🚪|Chapter 35|🚪

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"What do you think they're having?" Jimin questioned, holding Kai to his hip as they went in. Jeongguk shrugged, chewing on a few of the treats they actually brought for Kai but the elder seemed to be the one who enjoyed them more, and it was funny to Jimin because now Jeongguk was just a child eating them—and in case you're wondering, the treats are those puffy ones that taste like bananas and strawberries. The baby girl didn't seem to be into them too much anyways.

"I bet they're having a boy," Jeongguk quirked up his left eyebrow, "why do you say that?" The elder pursed his lips and shrugged, opening the door and the other grabbed it from him and let him walk in first, "I don't know, it's just a hunch." The younger hummed, "I think it's a girl, only because—well, I don't know actually." Jimin giggled but before anything else was spoken, Eli appeared before them, cheerfully, "hello! I'm so glad you two-" she stopped herself, noticing Kai, "-three could make it!"

The other two smiled and she showed them to the pretty decorated venue and the two males observed it, noticing how nothing had just one solid color, and it was pretty no lie there, just a bit different but there is no shame in that.

Before anything else was said, the elder of the three handed Eli a bag and nodded towards it, "it's your gift... I got you what I thought you'd need, I hope that's okay." Eli blushed slightly and looked at him—"ooh uhm... thank you so much," she didn't really assume they'd bring anything for almost close to no reason. That's why she didn't exactly know how to reply.

Before any of them said anything, Yoongi trailed in with a few others at his feet, all huddled up. Everyone they invited was there, including the other males and Jimin got visibly uncomfortable but didn't even consider saying anything because this is Eli and Yoongi's day, he can deal with a few dickwads for a couple of hours. Nothing he hasn't done before.

"Hey Jiminie," Yoongi waved to him and he waved back with his free hand, holding his daughter close with the other. There wasn't much more said between the two besides Yoongi thanking him for coming and the younger claiming it was no hassle and he was happy to be invited. The elder then brought them to the chairs and sat everyone down and Jimin handed Kai a cracker to gnaw on as they waited patiently. She seemed quite content with everything and wasn't being fussy at all so he hoped she remained this way for as long as possible.

"We don't even know the gender ourselves," Yoongi joked to Namjoon who chuckled quietly, taking a sip of the soda he had. The two were just making small talk until Eli felt comfortable enough to come out and announce it. Although several minutes had passed, she still hadn't come out, so of course Jimin did what logical Jimin would do and handed Kai to Jeongguk and asked him to watch her for a few minutes and asked the elder where Eli was and he nodded towards the bathrooms and mentioned she was nervous.

Jimin felt a bit awkward but they were unisex bathrooms so he walked in and quietly called out her name and she looked up at him, sniffling, "yeah?" Jimin frowned, bending down to her height, "lovely, what's wrong?" Eli shrugged, dragging her hand across her eyes to wipe away tears, "I... I don't know. There are too many people and in all honesty—what if the baby isn't the gender Yoongi was hoping for?" The elder frowned and sat down next to her, softly rubbing her back for comfort, "Eli... I promise you that he won't be disappointed or upset about it. That's your guy's baby... he'll love them no matter what, I can promise you that."

The other swallowed thickly and laid her head against Jimin's shoulder, "promise?" The man hummed, laying his head on top of hers, "of course I do... I've talked to him about it before and trust me, Eli, he'll love the baby no matter what..." she sighed out but smiled, "thank you."

The other smiled too but then perked up, "let's go find out what your baby's gender is." He got up and offered his hand. She slowly gripped it and he pulled her up and they locked eyes for a few seconds before he opened the door and she came out. She looked at Jimin and he stayed next to her side as they left the bathroom and ventured back into the main room and she got nervous but was welcomed by her boyfriend—"you look beautiful," he complimented, observing how the dress fit around her body and she just blushed and looked down, thanking him.

The male went back to his lover and grabbed Kai, seeing how confused Jeongguk looked, "I've never seen Eli like this-" "-and it'll never be mentioned because she's in a vulnerable state right now." The younger nodded, promising he wouldn't and stayed back a bit, waiting for everyone else to move around before he did. That happened quickly though as Yoongi seated everyone and got everything placed. He made sure everyone was comfortable too before he handed Eli the envelope that contained the baby's gender.

The reason they didn't do anything fancy was because neither felt the want to spend hours cleaning up confetti or glitter that they never will get officially cleaned.

The two stood next to each other and the the cute little decorated envelope was opened (Eli's appa had decorated it the best he could; in case the question popped up the reason he wasn't there was because he lived out of the country at the moment for work, and her other appa was forced to attend work, but he would celebrate with her when he returned home that night.) Eli's eyes widened as she pulled the gorgeous little card out of the envelope and she looked at Yoongi, jaw almost dropped.

Yoongi looked back at her, eyes equally as wide as he tried to fathom was the little piece of paper told him—he didn't know how to feel about this—but he loved it.

"What is it?" Namjoon questioned, getting impatient as he waited for the other to announce it. Yoongi simply could not force words together so Eli answered, handing the other the piece of paper, "we're having a boy."

There wasn't a second to spare before everyone was up and hugging them, congratulating the two on their baby again.

That's all that remained during the day.


Jimin and Jeongguk reached the elders home and Jimin sighed as he kicked his shoes off and went up the stairs, his boyfriend trailing behind.

The older one went and put his daughter to sleep, kissing her forehead as he made a little bed on the couch for her and laid her down, seeing how she was already mostly asleep and didn't want to risk walking the distance to her room and having her become perky or wild. Jeongguk also softly kissed her forehead then walked over to his lover, watching him closely as his face became pale.

Jimin read the messages sprawled across his screen;

Jimin, I just got a call from a lawyer, please tell me none of it is true and he isn't here and knows.

Jeongguk's eyes widened and he looked up at the elder, "what happened?" He was accidentally ignored as Jimin texted her back quickly, getting flustered as fear settled in, wondering why the hell they called her instead of him. Although within seconds he got his answer when she declared they called because they weren't able to reach him. The mans hands became shaky as he put his phone down, refusing to view the voicemails the lawyer had sent him just yet—he physically can't. He feels like strong urge to throw up and can't even begin to breathe fresh air.

"Woah... Jiminie, what... what's wrong?" Jimin shook his head and stumbled over a bit and the younger grabbed him tightly, holding him and bringing him over to the couch, placing him down gently, "what's wrong love?" Jimin swallowed thickly, "it-it's... him... he really did it, Jeongguk—he's going to take Kai away from me."

"Wait wait what?" The other asked in a hurried tone, eyes wide and adrenaline rushing through his veins like no other right now. He felt sick to his stomach too, knowing the others next words but didn't know what to say, at a loss for words too. Finally the other stiffly breathed out, beginning to cry.

"He hired a lawyer to fight me for Kai..."

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