🚪|Chapter 31|🚪

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(A/N: should I make this book a new cover? or should I keep the current one?)

Jeongguk sighed as he took Kai out of her carseat and held her close while he leaned into the car again to grab her diaper bag and also her bottle he accidentally dropped. He had already gotten the baby pram out, now all he needs is to put her in it when they get inside.

"Alright munchkin," he started, sitting up and locking eyes with the baby, "let's go see if my friends matured any." He left a soft kiss to the baby's forehead and she smiled and cuddled into the man. Jeongguk rubbed her back softly and shut his car door, locking it too.

He then turned and started towards the mall, already knowing he might have problems with a few of them. Of course not Hoseok though because Hoseok loves the baby. Jeongguk has absolutely no idea why by his elder thinks Kai is the cutest thing in the world but hey, Jeongguk can't say he disagrees.

"There we go," Jeongguk started talking to Kai again, telling her they reached the malls doors. She didn't say anything and just looked around. The elder smiled and decided to put her down in the pram.

In case you're wondering, Jimin is at a very important meeting for something he said he can't tell Jeongguk about. Of course the younger man has no idea why this information must be held from him but he just shrugged it off and said he'd take Kai and it was absolutely no problem. Especially because Kai behaves extremely well for him.

Jeongguk got the baby all comfortable in the pram and covered her up in her favorite blanket and watched as she squealed and played with the plush elephant in there.

"Let's go see my friends," he cooed to her and she just squeaked again and went back to being fascinated with the soft plushie that came from, you guessed it, Taehyung.

The male stepped inside the mall and pushed the baby pram over to where his friends were and saw Namjoon instantly roll his eyes and all Jeongguk did was roll his back and sit down after seating the pram next to the table on his side directly next to him. It was out of the way and everyone could get past it without any trouble.

"What is that thing doing here?" the elder questioned, and he instantly got hit in the arm by Eli, "it is a baby Namjoon. Grow the hell up." She snapped at him, her tone already indicating she was pissed off before he said anything.

Before Jeongguk asked, he saw Yoongi shake his head so he kept it to himself. He wondered but didn't ask, deciding he wanted to be smart.

"Anyways..." Taehyung started, feeling the awkwardness although he did agree with Eli on that one, "are we going to order food or just go to the arcade?" Jeongguk shrugged, sticking his hand into the pram and felt the little one grab his finger and she just held it.

Seokjin spoke first before anyone else, "I say we should go to the arcade and then order food."

Everyone seemed to agree with that, no one opposing to it.

Jeongguk got up and as they walked to the arcade Eli made her way next to him. He saw she had a bigger baby bump but would never comment on it because that's rude.

Eli started telling him about something but to be honest he blanked out for a second and then she mentioned Jimin. It was something about how Jimin asked her not to tell Jeongguk but he was having some personal issues. Eli didn't tell Jeongguk what but did let him know he should keep an eye on it. The younger thanked her and she gave him a small smile and just continued on. She didn't really seem bothered by anything, she just seemed tired.

𝕀 𝔻𝕠𝕟'𝕥 𝕃𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝔹𝕠𝕪𝕗𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕Where stories live. Discover now