🚪|Chapter 36|🚪

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The man sighed as he slouched down against the couch, placing his fingers against his forehead in frustration. He really wants to help his boyfriend out with everything, but he has absolutely no clue where to even start-and neither does Jimin, that's the exact reason they called his sister to come over too.

Aera arrived quickly, having found the quickest and fastest way there. She didn't waste a single second and bursted through the front door, shutting it behind her while throwing her shoes off in respect for their home and she rushed up the stairs and instantly took her brother into her arms, holding him tightly as he sniffled quietly, trying his best not to cry. Aera just softly rubbed his back, placing her chin on the top of his head as she held him impossibly closer, waiting for him to release the hug.

"What happened, Jimin?" The younger sighed heavily, pressing more into her embrace as he explained in a hushed tone, top to bottom about the situation and all she could do was frown and comfort him, promising they'd find a good lawyer and he wouldn't get Kai taken away.

She promised him.


Of course she didn't lie. Aera helped her brother find the absolute best lawyer possible and threw all of her money towards him, having used this same lawyer in the past when she needed one, and he did damn well. It was the easiest going with him too.

The lawyer cut straight to the point, sliding a small pile of papers over to the young man and looking up at him, explaining what they were and mentioned a few things that the others lawyer could have him doing or could have suggested he do. The lawyer did this to help Jimin out, making him realize it was quite plausible the other had a major headstart on things, but Jimin's not a dumb boy, he is well aware of everything that's going on and can outsmart the other very easily.

"You two are in a battle over your child, correct?" Jimin hummed, bouncing the little one in his lap slightly so she wasn't completely bored, although she did whine here and there, getting quite obviously tired of being in one spot, and nobody could blame her but this was more then important-"do you have any more children?" Jimin shook his head, complying with a simple and easy answer to the lawyer. The elder man nodded and wrote that down on his own sheet of paper and continued asking the questions, some just basic to the problem and others more personal that also portrayed to the issue at hand.

"Your daughters name is Park Kai-Hyun, correct?" Jimin nodded and felt his daughter wrap her little fingers around some of his hand, playing with it. He didn't pay too much attention to that as the lawyer continued, finally wrapping it up-"Kai-Hyun is in your custody. You share no custody with your ex, therefore you have this going for you. The judge will look at this and closely. You stated your ex was abusive, correct?" Jimin nodded, breathing in heavily as some memories came back, but he knew he can't let them get to him. Even if he knew it was okay to cry about them, he couldn't 'let' himself because he has Kai and doesn't want her to see her mama cry.

"Yes..." the younger swallowed thickly as he sat up some more, "I... have proof. I've kept everything in a notebook... and I've sent photos to my sister back then when I was in that situation and we both have all the proof." The lawyer nodded and wrote some more stuff down and looked at Jimin, "next meeting we have please bring that notebook and as much evidence as possible. I know this is hard for you and I am very sorry you went through that, I promise I will do my absolute best to get this to go in your favor."

The other thanked him and the lawyer dismissed him, giving him a next meeting date and Jimin thanked him again and got up, grabbing Kai and holding her close as he started to leave. Jeongguk followed behind him, having been there for emotional support for the elder so he didn't feel so alone.

The two left the building and Jeongguk finally spoke quietly, "so... Kai's real name is Kai-Hyun?" Jimin hummed quietly, reaching the car finally and placing the young girl in and buckling her up in the car seat and giving her the cute little plushie Hoseok gave them quite recently for her. Kai took it and began to play with it quickly, seemingly less bored now.

Jimin got into the car and sighed heavily, looking down at the papers he had been given from the judge. The other man declared he'd drive before they got in because Jimin was in no good headspace to even attempt too. Of course this sort of shortened the elders mood but he understood and agreed. All he could do was slump down into the seat and hold back his tears, biting his bottom lip harshly enough to break the skin and caused it to bleed a bit, but he ignored it and patiently awaited for them to reach home.

The drive was only fourty five minutes and as soon as they reached the house Jimin grabbed Kai and her plushie and took them inside and his lover slowly trailed behind him, making sure to give him his space, knowing he really needed it right now to calm his nerves.

Aera didn't bother him either, just took her niece from his arms and saw the defeated look on his face and looked at Jeongguk as her brother walked away towards the bedroom and shut the door, locking it too. Jeongguk frowned and shrugged, sitting down, "the lawyer said it'd be Jimin's favor most likely, but he needed all the proof of his ex being... you know." Aera made an "oh" sound and frowned, gnawing on her bottom lip as she swayed back and forth with the baby in her arms who was absolutely clueless and just chewed on the plushie's ear, paying no mind to anything happening around her.

"I have all the proof," Aera claimed, sitting down on the other sofa. Jeongguk nodded, aware of that but as to not be rude he didn't say anything about knowing already and she said she'd send it to Jimin when he isn't so upset.

But right now would not be a good tine... whatsoever.


A few weeks had rolled by and the lawyer met with Jimin again and collected the notebook full of proof and the photos Jimin had he emailed the lawyer. The lawyer thanked him and an official court date was set for the custody of little Kai.

There wasn't much Jimin could do as it was now out of his grasp until the day came, but thankfully Kai completely remained with him and he continued with his restraining order against the other, absolutely refusing to drop it, even with the suggestion from a different lawyer whom he didn't consult with whatsoever, so he didn't even consider it. His lawyer said he was making a good choice keeping it up as well.

"I just want to get this done and over with," Aera hummed in agreement and grabbed Kai from her brother and kissed her forehead gently and held her as Jimin got a bit emotional now, which of course he had every right too. But he didn't want to considering they're at school and in the cafeteria because it's lunch time.

"Jiminie," the elder started, swallowing, "there is absolutely no way he can win. With how much proof that was provided that he is absolutely an awful person... there's no way." The other slumped some more, sniffling quietly and using his sleeve to wipe away some of his tears and he sighed, looking down, "I know Aera... I really don't know why I'm so emotional, I don't want to be. But I'm trying to fix it, I really am-" "-lovely, it's okay to cry." His sister finally cut in, giving him a soft, sympathetic look. Jimin nodded, agreeing with her but nevertheless he stopped himself and just focused on the positive-as much as he could.

"Let's just get through today."

The female frowned but nodded, "yeah..."

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