🚪|Chapter 15|🚪

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"Are you alright?"

Eli shrugged as she watched the younger walk back and forth, grabbing this and that. He was on a roll to be honest. He was also trying to get ahold of the other known as Min Yoongi but it went straight to voicemail.

He knows Yoongi is home, he called Yoonmin. And when she said she didn't know nor care at the moment (she was sleeping) he then called Yoon-Ji who was in the middle of doing “something” with her girlfriend, which Jeongguk knew what it was, she yelled out Yoongi and he growled something out in response.

So he's home.

Jeongguk sighed as, yet again, it wen to voicemail.

Eli wasn't looking up at him but Jimin was and Jimin looked pissed. It's been over two weeks now and he's been ignoring Eli. She's even tried to face to face talk to him but he told her to piss off and even went as far as to shove her back onto her was.

Now Jimin's mad and this is going one way or another and he thinks it'll go another way.

And he's prepared for it.

"Have you tried going to his home?" Jeongguk asked, sighing and sitting down across from them. Jimin rubbed Eli's back as she sniffled and breathed in shakily but she didn't respond, it was Jimin who did-

"What the hell? what kind of question is that? Jeongguk, think- if he shoved her earlier why the hell would she chase him down to his home when he doesn't want anything to do with her right now?" The younger opened his mouth but Jimin cut him off, "I don't think she needs this stress."

Jeongguk tilted his head and Jimin went on, "she's pregnant Jeongguk. And she's only two months and a week and she in the danger zone for a miscarriage and there is too much stress on her." The elder declared, staring at his boyfriend, eyes darkening.

The taller male nodded quickly and they both grabbed Eli and Jimin told Jeongguk he'd be right back and walked Eli towards his bedroom and laid her down. She told him she was fine but he shook his head.

"No," he started, sighing, "you're under so much stress and I'm worried for both of you-" "oh really I'm-" "not Yoongi at all. You and the baby. Just- sleep." Jimin looked around and grabbed the remote- "watch some TV. Fall asleep. I'll wake you up in the morning."


"No buts. Sleep. Now."

Eli looked at him and smiled- "thank you, Jimin... I can't... I don't know why you're being so nice to me..." the younger tilted his head, eyebrows furrowing together. What now?

"Why?" Eli shrugged, signing, "because I run around with aholes. You know who I am talking about... but like, they're meaner than hell to you and I just... It isn't fair to you-" Jimin laughed, "oh no no. It's fine haha. It really doesn't bother me."

He grinned but saw how uneasy she looked and sighed, "and besides, you've never done anything to me besides be there for me too and never tease me nor be mean to me. So- you're on my nice list."

Eli giggled, "but if you think about it I could be on your naughty list."

They both bursted out laughing and Jeongguk looked up from the living room, confused as hell. What the f-

"Ew" Jimin giggled out, shaking his head as Eli calmed her laughing, grinning, too. She knows how to make people laugh even when it's a dirty joke. And she got Jimin this time. She's got like- 12 people left now.

"Haha... thanks Jimin. I needed that." She said, looking over at him. Jimin smiled and nodded, patting her head in an odd position before getting up and then stood up and said he'd be back.

Eli nodded and flipped on the TV quietly.

Jimin made his way back to the living room and looked at Jeongguk who stared at him, eyebrows cocked up, "what's so funny?"

The elder smirked, "oh Eli. We were making dirty jokes."

Jeongguk's face made an expression of disgust before chuckling.

The other grinned but looked at him seriously- "I've got some business to deal with."

Jeongguk tilted his head, "like?"

The elder smirked,


Min Yoongi."

𝕀 𝔻𝕠𝕟'𝕥 𝕃𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝔹𝕠𝕪𝕗𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕Where stories live. Discover now