🚪|Chapter 44|🚪

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Jimin sighed as he walked through the grocery store, his feet aching and his back sore. He loved knowing he was going to have another little one, but he absolutely hated the aspects of actually being pregnant---the aching, the pain, the morning sickness. You name it, he had it at least once. He's grateful it's almost over though, the months flying by. He's kept in contact with Yoongi and Eli too, the two of them often sending pictures of their baby and Jimin found it adorable how excited and happy they were over the little one as their personalities are usually quite bland and blunt. Although, he isn't surprised. His personality changed a lot since Kai was born.

"Alright baby, let's get going, Jeongguk's making a special dinner tonight and requested I brought these certain ingredients." Kai cooed and played with the little notebook she was given. Jimin was going to buy it for her as she seemed to have taken a strong liking towards the crinkly toy, and it didn't bother Jimin at all because it kept her happy and entertained, and especially he loved it because she remained distracted while he shopped. Of course, he doesn't get bothered when she cries or is upset in general, but it always makes him happy when he can get her something she'll truly like and play with.

"Alright munchkin, we can leave now, mama got everything he needs for tonight." Kai looked at him and then back at the new toy and he smiled, waking to the cash register and placing his items on the checkout stand, hurrying to grab his card out of his wallet as he moved on forward and said hi to the woman working and noticed the irritated expression he received back. He found it a little rude, yes, but he knows that she's likely had a difficult day as people aren't always the nicest to store employees, so he left it. Instead, he turned around to make sure his daughter was fine, and she laid there quietly, her eyes peering back at her eomma's and she giggled a little, making her eomma's heart soften. He turned back to the cashier who smiled at him now before she spoke, "is that your little one?" Jimin nodded, smiling a bit more now. He always loved when people mentioned his daughter because it just made him happy and proud. "She's darling... may I ask if her appa brings her here at all?" Jimin thought about that for a moment before he decided to go along with it and he nodded, "yeah, Jeongguk," The woman was quick to nod her head yes before she continued on, "I see them often, last time he told me about you two expecting another, congratulations." Jimin blushed a little bit and placed his card into the card reader and he thanked her quietly, noticing she held her hand out and Kai's new toy was being held by her. Jimin took it and politely thanked her, turning to Kai and handing it to her and she went back to crinkling it, the toy instantly taking her attention span.

"Have a good day, and thank you again," Jimin repeated, the woman responding in a brighter tone now, saying goodbye before moving onto the next customer.

After getting Kai in the car and putting the stuff he purchased away, he got into the car and he couldn't help but groan quietly in pain as he felt a harsh movement in his stomach and he breathed in and out, trying to regain his normal breathing before turning back to look at Kai and she continued on playing with the new toy and he sighed---"only one more stop baby..." He had to go to the store across town, perfect, one more thing he can waste his time on. He didn't mind though, no, he'd be in a much better mood if he didn't have the painful pain hitting him every so often. He knows it will pass though, he's had these same exact pains when he was pregnant with Kai, it's nothing new to him.

Reaching the store only took about ten minutes as traffic wasn't as bad as it usually was. Kai was perfectly fine as well, keeping herself entertained as she crinkled the little book again, ignoring the pop-ups in it. Jimin chuckled quietly when he noticed this. It was easier said and done to get what he wanted from the store, but the lines were awful. All he needed was one simple item---an item he can only get at that store, or he would have gone to a different one---and this item is a simple art kit. It was pricey, yes, but it was a gift for his partner as Jeongguk was going to make a special dinner tonight and Jimin wanted to pay him back some way, even if the younger man whined about it, he would accept a gift of an art kit. Jimin also wished to be supportive of his boyfriend's art as he knows how happy it makes him to do it. Jimin wouldn't accept no as an answer when he tries to give it to the other, and if Jeongguk knows how much it costed he'd take it and swallow down the disliking for the other having spent money on him instead of keeping it for himself. Jimin doesn't care though, one of his love languages is giving gifts.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2023 ⏰

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