🚪|Chapter 14|🚪

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"So... he's upset about that?"

Eli nodded quickly, using her sleeve to wipe away some tears and Jimin sighed, shifting in his seat a little before looking down and speaking, "Eli... they're... I think we both know Yoongi is different. But not in a bad way... he's just... damaged somehow. And yesterday was an episode of it."

The female nodded, "I... I know... just-" "you're scared, Eli. I know you are, don't try denying it. I'm very smart when it comes to this." Eli gave him a half assed smile but he took it and chuckled,"now... tell me, what's got him so fired up?"

Eli sighed and shrugged, "we found out I'm a month and two weeks pregnant."

The male choked on the hot chocolate and coughed, wiping it off and looking over at her with wide eyes- "oh my gawd really?"

Eli nodded, eyes watching Jimins. So he threw his arms around her and held her close- "oh congratulations Eli!" she nodded and giggled, allowing Jimin to hug her because well... she really really needs it.

"That's why he's so pissed, isn't it?"

Eli hummed, "yeah... I mean, I get it he just blew up on me out of nowhere..." Jimin looked at her, head tilted, "oh... may I ask how so?" the elder shrugged, "well... one moment we were talking about the dance plans and the next, after I let it slip because he deserves to know early on, he's screaming at me and told me he's done with me and um..."

The younger rubbed her back and hushed her as hot tears rushed down her cheeks, "shh... I know, I saw..." Jimin spoke softly, knowing how scared and hurt she was because believe it or not, Jimin was in her exact spot not too long ago, too.

"It'll be alright Eli... just give it about five days to a week and go talk to him..."

Eli sniffled, looking over, "d-do... do you think he would really face me?"

Jimin hummed, "of course. He honestly does love you, Eli..." he sighed out-

"He really really loves you."

𝕀 𝔻𝕠𝕟'𝕥 𝕃𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝔹𝕠𝕪𝕗𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕Where stories live. Discover now