🚪|Chapter 40|🚪

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Jeongguk hung up his phone, having just listened to Nari and Aera argue about what theme the baby shower is going to be. The two requested Jimin's card with the baby's gender on it, which was given and neither of the males peeked at it, knowing they'd get whooped by either Nari or Aera – or both in all honesty.

Jimin had gotten the test done that tells him earlier what the baby is. He also did it to make sure the baby was completely fine, which the doctor suggested so they would know how the pregnancy would go, especially sense Jimin had some problems with Kai when he was pregnant with her. It wasn't anything horrific, but he definitely wants to make sure this pregnancy will go smoother for safety measures. And thankfully with his luck the card came today and he asked them to put the gender on a different paper and they did as asked, having it sealed in it's own little envelope.

And with that, they gave it to the girls who then went shopping for the theme decorations.

Currently, Jimin and Jeongguk are sitting on the couch with Jimin's legs propped up on the other while he leaned back against the arm rest while the younger man just sat there normally, taking a few pieces of popcorn from the bowl that was placed on Jimin's legs. The elder liked the silence, but thought there was too much, especially sense his silence was usually involved the few squeals from the baby girl, but today she's with Jeongguk's parents who honestly just wanted to spend time with her, get to know her a little and especially sense their son is having a baby with her eomma.

Of course Jimin was a little sketchy on it but Jeongguk told him he could trust them so he did and they text Jeongguk photos and updates every twenty minutes that way Jimin's nerves are settled.

"So Ggukkie," he started quietly, smiling when the younger one looked at him, "how are things between you and Taehyung?" Jeongguk shrugged, sighing and going on to explain, "I don't know, he's been a jackass but now he doesn't talk to me and sort of wanders away if that makes sense." Jimin nodded, "it does. I think maybe Taehyung crushed on you a bit eh?" The other shook his head, "honestly I doubt it, he's just weirdly possessive over the people in our friend group. Plus, he likes that girl Nari." Jimin giggled, "the one setting up our baby shower?"

The other nodded and this made the other chuckle again, "oh Taehyung would be pissed about that—speaking of which, are you gonna invite him?" Jeongguk shrugged, "I don't know yet, maybe? I don't want anything bad to happen." The elder hummed, agreeing but he honestly noticed how Jeongguk's demeanor has changed a bit since him and Taehyung's friendship came to a stop, and he sort of feels bad for the two because they've been best friends since preschool. He only knows that because Yoongi told him once when they were discussing it, so did Jeongguk randomly.

"Well, you know, let's change subjects real quick. You know Eli's due date is coming up." Jeongguk's eyes widened, "wait really? Are you serious!?" Jimin nodded, eating some popcorn before replying, "yeah haha, time flies by doesn't it?" Jeongguk nodded, thinking about it—time does fly by, and he's not sure he knows how fast it'll go by until his baby is born.

"I'm gonna text her later, ask her how she's doing." Jimin nodded, saying he would too and they went back to the movie before they got a call from Jeongguk's parents declaring they were swinging by the house to meet Jimin. Of course they've met him, but not officially. They only saw him for a few seconds when they picked Kai up. They only got the names and then had to leave if they wanted to make their lunch reservations.


Time does what it does best and the two were barely prepared before someone knocked on the door and Jimin headed down there to open it and he made eye contact with his boyfriend's father, Mr. Jeon, who just gave him a smile and Jimin let them in, holding the door open and recieved two thank you's and he closed the door, making sure it was fully shut before making his way up the stairs. He saw Mrs. Jeon had his daughter in her arms as the baby gnawed on a teething cracker. Jimin didn't mind that because they won't harm her whatsoever.

"Hey, sorry I'm so unprepared," he apologised, closing the gate at the top of the stairs and locking it just in case. Mrs. Jeon said it was quite alright and sat her purse down on the couch after making sure it was okay and she sat down, Kai in her arms still. Jimin smiled at how happy his little girl seemed but snapped his attention up to Jeongguk's father who spoke, "hello there, sorry we never formally met, I'm Mr. Jeon," he shook Jimin's slightly shaky hand and then Jimin shook Mrs. Jeon's, "it's nice to meet you both... I'm Park Jimin."

"That's a pretty name," Mrs. Jeon stated, looking up at him while letting Kai play with her fingers, "you picked a wonderful name for your little one here too... how did you get it?" Blush formed on Jimin's cheeks as he got a bit flustered but he did reply, "oh, well her real name is Kai-Hyun, Kai is just the short version because I think it's cuter." The woman agreed, claiming that both names were just adorable as she awed over the baby girl some more. Before too long passed, she perked up again, "do you two know the gender of the other one?" Jeongguk spoke up from the kitchen, "no eomma, I told you this haha."

Mrs. Jeon chuckled and said she knew that but forgot for a minute. Jimin decided to finally be a bit more talkative, "we don't yet, no, sorry." The elder pursed her lips and nodded, "oh, okay. Jeongguk tells me your friends are throwing you a baby shower?" Jimin giggled, "it was supposed to be secret but you know Jeongguk..." he joked, watching a smile light up on the elder woman's face as she agreed, declaring the younger man had always been like that. Jimin didn't mind though.

"Foods done!" Jeongguk finally called out from the kitchen, getting everybody a plate while he went aside and grabbed Kai some of her own food and made it quickly. She was sat in the highchair as Jeongguk sat the little bowl in front of her and she just played with her food and then ate it. Mrs. Jeon was sad to have had to put her down but just decided she'd hold her again before she left, even if the baby girl was messy.

"So, do you two have plans of moving in together?" The two shrugged in sync and Jimin replied, "we've talked about it for sure, we're just not positive when yet." The woman nodded, keeping quiet while her husband spoke, "well... you seem like a lovely man, Jimin, and I'm glad my son found you. You've raised a really good little girl too, she gave us no problems this afternoon and didn't even fuss once." Jimin just smiled, appreciating the compliment. He thanked the other and spoke up a bit, "thank you, it means a lot. She's an angel I promise, it wasn't just an act haha,," he poked at a joke and thankfully it was seen and Mr. Jeon laughed, talking about their day some more.

Their day was them taking Kai to lunch, taking her shopping and then to the park before they came home where they took turns pushing her on the swing and Mrs. Jeon even held her hand while she slid down the slide. Kai had quite the eventful day.

After dinner Mrs. Jeon picked up Kai one last time, telling the little one she'd be seeing her a lot and Kai just made some squealing baby noises, quite delighted in all honesty. Mrs. Jeon was sad to have to leave but the two males knew she'd be back soon enough. It was no issue either because Jimin enjoyed their company a lot.

As soon as they left Jeongguk locked the door and went up the stairs, doing the same with the gate at the top of the stairs.

Before he went to sit down, Jimin spoke, "your parents are lovely." Jeongguk smiled, leaning over and leaving a kiss to the others forehead, making sure to leave one on Kai's too as it seemed like she patiently waited for him to. It made Jeongguk chuckle a bit.

"Yeah, they are." He agreed, smiling.

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