 'satisfied' with Jimin anymore. That isn't Jimin's fault." Jeongguk spat, face turning pale.

Yoongi rolled his eyes, "yeah but the thing is, Jeongguk, is the fact that he is really out there there and has absolutely no filter-" "and that's a bad thing?" Namjoon sighed, "Jeongguk, what Yoongi means is you spend way too much time with Jimin-"

"And Yoongi spends a lot of time with Eli. More then I spend with Jimin," Jeongguk brought on and Yoongi's face darkened and he pulled Jeongguk up, "we don't bring Eli into this conversation. This is my warning-" "or what?"

Jeongguk cocked up his eyebrow, giving Yoongi a do it then look. Yoongi gritted his teeth and shoved Jeongguk back, "Eli has no right to be compared to that hoe people call as Jimin-"

The younger gasped and his hand flew before he was able to speak and Yoongi was on the ground within seconds with a very furious Jeongguk as he continued punching Yoongi with everything he had as the rest tried to grab Jeongguk.

A girl ran up and yanked Jeongguk off of Yoongi and held him back well the others pulled up a pisses off Yoongi- "YOU LITTLE BRAT-" Yoongi tried to go for Jeongguk but was held back.

The girl held onto Jeongguk as he thrashed and flared his arms around in an attempt to go for the shorter again- "call Jimin one more name and you won't be getting back up-"

Taehyung and Hoseok yanked Yoongi out and SeokJin glared at Jeongguk as Namjoon did, too- "I can't believe you just did that to your friend of years. For your boyfriend of a few months. You are a horrible person and you are out of the group."

Jeongguk shrugged and growled- "piss off. The midget deserved it." The girl let go of Jeongguk and Jeongguk fixed his jacket and glared at the others and they walked off, not even looking back. Not that Jeongguk wanted them to. They just didn't.

"Effing dicks," Jeongguk said to himself and gathered his homework and decided to just take a failing grade.

But however, someone cleared their throat and Jeongguk looked over at the soft looking girl. Her eyes twinkled in the light and her light auburn red hair did, too. It lightened.

"I saw and heard what happened... and uh... I think you were in the right but I think the punching was overboard-" "I don't give a damn of what you think was overboard." The girl swallowed, "okay then... I'm sorry..."

Jeongguk shrugged and threw his backpack over his shoulder, "why are you even talking to me?"

The female shrugged, "I don't... I wanted to help and see if you were fine. I think Jimin's great by the way... he's a good math partner." The girl followed Jeongguk and he quirked up a brow- "oh is he?"

The girl nodded, "indeed."

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