🚪|Chapter 11|🚪

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"I was thinking valentines." Jeongguk declared, eyes soft and doey.

Yoonmin shrugged and wrote that down as the 15th suggestion. Damn---how do they only have 15 suggestions when there are---well supposed to be---32 of them? Yoonmin doesn't know and honestly is too tired to even think about it.

Yes, tired.

It is freaking 4:36am and Yoonmin belongs in bed but noooo

Their principal said they needed to come up with at least twenty six school prep ideas before 5am. And well, at this pace, it may never get done. The schools next generation will just have to suffer the anger of the principal.

"Guys... come---come on-" Eli muttered, yawning quietly. She may be more tired then everyone else. The day before, she woke up at 3:23am to run down the street in her underwear and bra to her aunts who decided she would up and leave her son there because she wanted to go out.

For clarification,
Her son is only a year old.

And also,
Eli never got more sleep after that. Not a blink.

Eli heard Melanie speak and sighed, "Melanie... whatever you are going to say, I'm gonna stop you right there-" "why?" Eli shrugged, "it is stupid. I'm not into pretty pink princesses alright? I'm pretty sure no one else is..."

The younger female huffed and folded her arms, rolling her arms and looking away. Yoongi let off a stiff laugh but then laid his head on Eli's shoulder. She didn't mind as her eyes kind of rolled back but she snapped them open quickly.

She can't believe this.

"Hey," Se-jin spoke up, looking around, "where's Jimin?" Yoonmin looked up- "at home. He was supposed to come but Kai wasn't asleep yet and he doesn't want to bother his parents. Especially his father when he's tired. And I don't blame him."

Yoongi groaned, "he couldn't of asked anybody? wow h-" Eli pinched his hip and Yoongi whined but shut up. Yoonmin sighed, "well guys---Jimin will be here tonight. He said he won't miss that. So, any other ideas?"


Se-jin looked over at Melanie and then looked at Yoonmin, who's lips were pursed but then Melanie went on, "I mean... It would have a pride theme, LGBTQ. What do you think?"

"Well, Melanie-" "before you speak---why?" Yoon-Ji asked, leaning forward. She was asleep but awoke a few minutes ago when she felt something brush against her. It was, thank god, just a grasshopper.

Melanie took a deep breath, "well... you see guys---I thought... well, it'd be mainly for the gays, trans, bisexuals, etc we have here at Busan High View---what do you think?" Se-jin nodded but Kay spoke.


Melanie shrugged, "like Jeongguk and Jimin---Yoon-ji and her girlfriend who I um... I can't remember her name-" Yoon-Ji cut her off, "it is Seung-min but she goes by Min," Melanie hummed, "Yoon-Ji and her girlfriend, Seung-min---Min."

Yoonmin exchanged glances with the others and nodded, "yeah, sounds good. I like that." Yoon-Ji had to agree too. Even though she is a stiff log to get to agree, she agrees too.

"I think it is perfect," Jeongguk grinned, voice soft and breathy- "beautiful..."

Yoongi stared at him-


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