🚪|Chapter 34|🚪

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Jeongguk inhaled quietly as he walked through the mall, making his way to the baby store.

Surprisingly he doesn't have Kai with him---no, instead she's with her eomma downtown at the other baby store. Jeongguk knew Jimin needed time alone with her, he knew it'd help him calm down.

Plus, they're both looking for stuff for Kai. In specifics, the elder male is on the hunt for a certain baby jacket while the younger is on the hunt for cute shoes.

Jeongguk knows whenever he tries to explain to someone how much he cares about Kai even though she isn't his he sounds crazy. He is well aware, but he doesn't care. It doesn't affect him whatsoever, people are going to think whatever they want no matter what so why care, right?


The man entered the store and the instant wave of freshly made... laundry? hit his nostrils and he smiled and made his way toward the baby section after taking a left turn down the rows. Honestly he loves coming here. Of course with the baby it's much more fun, but he just likes it because it is welcoming and nobody, not even the workers, have judged him for coming here.

"Hey man," the other was caught off guard but turned quickly and saw it was just Yoongi, no shock.

Jeongguk smiled softly, "hey, what are you doing here?" the elder shrugged and held up a pair of baby shoes- "apparently the same thing you are." Jeongguk chuckled and nodded, "I guess that is."

The other rolled his eyes playfully and smiled, "Eli and I are having a gender reveal soon... you should come." The younger tilted his head and then grinned, "if you send me the invite on text and the date and such then of course, I'd love to come."

Yoongi nodded quickly but then swallowed and silence went between the two as the other seemed to be thinking about something. But before Jeongguk could question it, the other spoke, "you should also bring Jimin."

Jeongguk nodded, "alrighty, I'll let him know when I see him next-" "-you practically live with him so this afternoon?" Jeongguk laughed and nodded, "yeah, this afternoon."

The elder man hummed and told him he had to go though so Jeongguk waved him goodbye and went back to shopping for the baby shoes. He saw them in an ad on his phone and thought they were absolutely adorable.

"Ah hah," he quietly exclaimed, finding them. And they were just as cute as they were in the ad. He knew when they went on the baby's feet they'd get dirty quickly but that didn't matter, they were adorable.

In case you're wondering, they're cute little blue shoes with cute little soft plush bear heads at the top of them. He thought they were extremely adorable.

After he went to pay, the shoes came up to the cost of $10.99 but he didn't care and paid and left, thanking the lovely cashier and she said it was nice seeing him again. He knew she was just being friendly as he is there quite often, but usually it's with the little one in his arms.


Jeongguk reached his lovers home and saw he hasn't returned yet and shrugged it off, assuming he was just either shopping at more places or just running late. Either way he wasn't worried.

The male made himself comfortable and put the bag containing the baby shoes on his boyfriends bed and waited patiently for him to return.

After about half an hour rolled by he got a call from the elder stating he was finally on his way and the reason he took so long was because he found more then one baby jacket and couldn't help but get them and then got sidetracked and bought some baby socks and baby pants.

This caused the younger man to chuckle and say okay, finding it cute.

Nonetheless though the call ended with the two telling each other they loved each other and then Jeongguk went back to slumping down on the couch, back to waiting for his lovers return home.


Maybe fifteen minutes rolled by and the male was startled when the door opened but he finally relaxed back down, knowing it was the other. The baby cooing was what gave it off.

"Hi baby," Jimin chimed, reaching the top of the stairs and nodding towards the other. Jeongguk said hi back and smiled at the baby who looked back and she giggled and looked away, seemingly fascinated with whatever was in her hand and it was quickly discovered Jimin couldn't stop himself from purchasing her this cute little bear plushie she found and kept hold on, practically refusing to let go of it until her mama bought it for her.

Jimin swears she's too smart for her own good.

"hey sweetheart," Jeongguk excitedly chimed, getting up and going over to the squeaking girl.

The male picked her up and held her close and her grip on the teddy bear never loosened. Jeongguk softly smiled and kissed her forehead and then looked back at his lover, "so... Yoongi invited us to his baby's gender reveal."

Jimin pursed his lips and cocked up his eyebrows, "oh?" Jeongguk hummed and flopped backwards onto the couch, causing a bubbly laughter to make its way out of the baby's mouth. Jeongguk chuckled and held her to his chest and spoke again, "yeah, it's next week. You have to come."

The elder grinned and rolled his eyes playfully and nodded, "I guess I'll have too especially because of everything Eli's done for me---even Yoongi." Before the younger man questioned it Jimin started again, "yeah for sure I'll go, sounds fun."

Jeongguk smiled and placed his hand on the little ones back as she continued to play with the teddy bear. Before he forgot though he sparked up, "oh! I got Kai something today!"

The other looked curiously at him and said, "oh you did?" Jeongguk nodded and quickly got up, Kai still being held by him as they made their way to where he had previously placed the bag containing the shoes.

Jeongguk grabbed the bag and handed it to Jimin and grinned at him, "these were way too cute to pass up." The other seemed a little confused but nonetheless opened the bag and his heart stopped.

They were so adorable.

Jimin quickly hugged the other and kissed him and turned to Kai, "look what Ggukkie got you!" he chimed cheerfully as he took the baby girl from the others arms and placed her down on the bed and put the shoes on her and then picked her back up and had her 'model' them for Jeongguk.

They were so cute.

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