🚪|Chapter 18|🚪

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"Are these paper flowers?"

Yoonmin shrugged while she threw one of the roses aside and went back to making a new one- "I'm making a field of paper flowers."

Jeon rolled her eyes and looked at Jimin- "she loves Evanescence. One of their many songs is called ‘Imaginary’ and it says ‘in my field of paper flowers so I assume this is where she gets it from."

The smaller nodded, "oh yeah haha."

The eldest female groaned when the paint splashed and got all over her grey hoodie sleeve. She rolled her eyes before snapping- "Jimin come help me." The younger giggled and walked over, sitting down next to her.

"So... am I supposed to-"

"Paint. Just paint." Yoonmin cut him off, already frustrated with the one she's working on so Jimin didn't bother her much more and made a new flower and put the hot glue on it to stick it together.

He then went around the edges with red and pink and then decorated some black in it and then added white streaks and then colored in the other parts with colored pencils. He looked over at Yoonmin and she was painting hers rainbow.

"What are these for?"

Yoonmin shrugged, "the school thing... the principal put me in charge of it for only god knows why." Jimin giggled and took a new one and did it all over again, but this time it was a dark blue flower.

He wondered why Jeon wasn't helping but looked over and saw she was decorating streamers and paint pallets and other little things and knew why. Plus, Jeon isn't a decorator. She more so draws on paper and not flowers. But she also writes a lot. So yeah.

"Hey, numb-nuts, grab me the scissors." Jeon rolled her eyes and threw the scissors at Yoonmin who caught them and glared at the younger but shook it off as the scissors were safety because the school refuses to let them use actual scissors.

After a good half an hour, Yoonmin and Jimin had thirty two flowers and Jeon had sixteen done streamers and about fifty other little decorations. Jeon was still at it though, making prideful streamers and hot gluing decorations together.

Yoonmin was also making flowers still but Jimin wasn't. He was hungry as heck and wanted food. So he got up and asked the two if they wanted anything. Yoonmin said a sandwich and Jeon said anything.

So he was off quickly.


"Okay so-"

Jimin looked up and locked eyes with the cashier and sighed. Not this idiot-

He doesn't have time today-

"I want six muffins and a peanut butter sandwich and the usual drinks." The cashier hummed and put that all in- "that'll be $13.24 Jimin." The younger hummed and paid quickly.

"Thanks, I'm kind of in a rush haha. That was faster then usual." Alex grinned but looked away quickly before looking back at Jimin- "yeah I'm getting better at it. Remember it took me ten minutes to get your order fully correct last time?"

Jimin giggled, nodding, "you're lucky you're my cousin and I love you."

The elder grinned and nodded quickly, laughing.

But soon enough his order was done and Jimin waved goodbye and left quickly to get back to helping. Yoonmin saw him first and said she got eight more done and that Eli was on her way with Yoongi to drop some more supplies off.

But they'd only stay for about five minutes because they're going to a water park. Jimin nodded and passed out the food and drinks and sat down, going back to helping make the flowers.

He started designing rainbows and such on them but did mess up a few times but no one cared and he went on to fix them and finish it up.

That's how the rest of his day went. And it was so nice---no one was arguing with him.

𝕀 𝔻𝕠𝕟'𝕥 𝕃𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝔹𝕠𝕪𝕗𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕Where stories live. Discover now