🚪|Chapter 25|🚪

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They're back at school in a group, and Jimin's seemingly invisible to Seokjin and Namjoon, but hey, it's okay. Better than having them harass him.

"Babyyyy," Hoseok cooed, grabbing the baby from Jimin and she giggled, seeming to like Hoseok a lot.

She sat on his lap and played with his chain necklace (kind of necklace) and while they sat there Yoongi came over with Eli behind.

She had a small bump, but big enough to let you know a mini human is growing in there.

Any who because Eli doesn't like getting obsessed over.

"Hey guys," Jimin chimed, surprised Yoomgi didn't give him an ugly look. Eli nodded and sat down next to Jimin, "good morning."

She looked so tired, but Jimin didn't want to ask why in front of a bunch of people.

"So, you said someone you know is coming?" Jimin nodded, "yeah, they'll be here soon." Taehyung nodded and then looked away, thinking for a second.

There's a new girl in their school, and to him, she seems like someone he would be besties with. But doesn't feel like approaching her because she looks like she would be kind of an asshole.

"Taehyung stop staring."

The male snapped out of it and locked eyes with Eli, who's left eyebrow was quirked up as she spoke again, "it's creepy. I can tell you, stalking her won't attract her to you. In fact, it'll do the exact opposite."

The younger swallowed and nodded.


Eli nodded and leaned over, laying her head on Jimin's shoulder and letting her guard down a little. And this is shocking.

Eli has always had a very tough guard because she's very weary of others but seems to have gotten comfortable with Jimin.

"When are they gonna be here?"

Jimin rolled his eyes playfully, "sooooon I promise." The other hummed and closed her eyes, softly breathing in and out while Yoongi left to get her a water because she probably needs one.

"Alrighty she texted me."

Jimin checked the phone-


When will you be here?

Soon be patient.

Hurry I'm being questioned.

Ugh fine
Only because I love you.

Good, thank you lol

I'm here.


Jimin put his phone away, "alright now... I'm gonna forewarn you, they're a little spooky and not that friendly. Would get along with Eli easily though."

He heard a faint chuckle and knew it was from her. She did, however, fall asleep though. But that's okay, not like Jimin's moving any time soon.

Before he could start again, though, the doors opened and in came a girl wearing a black hoodie, black jean shorts and some thigh socks with garters which were under the jean shorts.

"Who's the hottie?"

"Oh shut up," Hoseok said as he covered the little girls ears. "How despicable" he thought.

"Look, all I'm saying is sh-"

"Shutttttt, I heard you fine the first time." Taehyung chuckled and they were all surprised when the girl came to their table, obviously not nervous nor afraid at all.

"Who are you?" Seokjin questioned, eyebrows cocked up and the girl removed her sunglasses and smiled, and as Jimin went to answer-

"She's my-"

"I'm his sister, Aera, who are you."

It wasn't a question. She was just snapping back at him. This is normal behavior until you get to know her.

Just then Jimin finished,

"-my sister."

𝕀 𝔻𝕠𝕟'𝕥 𝕃𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝔹𝕠𝕪𝕗𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕Where stories live. Discover now