🚪|Chapter 32|🚪

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"Okay Jiminie, calm down, tell me what's wrong."

Jimin swallowed thickly as he breathed into the phone a little heavily, his heart feeling like it's about to explode out of his chest horror movie style.

"Uhm... Gguk... do you have Kai?" Jimin heard a huff and pinched his eyes shut, the phone shaking as his hand trembled.

"Yeah, why?" Jimin bit his bottom lip, "Please bring her to the cafè downtown, the one where we met..." Jeongguk paused and there was silence on the other end which sort of worried Jimin because if his boyfriend didn't just corporate there would be an issue.

"Oh alright, I'm on my way." Jimin told the younger he loved him and hung up and placed the phone back in his pocket and looked up and breathed in, locking eyes with the other- "if you so much as even poke her I will kill you."

The other smirked, "oh but Jiminie, here's the thing... she's my daughter too. I bet you forgot about that huh?"

The younger rolled his eyes and turned away, leaning against the window. The only reason he can't run right now is because the other brought his lawyer with him who warned Jimin that, if he left, he would be taken to court immediately (as soon as possible) and there would be a battle.

The lawyer wouldn't let Jimin get a word in, interrupting him every time Jimin opened his mouth.

He absolutely hates him.


Jeongguk reached the cafè quickly, knowing the tone in his lover's voice indicated he needed to hurry. So, of course, he did. But he did stop and buy a drink for himself and made the little one another bottle so she wouldn't be fussy and she had fallen asleep.

Getting her out of the car was easy because he just grabbed the baby pram, set it up and sat her in there. He had a weird, uneasy feeling creep up in his gut but tried to ignore it for now and locked his car, then just walked towards the cafè and walked in, the little bell ringing that insinuated someone came in.

"Hey Jiminie," he started, reaching his boyfriend but he sort of froze when he saw the other and he stood up and they locked eyes. He gave Jeongguk a very nasty look and then he grinned, "oh you must be Jeongguk, huh?"

The obvious younger shrugged, kinda stepping behind Jimin with the baby. This guy looked like bad news.

"Uhm yeah? who are you?" the other male rolled his eyes and got up off the chair but before he could make a jackass response Jimin cut in, "Gguk.. this is my ex.. Kai's father."

"Oh don't sound so dull saying it sweet cheeks," he chuckled darkly, very raspy too. Jeongguk looked at Jimin with wide eyes and then back and this dude and then back at the elder, "what the hell? what is he doing here?"

The elder folded his arms and frowned, "I'll tell you later... but Gguk, you need to hand him Kai." The younger looked flabbergasted and he went to interject but saw the lawyer and decided to be smart and went to the pram again and saw Kai had slightly awoken. She didn't seem to be fully awake yet.

Jeongguk breathed in a little harshly and picked up the sleepy baby and walked over to the guy and gave her to him gently. He then stepped back next to Jimin again and they waited patiently.

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