🚪|Chapter 7|🚪

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"I don't think he's annoying her enough," Namjoon claimed, watching as Eli explained to Jimin different methods of a lot of things.

"And that, my friend, is how you play basketball." Eli declared, making Jimin giggle as he opened his locker and grabbed his textbooks. Jimin knew whatever sport Eli did she was good at---she's 5'10 for gods sakes.

Eli kind of towered over Jimin because the boy was only 5'7 but he didn't complain. Everest, on the other hand, is 5'8 and is just slightly taller than Jimin.


"Come on Park! catch the ball!" Jimin threw the ball at Jensen who it hit and he scoffed and went to storm up to Jimin but saw Eli and backed away, "I can't stand Jensen."

Eli agreed, "he's a little dick. But if you think he's bad, meet his dad once. That dudes the hulk of all hulks with a horrible temperament." Jimin nodded and went to sit on the bench and Eli followed.

"Hey," Eli started, eyes catching Yoongi's as he glared at them- "I'm sorry for Yoongi. He's a dick to be honest..." Jimin shrugged, "it's fine. I'm used to it. He's never liked me from the start so I'm not bothered anymore."

Eli frowned, "yeah but it shouldn't be that way. You're a nice guy and for some ungodly reason Yoongi and his friends don't like nice people. I'm in their pod because I'm a dick to be honest-" "no, you're not."

The elder looked at Jimin, her eyes squinted- "yeah I am. You haven't seen it but I'm not... not the nicest and I don't plan to be... listen, I'm not a bully or anything, but I grew up with people teasing me and pushing me around because believe it or not, I was depth when I was younger and just got my hearing back when I was thirteen turning fourteen. It wasn't fun," Jimin gasped- "oh my god- I'm sorry-"

Eli shrugged, "it's nothing I'm ashamed of... much. I'm just glad I can hear again and such. But I've been friends with Yoongi since I was four years old and since he was five. So I know him personally and Yoongi... you can't tell him I told you this---but he's mentally hurt and physically tinged."

Jimin bit his lip- "I know... I can tell when people are..." Eli nodded, "I've noticed. But Jimin, I don't think you deserve what they are doing. I'm not trying to get sappy or anything, but I'm being honest."

Jimin smiled and nodded, "I know..."

𝕀 𝔻𝕠𝕟'𝕥 𝕃𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝔹𝕠𝕪𝕗𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕Where stories live. Discover now