🚪|Chapter 38|🚪

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Jimin groaned quietly when he shifted and felt himself get sick but he absolutely refused to move, knowing if he gave it a few minutes he'd be fine and it would go away even if it was only temporarily.

Currently Jimin is at the doctors, his sister with him and the man was preparing for the appointment, well aware of the uncomfortable procedures they'll do but he honestly just wants to know what's wrong with him and get medication for it and have it go away because it's so uncomfortable.

If you're wondering by any chance, Jeongguk has Kai because he wanted to take her to the mall for baby clothes shopping, and it was all his idea and Jimin did reject at first because the other spends a lot of time with her and he doesn't want Jeongguk to think he has to bring her everywhere—but nonetheless he gave in and let him. And now that's where the other two are.

A few minutes rolled by and the doctor came out and Jimin got up, his sister following because he asked her too and of course she did and the doctor lead them to a room where he had Jimin lay down on the table and describe all his symptoms and what's wrong. The doctor looked nervous at first but then read some of the younger males files and some of the worry lifted off his shoulders and he went back to examining him, doing the basic before he needed to do anything serious.

"You said it hurts when I push down on your stomach, correct?" Jimin nodded, feeling the rubbery texture of the basic procedure gloves the doctor wore and there was a moment of silence before Jimin grumbled in discomfort when the doctor tested a different part of his stomach out and then he watched as the doctors lips formed in a thin line and he thought, taking a second before writing some stuff down and smiling as he turned, "I'll be right back, I'm going to consult with another doctor and it may be quite possible I'll have you urinate in a cup for me and I'll have to have it tested, is that okay?"

Jimin nodded and the doctor was off and the male felt his sisters softly grip his hand and she gave him a warm and loving look, "I bet it'll be okay, he didn't sound concerned." Jimin nodded and gnawed on his bottom lip, breathing in shakily as he tried to calm himself. The doctors always gave him anxiety for no reason.

Although it only took 5 minutes it felt like hours before the doctor came back and declared Jimin did in fact have to do the cup thing and the man sighed but got up and went and did everything he needed too and came back, handing the doctor the cup and awkwardly sat back down. He's done this before though a few times.


Though he was quite impatient and just wanting to get home, Jimin waited for the tests to be completed which took about half an hour for what they tested him for and he just sat there, swinging his feet back and forth as his sister showed him some memes and videos she had, also quite bored but nevertheless didn't leave her brother and just patiently waited too.

Finally the door opened and the doctor came in, a new clipboard in his hands and he went over to his chair, sitting down and making his way over to the other two—"the testing went well, you aren't suffering from anything critical or severe. Now, although our test did come back positive, we need you to come back next week and get a few more taken just so we can conclude everything, does that sound alright?"

Jimin nodded but the doctor stopped and spoke again, "we could actually do it today and I can just have it tested which will take awhile but I can call you with results, if that's what you would prefer." The younger agreed quickly, hoping to get the hell out of there and the doctor chuckled as he got up to go grab the other testing stuff. This time Jimin didn't need to get poked with anything and just needed to have a few things done like swabbing and yet another cup, but he honestly could handle that and much preferred it over the other tests.

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